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Six months later. Yes, we live here.

I cannot believe it, but we have finally, finally gotten pictures up on the wall.

gallery wall left

And not just any pictures. A whole gallery wall, people.

I laid everything out in the dining room that is not a dining room and measured and took pictures and did my best to not royally screw everything up and end up with 40 MORE holes in the wall.


I know all the cool kids just wing it, but I am okay with not being cool.

The hubs sacrificed his traditional Sunday coma to get out the level and hammer and assist me in getting things up and non-crooked.

gallery wall

I love how it turned out and love that it can be a growing part of the wall that I can add to and/or switch out pictures to update it.

gallery wall to back door

Not that the pictures are all TWO YEARS old or anything.

gallery wall to front door

Chris gave me that crazy look at how it all isn’t spaced evenly and how I went ahead and hung the empty picture frame.

wade and gallery wall

See how big the boy is now?

2013-10-13 06.32.57

I am very sorry that I didn’t straighten the couch pillows, but, you know… this is just much more realistic. The couch pillows are pretty only about .1% of the time.

If that.

This is how they looked Friday night.


What do you think?

Are gallery walls pretty awesome or too daunting to tackle?

They are a bit tricky but if you can come up with a configuration that rocks your socks it is SOOOO worth it!

One Response to Six months later. Yes, we live here.
  1. Naomi
    November 6, 2013 | 3:45 pm

    Hi, found your blog via Pinterest and have been enjoying browsing it, such interesting posts. I love the ‘Family Rules’ poster in these images. Would you share more about it?

Six months later. Yes, we live here.

I cannot believe it, but we have finally, finally gotten pictures up on the wall.

gallery wall left

And not just any pictures. A whole gallery wall, people.

I laid everything out in the dining room that is not a dining room and measured and took pictures and did my best to not royally screw everything up and end up with 40 MORE holes in the wall.


I know all the cool kids just wing it, but I am okay with not being cool.

The hubs sacrificed his traditional Sunday coma to get out the level and hammer and assist me in getting things up and non-crooked.

gallery wall

I love how it turned out and love that it can be a growing part of the wall that I can add to and/or switch out pictures to update it.

gallery wall to back door

Not that the pictures are all TWO YEARS old or anything.

gallery wall to front door

Chris gave me that crazy look at how it all isn’t spaced evenly and how I went ahead and hung the empty picture frame.

wade and gallery wall

See how big the boy is now?

2013-10-13 06.32.57

I am very sorry that I didn’t straighten the couch pillows, but, you know… this is just much more realistic. The couch pillows are pretty only about .1% of the time.

If that.

This is how they looked Friday night.


What do you think?

Are gallery walls pretty awesome or too daunting to tackle?

They are a bit tricky but if you can come up with a configuration that rocks your socks it is SOOOO worth it!

One Response to Six months later. Yes, we live here.
  1. Naomi
    November 6, 2013 | 3:45 pm

    Hi, found your blog via Pinterest and have been enjoying browsing it, such interesting posts. I love the ‘Family Rules’ poster in these images. Would you share more about it?