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New, New, New…

So…. you may have noticed a brand new blog title up there??  Well, maybe not if you’re reading in a reader or through facebook.

I had been thinking about switching to a different Blog title, but didn’t really know what.  I thought it was time to “graduate” a bit from the “Renee’s Ramblings” since it seemed a bit more like a teeny bopper blog name than I was striving for.  :)

When you start a blog you don’t always know the best or most fitting name, and then you kind of end up “stuck” with it.  If I were cool I could change my url too, but still have the old one link to the new one.  BUT… I’m definitely not that cool.  Too bad my techie brother doesn’t love me enough to read my blog.

I know that “Live, Laugh, Love” is pretty generic, but I found it fitting for the generic and wide range that is my blog.  :) It’s hard to believe that it is now 4 years old!  Thanks to Ellen and Rachel for giving me the motivation to start recording my random musings here.  Who knew FOUR years later I would still be droning on?

So what do YOU think of the new title?


3 Responses to New, New, New…
  1. Twinmama
    December 30, 2010 | 2:52 am

    I like the new name! Very good description. I wish I kept up with mine as much as you do…. :)

  2. Carrie
    December 30, 2010 | 5:28 pm

    I like it!! I had a hard time choosing a name, too … and like you said, now you feel "stuck." ;)

    Kudos to you for changing … your header looks great!

  3. Ellen
    December 31, 2010 | 2:08 am

    Love it. Wish I had time to keep up with mine… :(

New, New, New…

So…. you may have noticed a brand new blog title up there??  Well, maybe not if you’re reading in a reader or through facebook.

I had been thinking about switching to a different Blog title, but didn’t really know what.  I thought it was time to “graduate” a bit from the “Renee’s Ramblings” since it seemed a bit more like a teeny bopper blog name than I was striving for.  :)

When you start a blog you don’t always know the best or most fitting name, and then you kind of end up “stuck” with it.  If I were cool I could change my url too, but still have the old one link to the new one.  BUT… I’m definitely not that cool.  Too bad my techie brother doesn’t love me enough to read my blog.

I know that “Live, Laugh, Love” is pretty generic, but I found it fitting for the generic and wide range that is my blog.  :) It’s hard to believe that it is now 4 years old!  Thanks to Ellen and Rachel for giving me the motivation to start recording my random musings here.  Who knew FOUR years later I would still be droning on?

So what do YOU think of the new title?


3 Responses to New, New, New…
  1. Twinmama
    December 30, 2010 | 2:52 am

    I like the new name! Very good description. I wish I kept up with mine as much as you do…. :)

  2. Carrie
    December 30, 2010 | 5:28 pm

    I like it!! I had a hard time choosing a name, too … and like you said, now you feel "stuck." ;)

    Kudos to you for changing … your header looks great!

  3. Ellen
    December 31, 2010 | 2:08 am

    Love it. Wish I had time to keep up with mine… :(