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Whiskers on Kittens…

A few of my favorite things from my hubby who completely spoiled me this year…
♥ it!  {Even though I look less than thrilled!}
I am not carrying a purse these days, since it is just one more thing to juggle among Davis, Wade, the carseat, the diaper bag, and anything else I may have to deal with.  I have been throwing my wallet, phone, and keys in the diaper bag and hitting the road. 
THEN… I saw these wristlets and decided I wanted it  desperately needed to have it to fix my throw in the diaper bag dilemma! It works really well because it fits my wallet stuff plus my keys and phone… AND it has a strap that can clip onto the diaper bag!  It’s perfect!
My sweet hubster went to the Coach outlet ‘on his way’ to work and when they didn’t have the style I had given him a picture of, he picked this one out all by himself, and I love it even more than the one I picked out! 
After finding it in about a minute and a half, he looked up with horror to realize that the checkout line was wrapped around the store.  He waited in line for 45 MINUTES!  He even joked with the guy in line next to him, that this was the only place you’d find a bunch of guys standing around carrying purses!  :)  {I thought that was pretty funny!}
He had it in my stocking {which we always open last} to try to make me think I wasn’t getting it.  :)  Sneaky one, he is.  To top it all off, he ended up getting it for about 60% off!  Wahoo!
My other fav of the year was this fabulous RED chi! chi
I was introduced to the world of straighteners back in ‘06 and my hair has never been the same!  :) From my limited understanding, there are straighteners and then there are chi straighteners.  I am so excited to leave the frizz behind!
Thank you for my fave things, honey!!!!
2 Responses to Whiskers on Kittens…
  1. […] be stowing them in this little Coach Wristlet.  I decided to use this one since it has a front pocket where I can easily slide the cards […]

  2. Renee Harner
    September 5, 2012 | 3:39 pm

    Great, thanks for sharing this post.Much thanks again. Want more.

Whiskers on Kittens…

A few of my favorite things from my hubby who completely spoiled me this year…
♥ it!  {Even though I look less than thrilled!}
I am not carrying a purse these days, since it is just one more thing to juggle among Davis, Wade, the carseat, the diaper bag, and anything else I may have to deal with.  I have been throwing my wallet, phone, and keys in the diaper bag and hitting the road. 
THEN… I saw these wristlets and decided I wanted it  desperately needed to have it to fix my throw in the diaper bag dilemma! It works really well because it fits my wallet stuff plus my keys and phone… AND it has a strap that can clip onto the diaper bag!  It’s perfect!
My sweet hubster went to the Coach outlet ‘on his way’ to work and when they didn’t have the style I had given him a picture of, he picked this one out all by himself, and I love it even more than the one I picked out! 
After finding it in about a minute and a half, he looked up with horror to realize that the checkout line was wrapped around the store.  He waited in line for 45 MINUTES!  He even joked with the guy in line next to him, that this was the only place you’d find a bunch of guys standing around carrying purses!  :)  {I thought that was pretty funny!}
He had it in my stocking {which we always open last} to try to make me think I wasn’t getting it.  :)  Sneaky one, he is.  To top it all off, he ended up getting it for about 60% off!  Wahoo!
My other fav of the year was this fabulous RED chi! chi
I was introduced to the world of straighteners back in ‘06 and my hair has never been the same!  :) From my limited understanding, there are straighteners and then there are chi straighteners.  I am so excited to leave the frizz behind!
Thank you for my fave things, honey!!!!
2 Responses to Whiskers on Kittens…
  1. […] be stowing them in this little Coach Wristlet.  I decided to use this one since it has a front pocket where I can easily slide the cards […]

  2. Renee Harner
    September 5, 2012 | 3:39 pm

    Great, thanks for sharing this post.Much thanks again. Want more.