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Church, Needles & Valium… what a crazy life

Sunday brought a visit to a rather large church not far from us. We did enjoy the service, but it was quite different than what we have been used to. Surprisingly, we were not attacked upon entry into the foyer. :) We were a few moments late (shock) which I’m sure was a factor. The church has an early and late service, and we may try out the early service and see if we’re a better fit for that one.

One thing we weren’t overly crazy about was the lack of congregational singing. They had some, of course, but it was not much at all. Since we both enjoy singing and can read music, we also like singing congregational songs with the actual sheet music in front of us, not merely reading the words on a screen.
There were a lot of things about the church that we did like, however, and we realize that the perfect church is not out there somewhere alluding us at every turn. Every church has problems… well, at least all the ones that have people. It could be that this indeed is the place for us to be nourished, and as well a place for us to minister.

Sunday afternoon was crazy as I headed over to Concord for my very first ever acupuncture.

That’s right… I willingly let a strange man stick me with 10 to 15 needles all over my body! I went with a friend, although I got to be the guinea pig and go first while she watched. It was actually quite painless.
I felt a slight pinching when the needle went in, but it was totally worth it to achieve the utter relaxation it provided.
My initial motivation in getting the acupuncture was for fertility reasons. This particular guy boasts of getting say 20 or so women pregnant through acupuncture. I think he found that claim to fame humorous. I do like the idea of natural medicine. It definitely is better than the alternative of drugging up and hoping they aren’t going to tell you in a few years that the drug is now causing multiple organ failure.
Each accupuncture visit is $50 a pop, and the plan is to go back once a week for several weeks or so. A bit pricey for sure, but nothing compared to the fertility clinic’s $1,000 office visits.

Today I had to have my tubes checked…a “HSG” is what they called it. It’s some kind of crazy sci-fi type deal where they inject a dye into your uterus and then take an x-ray of it as it makes its way down your fallopian tubes. The path it takes then shows them if there is any blockage going on which could be affecting the process.
The final verdict from the doctor was that my tubes are good and doing what they are supposed to do. Good news.
Sam and Heather drove me there since I was doped up with a great combo of Vicodin and Valium. Mmmm… nice, right? Chris, my wonderful hubster met me there and was my great comfort and ride home. I think he enjoyed seeing me in my no worries state of mind! I imagine this is how people get hooked on drugs. Don’t worry, no need for an intervention yet.

One Response to Church, Needles & Valium… what a crazy life
  1. Ellen
    May 9, 2007 | 1:26 am

    Wow, … I figured it was pricey, but I didn’t realize accupuncture was so expensive. I have heard about accupuncture helping fertility – have read it in several different places actually. Doesn’t hurt though, huh? You’re really going through a lot… I am praying for you. I pray that the Lord will see fit to bless all of your efforts. I know none of this can be easy.

Church, Needles & Valium… what a crazy life

Sunday brought a visit to a rather large church not far from us. We did enjoy the service, but it was quite different than what we have been used to. Surprisingly, we were not attacked upon entry into the foyer. :) We were a few moments late (shock) which I’m sure was a factor. The church has an early and late service, and we may try out the early service and see if we’re a better fit for that one.

One thing we weren’t overly crazy about was the lack of congregational singing. They had some, of course, but it was not much at all. Since we both enjoy singing and can read music, we also like singing congregational songs with the actual sheet music in front of us, not merely reading the words on a screen.
There were a lot of things about the church that we did like, however, and we realize that the perfect church is not out there somewhere alluding us at every turn. Every church has problems… well, at least all the ones that have people. It could be that this indeed is the place for us to be nourished, and as well a place for us to minister.

Sunday afternoon was crazy as I headed over to Concord for my very first ever acupuncture.

That’s right… I willingly let a strange man stick me with 10 to 15 needles all over my body! I went with a friend, although I got to be the guinea pig and go first while she watched. It was actually quite painless.
I felt a slight pinching when the needle went in, but it was totally worth it to achieve the utter relaxation it provided.
My initial motivation in getting the acupuncture was for fertility reasons. This particular guy boasts of getting say 20 or so women pregnant through acupuncture. I think he found that claim to fame humorous. I do like the idea of natural medicine. It definitely is better than the alternative of drugging up and hoping they aren’t going to tell you in a few years that the drug is now causing multiple organ failure.
Each accupuncture visit is $50 a pop, and the plan is to go back once a week for several weeks or so. A bit pricey for sure, but nothing compared to the fertility clinic’s $1,000 office visits.

Today I had to have my tubes checked…a “HSG” is what they called it. It’s some kind of crazy sci-fi type deal where they inject a dye into your uterus and then take an x-ray of it as it makes its way down your fallopian tubes. The path it takes then shows them if there is any blockage going on which could be affecting the process.
The final verdict from the doctor was that my tubes are good and doing what they are supposed to do. Good news.
Sam and Heather drove me there since I was doped up with a great combo of Vicodin and Valium. Mmmm… nice, right? Chris, my wonderful hubster met me there and was my great comfort and ride home. I think he enjoyed seeing me in my no worries state of mind! I imagine this is how people get hooked on drugs. Don’t worry, no need for an intervention yet.

One Response to Church, Needles & Valium… what a crazy life
  1. Ellen
    May 9, 2007 | 1:26 am

    Wow, … I figured it was pricey, but I didn’t realize accupuncture was so expensive. I have heard about accupuncture helping fertility – have read it in several different places actually. Doesn’t hurt though, huh? You’re really going through a lot… I am praying for you. I pray that the Lord will see fit to bless all of your efforts. I know none of this can be easy.