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9 months in. 9 months out.

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Davis has now reached the BIG nine month milestone.   He is 9 months old TODAY!! He continues to brighten our days with his smiles and squeals, and I really love to see him spot me and start his determined crawling as fast as he can go to get to me.   

He has started pulling up on everything now… including Mommy’s legs when he “catches” me.  It makes things interesting when I am in the midst of something with messy hands.

We also have to be really careful what is left on the end table since he has AMAZED us with what he manages to stretch and strain and reach!  I’m just waiting for that moment when a forgotten glass comes dumping down on him.

He is making lots of noise and thrills us all when he says, “Da da da da da da da!”

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He is officially crawling for “real”  OFF his belly! Though sometimes he ends up doing a weird sideways thing where one knee is off the ground. 


He has learned how to clap too and kind of holds his left hand still and lets his right hand do the clapping.  :)  It is funny to see him clap after I say something like “Are you ready for night-night?” 


He has developed quite the voracious appetite for ALL kinds of table food!  We have pretty much left the pureed baby food in the dust though we do still eat the fruits.  I have NEVER started table food SO early, but this child can not get enough.  I just try to offer whatever we’re having and break it in small pieces. 

Even with only two little teeth, it is amazing how well he can “chew” so many things.  :)  I do worry a little about choking and try to keep the eagle eye out and ready just in case, but so far he has really done great. 

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Not having to worry with the baby food is really SO NICE!  And I am so happy that he is loving it.  I am very hopeful that maybe he will somehow manage to not take after his picky older siblings! 

Haylee was the worst of the three not wanting baby food OR table food.  I would actually dip her bite of veggies into her fruit in order to get her to eat them!

Wade was not quite as bad since he couldn’t get enough of the baby food, but my hopes were dashed when it was time for table food, and he was NOT FEELING IT.  We are STILL struggling with getting the child to eat his dinner each night.  It is an exhausting ongoing battle that I would love not to have to redo with the Davis Man.  :)

For the last month we had transitioned from nursing almost exclusively to nursing just once in the morning and bottles the rest of the time.  He has done really well and most times is going about 4 hours or more between bottles. 

Unfortunately one side effect of his dreaded sickness last week, I think we have said goodbye to the last morning nursing session.  :(  With his throat hurting so badly he really hardly ate at all those couple days, and after missing 2 days nursing, he will not even hardly latch on. 

I am sad he has weaned already, but regardless I AM thankful and amazed I was able to nurse successfully this long.  That’s what I’ll choose to focus on…

Here’s his approximate stats…

20 lbs

27 inches long


Speaking of poundage… You know how they say, “You took nine months to gain the weight.  Take your time. You have nine months to get it off.” 

Well, folks, my time is up.  We have reached that momentous deadline, and I. Am. Short

Just by a few pounds!!

AHHH!  :) 

Really, I would have LOVED to have reached that goal, but at the same time I am really happy that I was able to even get this close in this time frame. {Thank you, Lose it!}

Happy NINE MONTHS to Davis and his momma.   We’ve both come a long way!   :)

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See how I’ve grown??



sniff, sniff.



2 Responses to 9 months in. 9 months out.
  1. Jenn
    June 22, 2011 | 7:13 pm

    He is just TOO cute! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of your husband and Davis… they both just look so happy! BTW, congrats on the switch to your own domain! I had your blog address saved in my favorites, and it took me right to your new website!

  2. Rachel
    June 22, 2011 | 7:38 pm

    He's too precious!!!

9 months in. 9 months out.

IMG_2588 3

Davis has now reached the BIG nine month milestone.   He is 9 months old TODAY!! He continues to brighten our days with his smiles and squeals, and I really love to see him spot me and start his determined crawling as fast as he can go to get to me.   

He has started pulling up on everything now… including Mommy’s legs when he “catches” me.  It makes things interesting when I am in the midst of something with messy hands.

We also have to be really careful what is left on the end table since he has AMAZED us with what he manages to stretch and strain and reach!  I’m just waiting for that moment when a forgotten glass comes dumping down on him.

He is making lots of noise and thrills us all when he says, “Da da da da da da da!”

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He is officially crawling for “real”  OFF his belly! Though sometimes he ends up doing a weird sideways thing where one knee is off the ground. 


He has learned how to clap too and kind of holds his left hand still and lets his right hand do the clapping.  :)  It is funny to see him clap after I say something like “Are you ready for night-night?” 


He has developed quite the voracious appetite for ALL kinds of table food!  We have pretty much left the pureed baby food in the dust though we do still eat the fruits.  I have NEVER started table food SO early, but this child can not get enough.  I just try to offer whatever we’re having and break it in small pieces. 

Even with only two little teeth, it is amazing how well he can “chew” so many things.  :)  I do worry a little about choking and try to keep the eagle eye out and ready just in case, but so far he has really done great. 

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Not having to worry with the baby food is really SO NICE!  And I am so happy that he is loving it.  I am very hopeful that maybe he will somehow manage to not take after his picky older siblings! 

Haylee was the worst of the three not wanting baby food OR table food.  I would actually dip her bite of veggies into her fruit in order to get her to eat them!

Wade was not quite as bad since he couldn’t get enough of the baby food, but my hopes were dashed when it was time for table food, and he was NOT FEELING IT.  We are STILL struggling with getting the child to eat his dinner each night.  It is an exhausting ongoing battle that I would love not to have to redo with the Davis Man.  :)

For the last month we had transitioned from nursing almost exclusively to nursing just once in the morning and bottles the rest of the time.  He has done really well and most times is going about 4 hours or more between bottles. 

Unfortunately one side effect of his dreaded sickness last week, I think we have said goodbye to the last morning nursing session.  :(  With his throat hurting so badly he really hardly ate at all those couple days, and after missing 2 days nursing, he will not even hardly latch on. 

I am sad he has weaned already, but regardless I AM thankful and amazed I was able to nurse successfully this long.  That’s what I’ll choose to focus on…

Here’s his approximate stats…

20 lbs

27 inches long


Speaking of poundage… You know how they say, “You took nine months to gain the weight.  Take your time. You have nine months to get it off.” 

Well, folks, my time is up.  We have reached that momentous deadline, and I. Am. Short

Just by a few pounds!!

AHHH!  :) 

Really, I would have LOVED to have reached that goal, but at the same time I am really happy that I was able to even get this close in this time frame. {Thank you, Lose it!}

Happy NINE MONTHS to Davis and his momma.   We’ve both come a long way!   :)

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See how I’ve grown??



sniff, sniff.



2 Responses to 9 months in. 9 months out.
  1. Jenn
    June 22, 2011 | 7:13 pm

    He is just TOO cute! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of your husband and Davis… they both just look so happy! BTW, congrats on the switch to your own domain! I had your blog address saved in my favorites, and it took me right to your new website!

  2. Rachel
    June 22, 2011 | 7:38 pm

    He's too precious!!!