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11 Months Old!

IMG_2991 2

Davis Man is growing like a weed.  He is now the BIG eleven months!  Could he really be just a month away from being ONE YEAR OLD?

Wasn’t this just yesterday??!!!


And this??


I can’t believe how big this boy is getting!!!  He still has a few more teeth coming in on top, and let me tell you, he’s got quite the bite now.  The first time he chomped down on my finger, I was shocked and it actually left a mark!


He LOVES to eat!!  Most meals it seems that HE out-eats his 3 year old big brother, believe it or not.

Can you guess whose is whose? 


Davis’s is on the left, and Wade’s is on the right…  :)

I had disregarded most of the baby feeding “don’ts” but one that I had been holding onto was waiting on peanut butter.  Or, at least, I THOUGHT I was, anyway.  This past weekend I asked my mom what the mysterious stains on Davis’s shirt were, and she answered all super casual, “Oh, yeah.  That was jelly from his peanut butter & jelly sandwich.”

“Uh, Peanut Butter, Mom?????  What?? He’s never had peanut butter!”

Then she says, “Well, I gave it to him last time he was here too.”

Well, okay then.  :)


Our Little Man loves his bottle and is drinking 4-5 a day.  :) The crazy boy can’t sit up and drink his bottle though. He has to lie down. So either we help him lie back, or he’ll sometimes just stick the bottle in his mouth and kerplunk himself down.


He is walking a TON!!  I really can’t believe it.  It’s just too early!  It’s so funny to see him come tottering in from another room like a BIG boy.   Sometimes it’s kind of like the “fe, fi, fo, fum, I spell the blood of an Englishman” kind of walk which is pretty funny!  :)



He’s started this odd but hilarious nodding his head “yes” vigorously.   It’s especially funny when it happens to be at the perfect moment to make it seem as though he is listening to the conversation around him and deciding to add his two cents in.  :)

He loves peekaboo and his big sister, Haylee.  His face just lights up when he sees her! 

He has also started doing high fives too…  :)


Our crazy kid likes to swipe the remote whenever he can get away with it and WAVE it at the TV… like I know what to do with this cool thing with all the buttons.’  :)


The other night at Mom & Dad’s, he had a turn in the swing and delighted us all with his LOUD and ADORABLE giggles of happiness!   He really loved it!!!


These days he is taking 2-3 naps a day and sleeps at night from about 8:00 pm to 6:30 or 7:00 am.   :) 

He really LOVES his blanket and he likes to cuddle with it on Mommy or Daddy’s shoulder when it’s night-night time.  :)

I love cuddle time, especially when I think about how FAST our surprise little baby boy is growing up on me.  

How could ELEVEN months have gone by in such a flash???!!


0to11 month collage


Sniff, sniff!!

5 Responses to 11 Months Old!
  1. Rachel @ Grasping for Objectivity
    August 23, 2011 | 8:24 pm

    That's exactly how Ali got peanut butter the first time – gotta love Grandparents who help you out in knowing what your kid isn't allergic to! :)

    He's adorable!!

  2. Kristi
    August 24, 2011 | 12:53 am

    Aw, super cute pics!! I like the plate comparison picture. Makenna eats more than Aubrey too. :)

  3. Laine
    August 24, 2011 | 2:33 am

    Awww, he's such a cutie!! I enjoyed the pictures! That was funny about the peanut butter…we were visiting my mom in PA and almost the same thing happened! Steven and I had gone somewhere and she gave them all peanut butter and jelly for lunch. She didn't know Levi hadn't had it before!

  4. Ellen
    August 25, 2011 | 2:44 am

    Oh! I loved all the pics! Can't believe that he's getting sooooo big!

  5. Kelly
    August 26, 2011 | 3:08 pm

    Davis is such a cutie! He is looking more like Wade every time I see him. :)

11 Months Old!

IMG_2991 2

Davis Man is growing like a weed.  He is now the BIG eleven months!  Could he really be just a month away from being ONE YEAR OLD?

Wasn’t this just yesterday??!!!


And this??


I can’t believe how big this boy is getting!!!  He still has a few more teeth coming in on top, and let me tell you, he’s got quite the bite now.  The first time he chomped down on my finger, I was shocked and it actually left a mark!


He LOVES to eat!!  Most meals it seems that HE out-eats his 3 year old big brother, believe it or not.

Can you guess whose is whose? 


Davis’s is on the left, and Wade’s is on the right…  :)

I had disregarded most of the baby feeding “don’ts” but one that I had been holding onto was waiting on peanut butter.  Or, at least, I THOUGHT I was, anyway.  This past weekend I asked my mom what the mysterious stains on Davis’s shirt were, and she answered all super casual, “Oh, yeah.  That was jelly from his peanut butter & jelly sandwich.”

“Uh, Peanut Butter, Mom?????  What?? He’s never had peanut butter!”

Then she says, “Well, I gave it to him last time he was here too.”

Well, okay then.  :)


Our Little Man loves his bottle and is drinking 4-5 a day.  :) The crazy boy can’t sit up and drink his bottle though. He has to lie down. So either we help him lie back, or he’ll sometimes just stick the bottle in his mouth and kerplunk himself down.


He is walking a TON!!  I really can’t believe it.  It’s just too early!  It’s so funny to see him come tottering in from another room like a BIG boy.   Sometimes it’s kind of like the “fe, fi, fo, fum, I spell the blood of an Englishman” kind of walk which is pretty funny!  :)



He’s started this odd but hilarious nodding his head “yes” vigorously.   It’s especially funny when it happens to be at the perfect moment to make it seem as though he is listening to the conversation around him and deciding to add his two cents in.  :)

He loves peekaboo and his big sister, Haylee.  His face just lights up when he sees her! 

He has also started doing high fives too…  :)


Our crazy kid likes to swipe the remote whenever he can get away with it and WAVE it at the TV… like I know what to do with this cool thing with all the buttons.’  :)


The other night at Mom & Dad’s, he had a turn in the swing and delighted us all with his LOUD and ADORABLE giggles of happiness!   He really loved it!!!


These days he is taking 2-3 naps a day and sleeps at night from about 8:00 pm to 6:30 or 7:00 am.   :) 

He really LOVES his blanket and he likes to cuddle with it on Mommy or Daddy’s shoulder when it’s night-night time.  :)

I love cuddle time, especially when I think about how FAST our surprise little baby boy is growing up on me.  

How could ELEVEN months have gone by in such a flash???!!


0to11 month collage


Sniff, sniff!!

5 Responses to 11 Months Old!
  1. Rachel @ Grasping for Objectivity
    August 23, 2011 | 8:24 pm

    That's exactly how Ali got peanut butter the first time – gotta love Grandparents who help you out in knowing what your kid isn't allergic to! :)

    He's adorable!!

  2. Kristi
    August 24, 2011 | 12:53 am

    Aw, super cute pics!! I like the plate comparison picture. Makenna eats more than Aubrey too. :)

  3. Laine
    August 24, 2011 | 2:33 am

    Awww, he's such a cutie!! I enjoyed the pictures! That was funny about the peanut butter…we were visiting my mom in PA and almost the same thing happened! Steven and I had gone somewhere and she gave them all peanut butter and jelly for lunch. She didn't know Levi hadn't had it before!

  4. Ellen
    August 25, 2011 | 2:44 am

    Oh! I loved all the pics! Can't believe that he's getting sooooo big!

  5. Kelly
    August 26, 2011 | 3:08 pm

    Davis is such a cutie! He is looking more like Wade every time I see him. :)