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Yes, Davis. This IS your Family!

Drumroll, please!  It is now time for the Extended Fam Christmas pic of 2010! 
cauthenfam pic {Johnny, Kelly, Miller (6), Gavin (5), Riley (almost 3), Ty (16 mo’s),
Billy, Robin, Chris, Renee, Haylee (7), Wade (2.5), Davis (2 mo’s)}
We got together the Saturday after Thanksgiving, {Kelly} decorated the tree, and we all donned our customary white shirts for the grueling ordeal, lol. 
How can a picture on a timer with SEVEN kids be anything less?  Somehow the picture time came just about at Davis’s feeding time, but miraculously he just decided to impress us and chill for it all.  I was shocked.  If I had scheduled a photo shoot at a place I’m sure I NEVER would have been so fortunate.  :)
Regardless I am glad he decided to take mercy on us, though in the gobs of pics it does look a bit like he’s the only sane one in the bunch.
Sorry, buddy.  You are stuck with us.  :)
Look how we’ve grown…
Cauthen Family Christmas Pic

Hmmm, every year we add a kid.  What’s up with that?


Here’s a ‘just us’ family shot… our only decent one actually since little Davis arrived on the scene…  All the ones from the hospital had everyone looking at a different cameras.  :)


Christmas 2010 132


It is amazing to me that I could love someone so much… who didn’t even exist last year at this time.


Merry Christmas!  Hope you’re taking the time to make some memories this year!

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Yes, Davis. This IS your Family!

Drumroll, please!  It is now time for the Extended Fam Christmas pic of 2010! 
cauthenfam pic {Johnny, Kelly, Miller (6), Gavin (5), Riley (almost 3), Ty (16 mo’s),
Billy, Robin, Chris, Renee, Haylee (7), Wade (2.5), Davis (2 mo’s)}
We got together the Saturday after Thanksgiving, {Kelly} decorated the tree, and we all donned our customary white shirts for the grueling ordeal, lol. 
How can a picture on a timer with SEVEN kids be anything less?  Somehow the picture time came just about at Davis’s feeding time, but miraculously he just decided to impress us and chill for it all.  I was shocked.  If I had scheduled a photo shoot at a place I’m sure I NEVER would have been so fortunate.  :)
Regardless I am glad he decided to take mercy on us, though in the gobs of pics it does look a bit like he’s the only sane one in the bunch.
Sorry, buddy.  You are stuck with us.  :)
Look how we’ve grown…
Cauthen Family Christmas Pic

Hmmm, every year we add a kid.  What’s up with that?


Here’s a ‘just us’ family shot… our only decent one actually since little Davis arrived on the scene…  All the ones from the hospital had everyone looking at a different cameras.  :)


Christmas 2010 132


It is amazing to me that I could love someone so much… who didn’t even exist last year at this time.


Merry Christmas!  Hope you’re taking the time to make some memories this year!

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