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Yes, Another Update… sorry.

39wks 2days

My 39 week appointment was today, and I had to seriously groan upon seeing my current weight. {To be perfectly honest, I put both hands up on the scale and leaned my head on my hands as I groaned.} This is the most I have gained of my three pregnancies, and I am obviously the oldest I’ve been as well.  Hopefully these two factors don’t mean that these baby pounds are going to resist leaving me.  :(  My theory is that I’ve been home the last half of the pregnancy with this one which I guess means I did less moving and shaking and did more snacking and sipping.  

Yet another bad thing about not already having this baby is the longer I go, the MORE WEIGHT I gain!  Ugh.

I was hoping for let’s say a verdict of 5 or 6 centimeters dilated, coupled with the pronouncement, "Ma’am, you are in active labor.  Call your husband and head over to the hospital right now!"  Buuut… of course, that didn’t happen, though I was two centimeters {up from only one cm at 36 weeks} with some thinning of the cervix.  I can take that as good news I guess.

Dr. Peach is on call tomorrow and was willing to induce me if I wanted to go that route, but I opted to just wait it out and be sure my body and the baby are ready to go on their own.  That being said, he did stretch my membranes which is supposed to get your natural chemicals flowing and may get labor started {crossing my fingers}. I’ve read if it is going to work it will work within 48 hours, so here’s hoping.

Chris is very interested in any contractions I’m having as he’s let me know he needs some time off work. 

Nice of him, huh?

2 Responses to Yes, Another Update… sorry.
  1. Rachel
    September 15, 2010 | 9:30 pm

    I hope the doctor's efforts work!!! Three cheers for baby!!!

  2. Ellen
    September 16, 2010 | 2:46 am

    That little membrane trick worked for me w/ Claire! I was in labor just 2 hrs later! Praying that it was successful for you as well. I know that that last week is tortuous… I may have shared this before (so forgive me if it's a repeat) but on my due date, I was at the Drs. and the nurse said, "You know, you're technically not post due until 2 weeks after." She then walked out of the room and I burst into tears and told Matt that I COULD. NOT. go another day. ha ha… (funny now, not so funny then.) Praying the Lord gives you the grace you need and that I see a post soon telling us that little Davis has arrived! :)

Yes, Another Update… sorry.

39wks 2days

My 39 week appointment was today, and I had to seriously groan upon seeing my current weight. {To be perfectly honest, I put both hands up on the scale and leaned my head on my hands as I groaned.} This is the most I have gained of my three pregnancies, and I am obviously the oldest I’ve been as well.  Hopefully these two factors don’t mean that these baby pounds are going to resist leaving me.  :(  My theory is that I’ve been home the last half of the pregnancy with this one which I guess means I did less moving and shaking and did more snacking and sipping.  

Yet another bad thing about not already having this baby is the longer I go, the MORE WEIGHT I gain!  Ugh.

I was hoping for let’s say a verdict of 5 or 6 centimeters dilated, coupled with the pronouncement, "Ma’am, you are in active labor.  Call your husband and head over to the hospital right now!"  Buuut… of course, that didn’t happen, though I was two centimeters {up from only one cm at 36 weeks} with some thinning of the cervix.  I can take that as good news I guess.

Dr. Peach is on call tomorrow and was willing to induce me if I wanted to go that route, but I opted to just wait it out and be sure my body and the baby are ready to go on their own.  That being said, he did stretch my membranes which is supposed to get your natural chemicals flowing and may get labor started {crossing my fingers}. I’ve read if it is going to work it will work within 48 hours, so here’s hoping.

Chris is very interested in any contractions I’m having as he’s let me know he needs some time off work. 

Nice of him, huh?

2 Responses to Yes, Another Update… sorry.
  1. Rachel
    September 15, 2010 | 9:30 pm

    I hope the doctor's efforts work!!! Three cheers for baby!!!

  2. Ellen
    September 16, 2010 | 2:46 am

    That little membrane trick worked for me w/ Claire! I was in labor just 2 hrs later! Praying that it was successful for you as well. I know that that last week is tortuous… I may have shared this before (so forgive me if it's a repeat) but on my due date, I was at the Drs. and the nurse said, "You know, you're technically not post due until 2 weeks after." She then walked out of the room and I burst into tears and told Matt that I COULD. NOT. go another day. ha ha… (funny now, not so funny then.) Praying the Lord gives you the grace you need and that I see a post soon telling us that little Davis has arrived! :)