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Party like you’re Turning ONE!!!


Today our Davis Man is the B-I-G ONE!!!! 

One year ago today he was just making his way into the world to meet this crazy family he is stuck with.  :)

40 weeks 2 days

For fun… here were my Facebook updates one year ago today

7:50ish am… Heading to hospital!

10:15 am… still waiting on iv and pitocin… nurse tried twice to get iv in and couldn’t. So we’re waiting on her friend to come do it! Nice, right?? :)

12:33 pm… IV and Pitocin started at 10:40… Dr. Peach checked me around 11:00 and I was still 2 cm… painful contraxs started around 11:45… {Induction was SUPPOSED to start at 8 am, but I didn’t even begin the Pitocin until almost 11 am! Davis could have been born 3 hours earlier if they had been on time, ha ha !}


1:20ish pm… Epi at 12:40… loving the happy juice and so thrilled they gave me some broth and jello for lunch!

2:33 pm… 3 cm, 70% effaced, -2 station. Dr broke water, so hoping for better progress soon. Watching Princess Bride in the meantime. :) Trying not to think evil thoughts while smelling Chris’s lunch he is enjoying right now. {Because I followed the instructions I was given, I hadn’t eaten at all that morning, and I was STARVING!}

5:50 pm… 7 lbs. 15 oz.; 22 inches; 4:51 p.m. {Chris had tried to post an update saying we were about to push, but the doctor said, “Okay, are you ready?”  It all happened so quickly!}


6:30 pm… He’s here!  {Davis’s FIRST facebook pic!}

Can’t believe it’s been ONE YEAR since he joined our FAMILY!

We had our “small” family birthday party for him last weekend, and it was just about as low key as a party could be.  With our small space challenges we always have to be very creative when it comes party time!  We tried something new this year since we really just wanted a place big enough for the 25+ people to sit down and eat. {And that’s just with basically immediate families on both sides!}  We called a reserved a free banquet room at Ryan’s!  :)  I know.  Ryan’s doesn’t exactly scream  One Year Old Birthday Party, but sometime you just gotta work with what you have!  :) 

It seems like all I ever do is complain about how our parties went, but seriously I don’t feel like I’m asking MUCH! 

The party really was GREAT, but we just had a rocky start getting the room set up and coordinated with our waitresses.  I swear talking to them was like talking to a brick wall. It was like they didn’t even know they were IN a Ryan’s

Me: Um, can we do something with all that stuff over there?  {Two jackets, stack of trays, & pile of messy newspapers}

Lost Waitress: {pause and staring} Uh, one of those is mine.  {No move to do anything.}

I ended up just moving everything myself, though they did pop in at party starting time looking for it. 


After people were there, had gone through the bar, and were SITTING DOWN EATING, they came in to try to wipe the tables!  They were literally asking people to lift their plates!  Ah!!

Like I said, we had a ROUGH start but overall it was great!  It was nice being able to have a private room big enough for all of us.  And I definitely didn’t mind WALKING away from all the clean up!  Whoohoo!

Davis really LOVED his cake though he DID NOT love his PARTY HAT

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I love how the Three Musketeers {Wade & his two cousins all born within 9 months of each other!} are making sure they do not miss a moment of the Cake Action! 

Davis was very serious and focused about this mysterious but wonderful treat we had bestowed upon him.  No smiles.  He was on a mission, people. Devour it in as little time as possible. 

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It was all business scarfing that bad boy down! 



The child cleaned his plate!   The bad thing about eating OUT for the 1 year old party is that it’s incredibly hard to clean all the frosting up with a little old baby wipe! 

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You have to wonder what their little minds are thinking when we plop that piece a cake down in front of them.

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I just think they have to be wondering where we’ve been keeping THIS STUFF all their life!  :)


I loved this sweet moment when Pop came over to sit with him and Davis reached out his frosting-ed little hand to offer him some of his sugary goodness!

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Opening presents was quite fun too. :) He actually helped me pull out the tissue paper on some, but didn’t quite want to let go of one present to go on to the next one!  :) 

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He loved his new toys and so did his big brother, ha ha! 


It’s been interesting hearing Wade tell Davis, “No, no” while HE is hogging Davis’s new toys!  :)

Though, after a year of that treatment, maybe Davis is used to it by now.  :)

And let’s look at a side by side view of my two little men at their FIRST birthday parties to see who did the most damage

davis wade bday collage

HA!  Love it!

Happy Birthday, to our sweet Davis Man!!!!!!!!

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More Davis Love coming tomorrow with the BIG one to twelve month collage! 


Our punkin’ has grown up on us!

2 Responses to Party like you’re Turning ONE!!!
  1. Twinmama
    September 22, 2011 | 4:03 pm

    Oh my word…the Ryan's people wiped tables WHILE people were eating? Unbelieveable! So funny how Davis was inhaling the cake! The side by side of Davis and Wade – wow, they looked like twins! Great pics! :)

  2. Bette
    September 22, 2011 | 4:21 pm

    AND…we didn't get our drinks until halfway through the meal. I wasn't impressed with Ryans and it used to be one of my favorite places. Enjoy being with my grandbabies no matter where the place! Had a wonderful time!!! Happy Birthday Davis!!

Party like you’re Turning ONE!!!


Today our Davis Man is the B-I-G ONE!!!! 

One year ago today he was just making his way into the world to meet this crazy family he is stuck with.  :)

40 weeks 2 days

For fun… here were my Facebook updates one year ago today

7:50ish am… Heading to hospital!

10:15 am… still waiting on iv and pitocin… nurse tried twice to get iv in and couldn’t. So we’re waiting on her friend to come do it! Nice, right?? :)

12:33 pm… IV and Pitocin started at 10:40… Dr. Peach checked me around 11:00 and I was still 2 cm… painful contraxs started around 11:45… {Induction was SUPPOSED to start at 8 am, but I didn’t even begin the Pitocin until almost 11 am! Davis could have been born 3 hours earlier if they had been on time, ha ha !}


1:20ish pm… Epi at 12:40… loving the happy juice and so thrilled they gave me some broth and jello for lunch!

2:33 pm… 3 cm, 70% effaced, -2 station. Dr broke water, so hoping for better progress soon. Watching Princess Bride in the meantime. :) Trying not to think evil thoughts while smelling Chris’s lunch he is enjoying right now. {Because I followed the instructions I was given, I hadn’t eaten at all that morning, and I was STARVING!}

5:50 pm… 7 lbs. 15 oz.; 22 inches; 4:51 p.m. {Chris had tried to post an update saying we were about to push, but the doctor said, “Okay, are you ready?”  It all happened so quickly!}


6:30 pm… He’s here!  {Davis’s FIRST facebook pic!}

Can’t believe it’s been ONE YEAR since he joined our FAMILY!

We had our “small” family birthday party for him last weekend, and it was just about as low key as a party could be.  With our small space challenges we always have to be very creative when it comes party time!  We tried something new this year since we really just wanted a place big enough for the 25+ people to sit down and eat. {And that’s just with basically immediate families on both sides!}  We called a reserved a free banquet room at Ryan’s!  :)  I know.  Ryan’s doesn’t exactly scream  One Year Old Birthday Party, but sometime you just gotta work with what you have!  :) 

It seems like all I ever do is complain about how our parties went, but seriously I don’t feel like I’m asking MUCH! 

The party really was GREAT, but we just had a rocky start getting the room set up and coordinated with our waitresses.  I swear talking to them was like talking to a brick wall. It was like they didn’t even know they were IN a Ryan’s

Me: Um, can we do something with all that stuff over there?  {Two jackets, stack of trays, & pile of messy newspapers}

Lost Waitress: {pause and staring} Uh, one of those is mine.  {No move to do anything.}

I ended up just moving everything myself, though they did pop in at party starting time looking for it. 


After people were there, had gone through the bar, and were SITTING DOWN EATING, they came in to try to wipe the tables!  They were literally asking people to lift their plates!  Ah!!

Like I said, we had a ROUGH start but overall it was great!  It was nice being able to have a private room big enough for all of us.  And I definitely didn’t mind WALKING away from all the clean up!  Whoohoo!

Davis really LOVED his cake though he DID NOT love his PARTY HAT

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I love how the Three Musketeers {Wade & his two cousins all born within 9 months of each other!} are making sure they do not miss a moment of the Cake Action! 

Davis was very serious and focused about this mysterious but wonderful treat we had bestowed upon him.  No smiles.  He was on a mission, people. Devour it in as little time as possible. 

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It was all business scarfing that bad boy down! 



The child cleaned his plate!   The bad thing about eating OUT for the 1 year old party is that it’s incredibly hard to clean all the frosting up with a little old baby wipe! 

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You have to wonder what their little minds are thinking when we plop that piece a cake down in front of them.

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I just think they have to be wondering where we’ve been keeping THIS STUFF all their life!  :)


I loved this sweet moment when Pop came over to sit with him and Davis reached out his frosting-ed little hand to offer him some of his sugary goodness!

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Opening presents was quite fun too. :) He actually helped me pull out the tissue paper on some, but didn’t quite want to let go of one present to go on to the next one!  :) 

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He loved his new toys and so did his big brother, ha ha! 


It’s been interesting hearing Wade tell Davis, “No, no” while HE is hogging Davis’s new toys!  :)

Though, after a year of that treatment, maybe Davis is used to it by now.  :)

And let’s look at a side by side view of my two little men at their FIRST birthday parties to see who did the most damage

davis wade bday collage

HA!  Love it!

Happy Birthday, to our sweet Davis Man!!!!!!!!

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More Davis Love coming tomorrow with the BIG one to twelve month collage! 


Our punkin’ has grown up on us!

2 Responses to Party like you’re Turning ONE!!!
  1. Twinmama
    September 22, 2011 | 4:03 pm

    Oh my word…the Ryan's people wiped tables WHILE people were eating? Unbelieveable! So funny how Davis was inhaling the cake! The side by side of Davis and Wade – wow, they looked like twins! Great pics! :)

  2. Bette
    September 22, 2011 | 4:21 pm

    AND…we didn't get our drinks until halfway through the meal. I wasn't impressed with Ryans and it used to be one of my favorite places. Enjoy being with my grandbabies no matter where the place! Had a wonderful time!!! Happy Birthday Davis!!