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Oh, Baby!

I had my 34 week check up yesterday and finally got the ultrasound to check the baby’s kidney.  I’m glad I chose not to stress about it since everything is NORMAL!  It was nice to get another peek at the wee little guy too.  He is head down contrary to what Dr. Peach thought at my last appointment.  It turns out what is constantly jutting into my ribs is probably just the baby’s little rear end.  Though it definitely doesn’t FEEL all that little.  
According to the tech, I am measuring about a week ahead ,and the baby is measuring about 5lbs 13oz.  She estimated about a .5 lb a week of weight gain putting the baby at 8lbs 13oz at 40 weeks.  Now, I’m sure that is nothing to most of you, but I don’t do 8lb… almost NINE POUND babies. My two were more around 6lbs!  I’m trying not to think too much about it, since supposedly ultrasound measurements can be up to 2 lbs off. Apparently, they take a part of the baby such as the femur or the head and measure it.  Then they apply some sort of formula based on the average size of femurs and estimate the weight of the baby.  If your baby happens to have long legs or an unusually large head then your estimate will be off.  So for now… I’m just going to keep hoping for another 6 pounder.
The doctor is still concerned about my anemia, so I got poked AGAIN and am waiting to hear if I’ll need to see a hematologist (is that how you spell it?) for some sort of injections.  Fun, right? I am pretty sure that the numbers are not going to look good based on how little energy I have, but one can hope.  The last time it was checked it was an 8, so we’ll see how it looks this time.  Dr. Peach’s actual words were, “Let’s see if it’s scary.”  I don’t think he is very hopeful since he also said he thinks I looked pale… :(
Less than 6 weeks…  Hard to believe that I would be back to work this week. Teachers went back last Monday and school starts this Monday.  I would be exhausted the duration of my last 6 weeks for sure!
I’m glad being at home comes with the perk of taking multiple breaks as needed.  :)
3 Responses to Oh, Baby!
  1. Amy
    August 12, 2010 | 1:56 pm

    Yay!!! I am so excited for you. Big babies aren't so bad. All of mine were before due date and all were 8 pounds or more. :) We are praying for you! Glad your questions were answered. Praying for sleep and energy.

  2. Sherri
    August 12, 2010 | 3:01 pm

    Oh praise the Lord for the "normal" report!

    And I've never met ONE single person who's late term u/s was even CLOSE to being right on the weight estimate! In fact, I've known quite a few people who choose to undergo c-section 'cuz the estimate was a 9-10 lb. baby that ended up be 7 lbs!?!

    Are you taking iron supplements for your anemia??? I'm having to do that. Kinda messes with my stomach here & there depending on WHAT I eat, but I NEED the energy, so I've GOT to keep my iron levels up!

    Can't believe it's only 6 weeks… Try to enjoy the calm before the "storm!" ;-)

  3. Ellen
    August 12, 2010 | 11:20 pm

    So glad to hear good news! :) Continuing to pray for you.

Oh, Baby!

I had my 34 week check up yesterday and finally got the ultrasound to check the baby’s kidney.  I’m glad I chose not to stress about it since everything is NORMAL!  It was nice to get another peek at the wee little guy too.  He is head down contrary to what Dr. Peach thought at my last appointment.  It turns out what is constantly jutting into my ribs is probably just the baby’s little rear end.  Though it definitely doesn’t FEEL all that little.  
According to the tech, I am measuring about a week ahead ,and the baby is measuring about 5lbs 13oz.  She estimated about a .5 lb a week of weight gain putting the baby at 8lbs 13oz at 40 weeks.  Now, I’m sure that is nothing to most of you, but I don’t do 8lb… almost NINE POUND babies. My two were more around 6lbs!  I’m trying not to think too much about it, since supposedly ultrasound measurements can be up to 2 lbs off. Apparently, they take a part of the baby such as the femur or the head and measure it.  Then they apply some sort of formula based on the average size of femurs and estimate the weight of the baby.  If your baby happens to have long legs or an unusually large head then your estimate will be off.  So for now… I’m just going to keep hoping for another 6 pounder.
The doctor is still concerned about my anemia, so I got poked AGAIN and am waiting to hear if I’ll need to see a hematologist (is that how you spell it?) for some sort of injections.  Fun, right? I am pretty sure that the numbers are not going to look good based on how little energy I have, but one can hope.  The last time it was checked it was an 8, so we’ll see how it looks this time.  Dr. Peach’s actual words were, “Let’s see if it’s scary.”  I don’t think he is very hopeful since he also said he thinks I looked pale… :(
Less than 6 weeks…  Hard to believe that I would be back to work this week. Teachers went back last Monday and school starts this Monday.  I would be exhausted the duration of my last 6 weeks for sure!
I’m glad being at home comes with the perk of taking multiple breaks as needed.  :)
3 Responses to Oh, Baby!
  1. Amy
    August 12, 2010 | 1:56 pm

    Yay!!! I am so excited for you. Big babies aren't so bad. All of mine were before due date and all were 8 pounds or more. :) We are praying for you! Glad your questions were answered. Praying for sleep and energy.

  2. Sherri
    August 12, 2010 | 3:01 pm

    Oh praise the Lord for the "normal" report!

    And I've never met ONE single person who's late term u/s was even CLOSE to being right on the weight estimate! In fact, I've known quite a few people who choose to undergo c-section 'cuz the estimate was a 9-10 lb. baby that ended up be 7 lbs!?!

    Are you taking iron supplements for your anemia??? I'm having to do that. Kinda messes with my stomach here & there depending on WHAT I eat, but I NEED the energy, so I've GOT to keep my iron levels up!

    Can't believe it's only 6 weeks… Try to enjoy the calm before the "storm!" ;-)

  3. Ellen
    August 12, 2010 | 11:20 pm

    So glad to hear good news! :) Continuing to pray for you.