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Menu Monday

menu monday 2


I hope everyone had a fabulous Mother’s Day filled with lots of loving and pampering, because you know WE DESERVE IT!   :)

My be-loved ones gave me some beautimous roses for Mother’s Day.  They were sooo pretty! 


Isn’t there something heart squeezing about hearing little voices saying “Happy Mother’s Day”??? Especially when it sounds more like “Happy Mudders Day?!”  :)


Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Enchiladas {from last week}

Tuesday… Turkey-burger Sliders

Wednesday… Baked Salmon

Thursday… “Favorites Night”  ☺

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… Broiled Ham {Amy’s recipe… Take center cut Smithfield Ham. Put in a casserole dish with some brown sugar and pineapple with a tad of juice or water to keep moist. Broil each side for 3 minutes.}

Sunday… Roast


I am so proud of my hubby for going with my recent propensity for substituting all things turkey.   We’ve continued to try it more and more, and I’ve been really surprised at how good it has tasted in lots of things! 

This week will be a BIG test though since we are attempting to have some TASTY Turkey Burgers! With nothing else there to disguise ‘anything’, hopefully, they will still be yummy-licous!

Ground turkey is SO much better for you and lower calorie, not to mention MUCH cheaper which makes it a Win-Win! {Both of those factors help convince hubby to just “go with it!”}

I only had to prep 2 meals this week!  Wahoo!  Skipping my ham prep since it’s fairly simple, and I’d rather wait to be sure we’ll actually be eating dinner at home.

Only took me 16 minutes!




Click here for more Menu Mondays at orgjunkie.

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Menu Monday

menu monday 2


I hope everyone had a fabulous Mother’s Day filled with lots of loving and pampering, because you know WE DESERVE IT!   :)

My be-loved ones gave me some beautimous roses for Mother’s Day.  They were sooo pretty! 


Isn’t there something heart squeezing about hearing little voices saying “Happy Mother’s Day”??? Especially when it sounds more like “Happy Mudders Day?!”  :)


Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Enchiladas {from last week}

Tuesday… Turkey-burger Sliders

Wednesday… Baked Salmon

Thursday… “Favorites Night”  ☺

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… Broiled Ham {Amy’s recipe… Take center cut Smithfield Ham. Put in a casserole dish with some brown sugar and pineapple with a tad of juice or water to keep moist. Broil each side for 3 minutes.}

Sunday… Roast


I am so proud of my hubby for going with my recent propensity for substituting all things turkey.   We’ve continued to try it more and more, and I’ve been really surprised at how good it has tasted in lots of things! 

This week will be a BIG test though since we are attempting to have some TASTY Turkey Burgers! With nothing else there to disguise ‘anything’, hopefully, they will still be yummy-licous!

Ground turkey is SO much better for you and lower calorie, not to mention MUCH cheaper which makes it a Win-Win! {Both of those factors help convince hubby to just “go with it!”}

I only had to prep 2 meals this week!  Wahoo!  Skipping my ham prep since it’s fairly simple, and I’d rather wait to be sure we’ll actually be eating dinner at home.

Only took me 16 minutes!




Click here for more Menu Mondays at orgjunkie.

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