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If you need some Christmas Cheer…

In light of there being only 11 days till Christmas, I must repost this ‘viral’ video from the vault that is known as Swaringen Family Christmas.  I know I’m one day off since the name of the song is ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ and all, but I thought I was close enough.
Let me preface this by saying that last year I came up with an itinerary for the week the family would be spending together to try to prevent my brother and sister from getting on each other’s nerves. {I, of course, am the ever-rational peacemaker…aka… the perfect, albeit neglected, middle child.}
So anyway… one of the things to do on my itinerary was Christmas Karaoke!  It turned out to be soooo much fun.  It may be one of those things that you had to be there, but I was literally c r y i n g!  What can I say, my mother is entertaining.
Merry Christmas! 
{And seriously, can you believe there are only 11 days to Christmas?!}

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If you need some Christmas Cheer…

In light of there being only 11 days till Christmas, I must repost this ‘viral’ video from the vault that is known as Swaringen Family Christmas.  I know I’m one day off since the name of the song is ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ and all, but I thought I was close enough.
Let me preface this by saying that last year I came up with an itinerary for the week the family would be spending together to try to prevent my brother and sister from getting on each other’s nerves. {I, of course, am the ever-rational peacemaker…aka… the perfect, albeit neglected, middle child.}
So anyway… one of the things to do on my itinerary was Christmas Karaoke!  It turned out to be soooo much fun.  It may be one of those things that you had to be there, but I was literally c r y i n g!  What can I say, my mother is entertaining.
Merry Christmas! 
{And seriously, can you believe there are only 11 days to Christmas?!}

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