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Happy Birthday Haylee!

Our cartwheel obsessed firstborn celebrated her BIG eight years on the planet doing one of her very most favorite things…


The girl l.o.v.e.s anything and everything gymnastics related.  :)


Our experience this year wasn’t quite the fabulous par-tay that we had last year, but I tried to keep remembering that the Birthday Girl was having a BLAST and that was the important thing. 


It’s never good when the 16 year old nervous boy who’s your party coach tells you this is his first party.  OR when you’re led into a small back room with clutter and random belongings galore and told they have two parties today, but this is the main party room.

Um, yeah. 

I literally cleared off laundry and other junk off the WASHER and DRYER that was in our storage room party room. 

I think it didn’t help that I was expecting the AWESOME experience we had last year, and SADLY this was NOT last year.  :)


One improvement this year was that I was not BIG and PREGGO so I could actually participate in the fun.  :) 

preggo collage

Let’s just say this year I realized this was not MY eighth birthday. 

It was great jumping in the foam pit, but when it came time to try to get out… or even just MOVE AROUND, it was comical. 


It felt like you were trying to move in quicksand or something.  It was a WHOLE LOTTA effort with not so much results. :)


The Haylee-Girl did have a great time tumbling and jumping though…



… and we can hardly believe we could really be celebrating her EIGHTH birthday!

bday collage

Are we really old enough to have an EIGHT year old?



One Response to Happy Birthday Haylee!
  1. Rachel
    June 29, 2011 | 9:05 pm

    That looks awesome! Happy Birthday, Haylee! Sorry about the party room, though – gotta hate that.

Happy Birthday Haylee!

Our cartwheel obsessed firstborn celebrated her BIG eight years on the planet doing one of her very most favorite things…


The girl l.o.v.e.s anything and everything gymnastics related.  :)


Our experience this year wasn’t quite the fabulous par-tay that we had last year, but I tried to keep remembering that the Birthday Girl was having a BLAST and that was the important thing. 


It’s never good when the 16 year old nervous boy who’s your party coach tells you this is his first party.  OR when you’re led into a small back room with clutter and random belongings galore and told they have two parties today, but this is the main party room.

Um, yeah. 

I literally cleared off laundry and other junk off the WASHER and DRYER that was in our storage room party room. 

I think it didn’t help that I was expecting the AWESOME experience we had last year, and SADLY this was NOT last year.  :)


One improvement this year was that I was not BIG and PREGGO so I could actually participate in the fun.  :) 

preggo collage

Let’s just say this year I realized this was not MY eighth birthday. 

It was great jumping in the foam pit, but when it came time to try to get out… or even just MOVE AROUND, it was comical. 


It felt like you were trying to move in quicksand or something.  It was a WHOLE LOTTA effort with not so much results. :)


The Haylee-Girl did have a great time tumbling and jumping though…



… and we can hardly believe we could really be celebrating her EIGHTH birthday!

bday collage

Are we really old enough to have an EIGHT year old?



One Response to Happy Birthday Haylee!
  1. Rachel
    June 29, 2011 | 9:05 pm

    That looks awesome! Happy Birthday, Haylee! Sorry about the party room, though – gotta hate that.