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Hallelujah! Rosie is gone!

I don’t know about you, but I was THRILLED when I saw the news on my yahoo page that Rosie is leaving The View. I happened to really like her when she was on her show back in the day, but I just can NOT stand to watch her on The View. She absolutely drives me batty. The way she talks over the others, interrupts everyone, and acts like she has some right to be obnoxious. It sounds like it is her decision to leave, but whatever the reason I am glad. So glad.
4 Responses to Hallelujah! Rosie is gone!
  1. Rachel Cordeiro
    April 26, 2007 | 4:23 pm

    I feel THE SAME WAY!!! I was like, FINALLY!!! Not only is she obnoxious in her views I can’t stand how she is so blunt with no tact and even in some things she says blasphemous towards Christianity etc…she made those with liberal viewpoints look kind of nice now!! My fav is Elisabeth! =)

  2. Renee
    April 26, 2007 | 4:28 pm

    I rarely watch the show, but I do love Elisabeth too. I’ve loved her since Survivor. :)

  3. Rachel
    April 27, 2007 | 4:02 am

    I definitely agree. I don’t watch much daytime television, but I used to occasionally watch the view when Meredith Viera was co-hosting. After Rosie came on, it became so crass I just couldn’t stomach it. Who’s the next co-host?

  4. Martha
    April 27, 2007 | 5:08 pm

    I was happy too. I didnd’t watch the show but a few times in the last year.

Hallelujah! Rosie is gone!

I don’t know about you, but I was THRILLED when I saw the news on my yahoo page that Rosie is leaving The View. I happened to really like her when she was on her show back in the day, but I just can NOT stand to watch her on The View. She absolutely drives me batty. The way she talks over the others, interrupts everyone, and acts like she has some right to be obnoxious. It sounds like it is her decision to leave, but whatever the reason I am glad. So glad.
4 Responses to Hallelujah! Rosie is gone!
  1. Rachel Cordeiro
    April 26, 2007 | 4:23 pm

    I feel THE SAME WAY!!! I was like, FINALLY!!! Not only is she obnoxious in her views I can’t stand how she is so blunt with no tact and even in some things she says blasphemous towards Christianity etc…she made those with liberal viewpoints look kind of nice now!! My fav is Elisabeth! =)

  2. Renee
    April 26, 2007 | 4:28 pm

    I rarely watch the show, but I do love Elisabeth too. I’ve loved her since Survivor. :)

  3. Rachel
    April 27, 2007 | 4:02 am

    I definitely agree. I don’t watch much daytime television, but I used to occasionally watch the view when Meredith Viera was co-hosting. After Rosie came on, it became so crass I just couldn’t stomach it. Who’s the next co-host?

  4. Martha
    April 27, 2007 | 5:08 pm

    I was happy too. I didnd’t watch the show but a few times in the last year.