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Four Weeks Old!


Little Davis is now ONE MONTH old!  Regardless of our good weight report last week things took a different turn unfortunately.  :( On Chris’s day off we decided to "drop by" the doctor and see if we could get an official weigh in.  We were very sad to see that he is now back down to what he was at his two week check up… 7 lbs 4 oz.  

At first we were going to wait and talk to the doctor about it, but then decided to just go.  After four weeks of battling and struggling, we {well… me, really} finally resigned ourselves to going down the supplementing route.  Since pumping is really uncomfortable/painful for me, I just can’t bring myself to try to pump all day every day,which is what I would have to do in order to have enough to supplement with.  No one really uses wet nurses anymore {lol} so that leaves us with the formula route.

At this point, we are giving him an ounce or two after he nurses to try to get his weight up.  I am really hoping that he will continue to nurse well,  which is a big fear once he gets the bottle and sees how easy it is. We are also dealing with what seems like lots and lots of spit up (even with just nursing).  So very fun, yes, it is, but he is what they call a "happy spitter" as far as I can tell, so hopefully we’re not dealing with a reflux type issue.

He’s been going 6 hour stretches at night probably starting at 3 weeks or so, but the first night after the extra formula he went a whopping 8 hours.  I can’t say I slept the whole time, since I kept waking up… not to mention the Wadester decided to wake up crying.  BUT, really… when you can get several hours of consecutive sleep it is just amazing how much better you feel.  I mean, I actually DUSTED the next day.  DUSTED!

I wanted to share this cool thing we got last week called the Rock and Play Sleeper made by Fisher Price.  I had heard about it, and thought we could try it out.  Davis had been sleeping in his swing almost since day one… well, not day one cuz we were in the hospital… but I just worried about him sleeping all night in there since he would kind of end up slouched and smooshed with the swaddle over his face.

rock and play The sleeper is actually intended and approved for sleep so that at least makes me feel a bit better about it.  A lot of babies with reflux do well in it, since it lets them sleep at a reclined angle. It has like 5 stars on BRU with around 300 reviews… if that tells you anything.

It’s something to think about if you have a little one that is resistant to sleeping flat in the bassinet or crib…

In other family news, amidst our feeding and weight struggle, we have started back to school with Haylee this week.  We eased back into it which was a nice transition.  I am happy to report that we survived the week with everyone still alive and intact.  :)


We have one more week until we’re done with our first quarter! Whoo hoo!  I think our biggest challenge with Baby Davis will be his one hour marathon feedings every 3 hours, but hopefully we’ll adapt, improvise, and overcome, as they say.  :)






{These two used to be this small ^^. They think they’re so funny!}


One Response to Four Weeks Old!
  1. Ellen
    October 23, 2010 | 11:53 pm

    I'm so sorry Renee, I remember the feeding challenges I had with Lilli. I have been praying for you. He is beautiful and you are a wonderful Mom. Can't believe all that you're juggling with a new baby around. The pics of the kids are great – can't get over how big Wade and Haylee look. I was drooling a little over your new seat for Davis… oh, how I wish I had had something like that with BOTH of my kiddos. Praying for you…

Four Weeks Old!


Little Davis is now ONE MONTH old!  Regardless of our good weight report last week things took a different turn unfortunately.  :( On Chris’s day off we decided to "drop by" the doctor and see if we could get an official weigh in.  We were very sad to see that he is now back down to what he was at his two week check up… 7 lbs 4 oz.  

At first we were going to wait and talk to the doctor about it, but then decided to just go.  After four weeks of battling and struggling, we {well… me, really} finally resigned ourselves to going down the supplementing route.  Since pumping is really uncomfortable/painful for me, I just can’t bring myself to try to pump all day every day,which is what I would have to do in order to have enough to supplement with.  No one really uses wet nurses anymore {lol} so that leaves us with the formula route.

At this point, we are giving him an ounce or two after he nurses to try to get his weight up.  I am really hoping that he will continue to nurse well,  which is a big fear once he gets the bottle and sees how easy it is. We are also dealing with what seems like lots and lots of spit up (even with just nursing).  So very fun, yes, it is, but he is what they call a "happy spitter" as far as I can tell, so hopefully we’re not dealing with a reflux type issue.

He’s been going 6 hour stretches at night probably starting at 3 weeks or so, but the first night after the extra formula he went a whopping 8 hours.  I can’t say I slept the whole time, since I kept waking up… not to mention the Wadester decided to wake up crying.  BUT, really… when you can get several hours of consecutive sleep it is just amazing how much better you feel.  I mean, I actually DUSTED the next day.  DUSTED!

I wanted to share this cool thing we got last week called the Rock and Play Sleeper made by Fisher Price.  I had heard about it, and thought we could try it out.  Davis had been sleeping in his swing almost since day one… well, not day one cuz we were in the hospital… but I just worried about him sleeping all night in there since he would kind of end up slouched and smooshed with the swaddle over his face.

rock and play The sleeper is actually intended and approved for sleep so that at least makes me feel a bit better about it.  A lot of babies with reflux do well in it, since it lets them sleep at a reclined angle. It has like 5 stars on BRU with around 300 reviews… if that tells you anything.

It’s something to think about if you have a little one that is resistant to sleeping flat in the bassinet or crib…

In other family news, amidst our feeding and weight struggle, we have started back to school with Haylee this week.  We eased back into it which was a nice transition.  I am happy to report that we survived the week with everyone still alive and intact.  :)


We have one more week until we’re done with our first quarter! Whoo hoo!  I think our biggest challenge with Baby Davis will be his one hour marathon feedings every 3 hours, but hopefully we’ll adapt, improvise, and overcome, as they say.  :)






{These two used to be this small ^^. They think they’re so funny!}


One Response to Four Weeks Old!
  1. Ellen
    October 23, 2010 | 11:53 pm

    I'm so sorry Renee, I remember the feeding challenges I had with Lilli. I have been praying for you. He is beautiful and you are a wonderful Mom. Can't believe all that you're juggling with a new baby around. The pics of the kids are great – can't get over how big Wade and Haylee look. I was drooling a little over your new seat for Davis… oh, how I wish I had had something like that with BOTH of my kiddos. Praying for you…