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Classroom Management {Free ClassroomTicket Printables}

Happy 4th of July!!  Hope you all have some fun family events planned.  I’m sure we will be eating LOTS and LOTS of food and enjoying the sun and maybe some fireworks too.  :)

You know what they say… once the 4th of July rolls around, that means THE SUMMER IS OVER!  Right? :)  Or am I the only pessimist in the house?

classroom currency

Finding a Way to Reward Positive Behavior

Reward Stinker Sammy’s behavior with LOTS of attention and focus and you’ve taught the little stinker that the best way to get your attention is through driving you batty!  :)

My mom is pretty much the greatest teacher I know, and she’s used the Ticket Reward System for probably 25 years or more.

It works. Seriously.

As I warned promised you earlier, I’m kicking off July as Back To School Season, sharing some of the FUN things I’ve been prepping for in my new venture as 4th grade Teacher in the fall!

First up in our series is something I’m really excited about!!  Using this Classroom Currency System is a great way to seek out, notice, and REWARD those little cherubs modeling POSITIVE behavior for all your students.  I’m all for ANY method that will motivate my challenging students away from that “Stinker” behavior!

Classroom Currency

I love it. {It’s also a painless way to diffuse a behavior issue too with a quiet “Bring me a ticket, please.} Works wonders.

It’s been three years since I’ve used tickets {due to my Computer Teacher role and then my 2 years off}, and my graphic design *skills* have grown quite DRASTICALLY since that time.  Making my new FABULOUS tickets was SO MUCH FUN!

I am currently loving bright rainbow colors as well as all things polka dots which is going to mean a bright fun happy classroom atmosphere… perfect for my little angels.  :)

How My Classroom Currency Works!

  • Tickets are the lowest form of currency.  Students can lose tickets for small offenses and earn them for “good behavior.”  I love to say “First row ready gets a ticket” or something of that nature and watch them fly.  I also require tickets for responsibility issues like sharpening a pencil with the electric sharpener at undesignated times or having to borrow paper or pencils from me.
  • Once students have at least fourteen or so collected, ten of those tickets may be traded in for a sticker {kept on the wall monthly using the large shaped notepad sheets. See pic below.}.  I do this at designated times before the bell rings or if time, right before dismissal.  You can also assign a “Banker” who is in charge of counting out tickets during the before school time.
  • At then end of the month, I count the stickers on the wall and for every ten stickers, students receive an iGram.  I round up to the nearest ten. For numbers rounding down, I give tickets for the overage amount.  For ex, 35 stickers rounds up to 4 iGrams while 33 stickers would be 3 iGrams and 3 tickets.
  • Students may use 2 iGrams to buy candy at the end of the day or occasionally small items from the class treasure box.  Ten iGrams can earn a coveted Homework Pass {good for one night’s homework in ONE subject. Math & English delayed for one night.}
It may seem over complicated, but it doesn’t take long for the kids to catch on and get it pretty quickly.  Usually it’s the parents who do struggle to keep it all straight.  :) Putting a little effort into setting up a workable system from the beginning can help you immensely later on.

Printing the Tickets

I print my tickets in color, laminate them, and THEN cut them out with a paper cutter.

classroom currency

Laminating usually gives them the durability to last all year long… if not longer!

Filing your Tickets

In my early years I used a small plastic office basket to store my tickets, and just tried to keep the tickets sectioned by person.  It worked okay, but it was definitely NOT IDEAL!  Students would often stand at my desk hunting for one of their tickets!

I came up with the idea to file them in a 3×5 file box with dividers for each student.  It makes passing and changing in tickets SO MUCH FASTER!

classroom currency

You {or the student banker} just find that person’s section and do their business.  :)

Using the Ticket System

Each student is assigned a particular number and can ONLY use tickets showing that number.  This really helps with someone claiming a lost ticket on the floor as his own or other such “stealing” scenarios… another “mom idea” though she put names instead of numbers.

This is my first year trying numbers, and I’m really liking it so far.  For one thing, I could possibly reuse these next year too if they are in good enough shape; whereas with the names, it’s “one year use” only, regardless of their condition.

classroom currency

Using numbers also means that I can design, print, and cut my tickets at any time in the summer without waiting to get my class list.  It also accounts for that new student who joins you at the last minute!

When a student has to turn in a ticket, he just puts it in a small plastic bin on my desk.  Then at the end of the day, one of my students or I just goes through that basket, sorts tickets, and files them back in the file box.

Students store their tickets in their name tag… a labeled & laminated library pocket attached to their desk.

Using iGrams!

classroom management

Uh, yep.  These are once again something I learned from mom, though hers {and mine} were called Happy Grams.  I decided to go with iGrams this year since I’m doing lots of tech themed things in our room!

Usually the only time I’m dishing out iGrams is at the end of the month when I take down the sticker sheets and count them all.  The Sticker Sheets are usually just the themed Note Pad Sheets from Carson Delosa… a different one each month.

classroom currency

Each student has one with their name on it, and they can earn stickers daily a few other ways too for complete homework and good conduct.

I actually let each student count their stickers at the end of the month and write the number on the back.  They turn in their count, and I pretty much just trust their number, but I can always double check if I think it’s been inflated a bit. :)

When it’s time to hand them out, I write the student’s name on the iGram as well as my initials. When they trade in their iGrams, I just file them in with their tickets in the ticket box!  That way, the next time I’m counting stickers and handing out iGrams, I can just check the file box and see if they already have some made.

I’m sharing these awesome tickets FREE on my new TPT {Teachers Pay Teachers} page!

classroom management

Do you think my iGram turned out techy?  I was going for the iTunes gift card look.  :)  I probably will just print these in black and white on colored paper. These are also available for you on TPT.

classroom management

*graphics courtesy of Phyllis Harris and Karen Cox

Be sure to stay tuned for our Back 2 School series with lots more PRINTABLES coming up!

Have you ever used or thought of using classroom tickets? Any Classroom Currency questions I didn’t answer??

back to school

Linking up at 4th Grade Frolics

14 Responses to Classroom Management {Free ClassroomTicket Printables}
  1. Ellen M
    July 5, 2012 | 8:31 am

    Yay! Can’t wait to see more school-related posts. ;) These are pretty neat. I essentially did the same thing in 1st grade. I do things a little differently with pre-k. I’m curious what you used to make these tickets? I love TPT! I just need to get on the ball and make my own account – but I wonder how successful it could be? When does your school year start though? We still have essentially 2 months left… We don’t start until Aug. 29th. July is, however, when I allow myself to start making plans/materials, etc. for the upcoming school year. I make myself NOT think about school during the month of June. ;)

    • Renee
      July 5, 2012 | 10:11 pm

      Thanks, Ellen! I’ve been happily working on things like this! So fun to me! I made these with the My Memories software actually! Then I took a screen shot of each ticket and then added it as a photo to a Word doc so I could have them 20 to a page like that. I have been using the My Memories quite a lot lately for things like that and I’m really loving it! TPT is seriously an amazing invention! I don’t know that I will end up selling anything but it’s an easy way to share free stuff too!
      We start school August 22nd I think, but we have to report back the 13th.
      So true about June! Gotta have time to detox, ha!
      It was different for me this summer… I’ve been in the July planning mode since April!!

  2. Rachel
    July 5, 2012 | 4:25 pm

    What fantastic ideas! I’m definitely pinning this . . .

  3. Tara
    July 10, 2012 | 9:51 pm

    I really love these!!! Super great ideas! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing:) Hope you can come back next week and share again. I would love it if you would grab my button:) Thanks bunches:)

  4. […] through them before the end of the year. To give some extra motivation, students will receive an iGram for each table they […]

  5. Shari
    July 12, 2012 | 10:58 pm

    HI—I LOVE these and how you organize them on your desk! One question…….could you add another page of tickets with numbers up to 35? I have 29 on my current class list for the fall, and that will probably go up :(

    • Renee
      July 27, 2012 | 3:08 pm

      Shari, I can’t make any promises, but I will try! I’m currently going crazy planning with little time left in the day! I can’t imagine having 29+!!! You poor thing! What grade level do you have?

      • Shari
        July 28, 2012 | 5:29 pm

        No worries! When I saw on your blog you were headed on vacation, I decided to attempt to make my own..and they worked! thanks for the great idea!

        btw…I am moving to 3rd grade this year after 21 years in primary SPED…I now have 30 on my roster!!

  6. Angela Papa
    July 20, 2012 | 2:01 pm

    I remember using tickets when I subbed for your maternity leave! I think I may use these this year. Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Renee
      July 27, 2012 | 3:00 pm

      Girl, you were the BEST maternity sub ever!! I loved coming back and seeing all the ideas you incorporated! One of the ones I remember using the next year was the HW filing crate where the kids just came in and filed their HW in their numbered folder. SO MUCH easier and better than throwing it into inbox trays!

  7. […] 2 School Free Printables coming soon!!  You can also check out what we’ve done so far… Classroom Ticket System & Multiplication Memory […]

  8. AliLily – 101 Back To School Free Printables
    September 27, 2012 | 4:56 pm

    […] Classroom Currency […]

  9. Kristy
    July 6, 2013 | 6:47 pm

    Is there a way that you would be able to add another page for numbers up to 30? I teach 3rd grade and last year I had 27 kiddos in my class. I’ve downloaded the others up to 20 so if you would like to send me an edited page to my email I would greatly apprecaite it!!!! Thanks so much!!

  10. Christina
    August 11, 2013 | 1:34 pm

    I love the tickets! I used them last year but only had 13 students this year I will have 21-25 students. My question is, is there any way you could make some more with more numbers or editable ones?
    I really want to use them this year again.

Classroom Management {Free ClassroomTicket Printables}

Happy 4th of July!!  Hope you all have some fun family events planned.  I’m sure we will be eating LOTS and LOTS of food and enjoying the sun and maybe some fireworks too.  :)

You know what they say… once the 4th of July rolls around, that means THE SUMMER IS OVER!  Right? :)  Or am I the only pessimist in the house?

classroom currency

Finding a Way to Reward Positive Behavior

Reward Stinker Sammy’s behavior with LOTS of attention and focus and you’ve taught the little stinker that the best way to get your attention is through driving you batty!  :)

My mom is pretty much the greatest teacher I know, and she’s used the Ticket Reward System for probably 25 years or more.

It works. Seriously.

As I warned promised you earlier, I’m kicking off July as Back To School Season, sharing some of the FUN things I’ve been prepping for in my new venture as 4th grade Teacher in the fall!

First up in our series is something I’m really excited about!!  Using this Classroom Currency System is a great way to seek out, notice, and REWARD those little cherubs modeling POSITIVE behavior for all your students.  I’m all for ANY method that will motivate my challenging students away from that “Stinker” behavior!

Classroom Currency

I love it. {It’s also a painless way to diffuse a behavior issue too with a quiet “Bring me a ticket, please.} Works wonders.

It’s been three years since I’ve used tickets {due to my Computer Teacher role and then my 2 years off}, and my graphic design *skills* have grown quite DRASTICALLY since that time.  Making my new FABULOUS tickets was SO MUCH FUN!

I am currently loving bright rainbow colors as well as all things polka dots which is going to mean a bright fun happy classroom atmosphere… perfect for my little angels.  :)

How My Classroom Currency Works!

  • Tickets are the lowest form of currency.  Students can lose tickets for small offenses and earn them for “good behavior.”  I love to say “First row ready gets a ticket” or something of that nature and watch them fly.  I also require tickets for responsibility issues like sharpening a pencil with the electric sharpener at undesignated times or having to borrow paper or pencils from me.
  • Once students have at least fourteen or so collected, ten of those tickets may be traded in for a sticker {kept on the wall monthly using the large shaped notepad sheets. See pic below.}.  I do this at designated times before the bell rings or if time, right before dismissal.  You can also assign a “Banker” who is in charge of counting out tickets during the before school time.
  • At then end of the month, I count the stickers on the wall and for every ten stickers, students receive an iGram.  I round up to the nearest ten. For numbers rounding down, I give tickets for the overage amount.  For ex, 35 stickers rounds up to 4 iGrams while 33 stickers would be 3 iGrams and 3 tickets.
  • Students may use 2 iGrams to buy candy at the end of the day or occasionally small items from the class treasure box.  Ten iGrams can earn a coveted Homework Pass {good for one night’s homework in ONE subject. Math & English delayed for one night.}
It may seem over complicated, but it doesn’t take long for the kids to catch on and get it pretty quickly.  Usually it’s the parents who do struggle to keep it all straight.  :) Putting a little effort into setting up a workable system from the beginning can help you immensely later on.

Printing the Tickets

I print my tickets in color, laminate them, and THEN cut them out with a paper cutter.

classroom currency

Laminating usually gives them the durability to last all year long… if not longer!

Filing your Tickets

In my early years I used a small plastic office basket to store my tickets, and just tried to keep the tickets sectioned by person.  It worked okay, but it was definitely NOT IDEAL!  Students would often stand at my desk hunting for one of their tickets!

I came up with the idea to file them in a 3×5 file box with dividers for each student.  It makes passing and changing in tickets SO MUCH FASTER!

classroom currency

You {or the student banker} just find that person’s section and do their business.  :)

Using the Ticket System

Each student is assigned a particular number and can ONLY use tickets showing that number.  This really helps with someone claiming a lost ticket on the floor as his own or other such “stealing” scenarios… another “mom idea” though she put names instead of numbers.

This is my first year trying numbers, and I’m really liking it so far.  For one thing, I could possibly reuse these next year too if they are in good enough shape; whereas with the names, it’s “one year use” only, regardless of their condition.

classroom currency

Using numbers also means that I can design, print, and cut my tickets at any time in the summer without waiting to get my class list.  It also accounts for that new student who joins you at the last minute!

When a student has to turn in a ticket, he just puts it in a small plastic bin on my desk.  Then at the end of the day, one of my students or I just goes through that basket, sorts tickets, and files them back in the file box.

Students store their tickets in their name tag… a labeled & laminated library pocket attached to their desk.

Using iGrams!

classroom management

Uh, yep.  These are once again something I learned from mom, though hers {and mine} were called Happy Grams.  I decided to go with iGrams this year since I’m doing lots of tech themed things in our room!

Usually the only time I’m dishing out iGrams is at the end of the month when I take down the sticker sheets and count them all.  The Sticker Sheets are usually just the themed Note Pad Sheets from Carson Delosa… a different one each month.

classroom currency

Each student has one with their name on it, and they can earn stickers daily a few other ways too for complete homework and good conduct.

I actually let each student count their stickers at the end of the month and write the number on the back.  They turn in their count, and I pretty much just trust their number, but I can always double check if I think it’s been inflated a bit. :)

When it’s time to hand them out, I write the student’s name on the iGram as well as my initials. When they trade in their iGrams, I just file them in with their tickets in the ticket box!  That way, the next time I’m counting stickers and handing out iGrams, I can just check the file box and see if they already have some made.

I’m sharing these awesome tickets FREE on my new TPT {Teachers Pay Teachers} page!

classroom management

Do you think my iGram turned out techy?  I was going for the iTunes gift card look.  :)  I probably will just print these in black and white on colored paper. These are also available for you on TPT.

classroom management

*graphics courtesy of Phyllis Harris and Karen Cox

Be sure to stay tuned for our Back 2 School series with lots more PRINTABLES coming up!

Have you ever used or thought of using classroom tickets? Any Classroom Currency questions I didn’t answer??

back to school

Linking up at 4th Grade Frolics

14 Responses to Classroom Management {Free ClassroomTicket Printables}
  1. Ellen M
    July 5, 2012 | 8:31 am

    Yay! Can’t wait to see more school-related posts. ;) These are pretty neat. I essentially did the same thing in 1st grade. I do things a little differently with pre-k. I’m curious what you used to make these tickets? I love TPT! I just need to get on the ball and make my own account – but I wonder how successful it could be? When does your school year start though? We still have essentially 2 months left… We don’t start until Aug. 29th. July is, however, when I allow myself to start making plans/materials, etc. for the upcoming school year. I make myself NOT think about school during the month of June. ;)

    • Renee
      July 5, 2012 | 10:11 pm

      Thanks, Ellen! I’ve been happily working on things like this! So fun to me! I made these with the My Memories software actually! Then I took a screen shot of each ticket and then added it as a photo to a Word doc so I could have them 20 to a page like that. I have been using the My Memories quite a lot lately for things like that and I’m really loving it! TPT is seriously an amazing invention! I don’t know that I will end up selling anything but it’s an easy way to share free stuff too!
      We start school August 22nd I think, but we have to report back the 13th.
      So true about June! Gotta have time to detox, ha!
      It was different for me this summer… I’ve been in the July planning mode since April!!

  2. Rachel
    July 5, 2012 | 4:25 pm

    What fantastic ideas! I’m definitely pinning this . . .

  3. Tara
    July 10, 2012 | 9:51 pm

    I really love these!!! Super great ideas! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing:) Hope you can come back next week and share again. I would love it if you would grab my button:) Thanks bunches:)

  4. […] through them before the end of the year. To give some extra motivation, students will receive an iGram for each table they […]

  5. Shari
    July 12, 2012 | 10:58 pm

    HI—I LOVE these and how you organize them on your desk! One question…….could you add another page of tickets with numbers up to 35? I have 29 on my current class list for the fall, and that will probably go up :(

    • Renee
      July 27, 2012 | 3:08 pm

      Shari, I can’t make any promises, but I will try! I’m currently going crazy planning with little time left in the day! I can’t imagine having 29+!!! You poor thing! What grade level do you have?

      • Shari
        July 28, 2012 | 5:29 pm

        No worries! When I saw on your blog you were headed on vacation, I decided to attempt to make my own..and they worked! thanks for the great idea!

        btw…I am moving to 3rd grade this year after 21 years in primary SPED…I now have 30 on my roster!!

  6. Angela Papa
    July 20, 2012 | 2:01 pm

    I remember using tickets when I subbed for your maternity leave! I think I may use these this year. Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Renee
      July 27, 2012 | 3:00 pm

      Girl, you were the BEST maternity sub ever!! I loved coming back and seeing all the ideas you incorporated! One of the ones I remember using the next year was the HW filing crate where the kids just came in and filed their HW in their numbered folder. SO MUCH easier and better than throwing it into inbox trays!

  7. […] 2 School Free Printables coming soon!!  You can also check out what we’ve done so far… Classroom Ticket System & Multiplication Memory […]

  8. AliLily – 101 Back To School Free Printables
    September 27, 2012 | 4:56 pm

    […] Classroom Currency […]

  9. Kristy
    July 6, 2013 | 6:47 pm

    Is there a way that you would be able to add another page for numbers up to 30? I teach 3rd grade and last year I had 27 kiddos in my class. I’ve downloaded the others up to 20 so if you would like to send me an edited page to my email I would greatly apprecaite it!!!! Thanks so much!!

  10. Christina
    August 11, 2013 | 1:34 pm

    I love the tickets! I used them last year but only had 13 students this year I will have 21-25 students. My question is, is there any way you could make some more with more numbers or editable ones?
    I really want to use them this year again.