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Christmas DAY!

Christmas day is always the craziest for us since we journey from house to house, family to family. 
We start out getting up EAAAARLY and open gifts at our house.  Chris and I start out all alone and open our gifts to each other.  It sometimes seems to be our last serene moment of the day!

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We are on a tight schedule, so after our gifts, we get the kiddos up and start the madness!


I just love this picture of my two sweeties… sleepy but excited… kind of the definition of a Christmas mornin’ feeling.
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After presents were done we made our mad dash getting everyone ready and on the road to Grandmother’s House We Go!  Thankfully, we had already brought our gifts over, so it was one less to thing to throw in the car…

At Grandma’s we had time to stuff in a cinnamon roll and a sausage ball and it was GIFT TIME!

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Haylee asked for the walkie talkies from Aunt B, so she said, YES! when she opened them.

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I got earrings, and Chris got a jacket…

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Haylee loves the camera… can you tell?


My Letter Art that spells our name. Chris was having trouble reading it in the pics…  Hence his face…  :)


Mom got “Teacher…”

Soon after the gifts were opened and most of the trash was cleaned up (including the “snow” that Grandma decided would be fun to spread around…) we all packed up and headed our separate ways…

We headed straight to the next Family Gathering…

our family at pawpaws

…ate a ton, opened gifts, and fellowshipped…  Then it was off to the Howards for our last stop of the night for more good food, a recycled gift exchange, and a round or two of Christmas Family Feud before heading home to the chaos that was our living room! 

Ah! Another Christmas has come and gone! Little did we know that a four day stomach virus would be awaiting us in the morning!  : )

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Christmas DAY!

Christmas day is always the craziest for us since we journey from house to house, family to family. 
We start out getting up EAAAARLY and open gifts at our house.  Chris and I start out all alone and open our gifts to each other.  It sometimes seems to be our last serene moment of the day!

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We are on a tight schedule, so after our gifts, we get the kiddos up and start the madness!


I just love this picture of my two sweeties… sleepy but excited… kind of the definition of a Christmas mornin’ feeling.
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After presents were done we made our mad dash getting everyone ready and on the road to Grandmother’s House We Go!  Thankfully, we had already brought our gifts over, so it was one less to thing to throw in the car…

At Grandma’s we had time to stuff in a cinnamon roll and a sausage ball and it was GIFT TIME!

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Haylee asked for the walkie talkies from Aunt B, so she said, YES! when she opened them.

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I got earrings, and Chris got a jacket…

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Haylee loves the camera… can you tell?


My Letter Art that spells our name. Chris was having trouble reading it in the pics…  Hence his face…  :)


Mom got “Teacher…”

Soon after the gifts were opened and most of the trash was cleaned up (including the “snow” that Grandma decided would be fun to spread around…) we all packed up and headed our separate ways…

We headed straight to the next Family Gathering…

our family at pawpaws

…ate a ton, opened gifts, and fellowshipped…  Then it was off to the Howards for our last stop of the night for more good food, a recycled gift exchange, and a round or two of Christmas Family Feud before heading home to the chaos that was our living room! 

Ah! Another Christmas has come and gone! Little did we know that a four day stomach virus would be awaiting us in the morning!  : )

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