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Category Archives: Musings

The Nightmare Monster Buggy of Wal-Mart

As I alluded to yesterday, I did not have the greatest shopping experience last week with the obnoxious Monster Sized Wal-Mart Buggy. This image comes to mind… {source} As I’ve mentioned once or twenty times, I usually try to do whatever necessary to avoid shopping by myself with my three *beautifully behaved* {ahem} kiddos. Despite,…

Something New… a Book Challenge for 2012!

This is not new for the rest of the planet, I know.  But it is something new for yours truly.  I got inspired by a few bloggy friends and their great lists… I love to read.  Have FOREVER.  With the responsibilities of life and kids and husbands… oh wait, just have one of those {ha,…

Cue the Weight Loss Theme…

It’s the first week of January, and we all know what that means, right?  Time to start thinking and wishing and writing about what we want to happen this year. Most of the time, #1 on the list is weight loss. I’ve shared my own weird weight loss journey, but I’ll recap briefly.  Was a…

Best Bloggers of 2011

Since lists are just so very fun, here’s yet another one…a list of my picks for the BEST BLOGGERS OF 2011!    In the beloved Home Décor Category… Gotta start with Sarah from Thrifty Décor Chick!  She is awesome with the amazing and CHEAP projects she accomplishes and I so love that she keeps it…

2011’s Top Ten!

{via} It’s that time of year again.  That time when everyone waxes eloquent on all the BESTS in everything for the year. So… for FUN… let’s look back at the 2011 year right here… This has a fun blogging year for me.  I’ve managed to blog lots and open new bloggy chapters too.   In January,…

Top Holidays Likes & Dislikes!

{via Just Devine Style} There’s something about Christmas that inspires lots of lists, isn’t there?  Lots of Likes and Dislikes too about this most favorite and magical time of the year. We all can even end up with strong opinions about the RIGHT way to do things for the holidays. :) We are at my…

My Christmas Craft Room

The Christmas Craziness has FULLY set in on all of us, right?  We have one last week of homeschool to finish up and then we’ll be taking a 2.5 week break! Yahoo!  Hard to believe our second year is almost half over. Can you believe there are only TWELVE days left until Christmas???  I happily…

It’s Black Friday!!!

How can it still be called Black FRIDAY when the silly sales are starting at 10 o’clock pm on Thursday?? On THANKSGIVING!!  You know the one out of two remaining sacred holidays left?  Yeah, not so much anymore these days.  Can we really not survive a DAY without places like fast food restaurants and grocery…

Happy Turkey Day!!!

We have SO much to be thankful for, don’t we? It’s so easy to lose sight of that in the midst of all the petty problems that often consume us.  I love this song from Laura Story called Blessings.  It’s perfect for Thanksgiving and us remembering ALL the many blessings showered on us each day. …

Bloggy Love!

We are having a GRAND time away, and I thought this would be a great time to give a SHOUT OUT to some friends with NEW and FABULOUS blogs. You’ve met my good friend Kristi before from Cooking Unbound.  She really has a great concept… cooking without being TIED to a recipe!!  She shares lots…

Category Archives: Musings

The Nightmare Monster Buggy of Wal-Mart

As I alluded to yesterday, I did not have the greatest shopping experience last week with the obnoxious Monster Sized Wal-Mart Buggy. This image comes to mind… {source} As I’ve mentioned once or twenty times, I usually try to do whatever necessary to avoid shopping by myself with my three *beautifully behaved* {ahem} kiddos. Despite,…

Something New… a Book Challenge for 2012!

This is not new for the rest of the planet, I know.  But it is something new for yours truly.  I got inspired by a few bloggy friends and their great lists… I love to read.  Have FOREVER.  With the responsibilities of life and kids and husbands… oh wait, just have one of those {ha,…

Cue the Weight Loss Theme…

It’s the first week of January, and we all know what that means, right?  Time to start thinking and wishing and writing about what we want to happen this year. Most of the time, #1 on the list is weight loss. I’ve shared my own weird weight loss journey, but I’ll recap briefly.  Was a…

Best Bloggers of 2011

Since lists are just so very fun, here’s yet another one…a list of my picks for the BEST BLOGGERS OF 2011!    In the beloved Home Décor Category… Gotta start with Sarah from Thrifty Décor Chick!  She is awesome with the amazing and CHEAP projects she accomplishes and I so love that she keeps it…

2011’s Top Ten!

{via} It’s that time of year again.  That time when everyone waxes eloquent on all the BESTS in everything for the year. So… for FUN… let’s look back at the 2011 year right here… This has a fun blogging year for me.  I’ve managed to blog lots and open new bloggy chapters too.   In January,…

Top Holidays Likes & Dislikes!

{via Just Devine Style} There’s something about Christmas that inspires lots of lists, isn’t there?  Lots of Likes and Dislikes too about this most favorite and magical time of the year. We all can even end up with strong opinions about the RIGHT way to do things for the holidays. :) We are at my…

My Christmas Craft Room

The Christmas Craziness has FULLY set in on all of us, right?  We have one last week of homeschool to finish up and then we’ll be taking a 2.5 week break! Yahoo!  Hard to believe our second year is almost half over. Can you believe there are only TWELVE days left until Christmas???  I happily…

It’s Black Friday!!!

How can it still be called Black FRIDAY when the silly sales are starting at 10 o’clock pm on Thursday?? On THANKSGIVING!!  You know the one out of two remaining sacred holidays left?  Yeah, not so much anymore these days.  Can we really not survive a DAY without places like fast food restaurants and grocery…

Happy Turkey Day!!!

We have SO much to be thankful for, don’t we? It’s so easy to lose sight of that in the midst of all the petty problems that often consume us.  I love this song from Laura Story called Blessings.  It’s perfect for Thanksgiving and us remembering ALL the many blessings showered on us each day. …

Bloggy Love!

We are having a GRAND time away, and I thought this would be a great time to give a SHOUT OUT to some friends with NEW and FABULOUS blogs. You’ve met my good friend Kristi before from Cooking Unbound.  She really has a great concept… cooking without being TIED to a recipe!!  She shares lots…