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A Mother’s Day Grand Event

This morning I’m off to another round of acupuncture… I’m not as nervous this time, but still a bit uneasy to be sure. It really doesn’t hurt, so I know I’ll be fine.

Chris asked why we are doing both sets of treatments… ie, the Fertility Clinic and Acupuncture. I guess I feel like the more I’m doing, the better my chances. Plus, a bonus to the acupuncture is ideally an overall increase in my health and well being. It would be completely wondrous if somehow this could eliminate my numerous headaches. I have a prescription for medication for it, and I’ve been to two different chiropractors and haven’t been able to eliminate them. Even with our insurance, the meds are $30 for 9 pills. This is crazy especially when I seem to be needing them more and more often.

I’m also back to the feeling of using strong meds and only hoping that in a few years I won’t be growing stomach tumors from it.

Last time, I got a needle right between my eyes. It was the only one that bled a bit after the needle removal. At least I have hope for the headaches.

Aside from the acupuncture, I do have some other BIG procedures coming up this weekend. Something about which I am so excited.

I went to the Fertility Clinic Friday morning for an ultrasound. It showed I have at least two viable eggs ready to be released. They instructed me to inject myself with a shot last night that will aid in the ovulation and then return to their office bright and early Sunday morning at 7 am! IUI is what they call it. Artificial insemination is another term as well. It seems simple enough to me. They will insert a small tube in me and give the sperm a boost to where they need to go.

I knew I would NOT be able to give myself a shot. In fact, when the nurse was first explaining it to me, my reaction was shock and horror. She then suggested that Chris administer the torture. Chris was all too happy to agree.

Somehow, I think that evil gleam in his eye was very telling.

He didn’t get the chance, however, since I went to a friend’s (Amber McPherson) High School graduation, and Chris did not attend. The shot had to be given from 6 to 8 pm which was tricky with us leaving the house before 6 and the graduation starting at 7 but not over before 8. Neither Mom or Bette Anne were up for the challenge. I guess they don’t have the same sadistic feelings as my hubster.

Mom’s great suggestion was asking Amber’s mom to do it. She’s a nurse… although on the night of her baby daughter’s graduation, you would think she should be able to relax and not have to administer shots to random people.

She was quite willing to help however, for which I was thankful. We snuck away to the concession stand entrance, and she fired away. It was a relief to have it over, for sure, and I told her to send me the bill in the mail for her services.

It may seem strange, but I have had this sense that God was leading us to try the Fertility Clinic and go through something similar…perhaps AI or IVF. I don’t know His purpose, maybe it would be a chance to minister and sympathize with others going through this experience.

In my heart, I feel that we may be at the end of our journey down the road of infertility. I know maybe I shouldn’t get my hopes up… but we shall see.

Wouldn’t it be grand and special to conceive on Mother’s Day?

3 Responses to A Mother’s Day Grand Event
  1. Bette Anne
    May 12, 2007 | 3:04 pm

    You almost made me cry like I was watching Lorilea sing to Luke! Truly hope that this will be the end of your long journey!

    Will be praying for everything tomorrow!

    Love ya,

  2. Ellen
    May 12, 2007 | 6:26 pm

    PLEASE know that you are in my prayers!! I will be thinking of you all day. May you have a blessed Mother’s Day!

  3. Rachel
    May 15, 2007 | 12:56 pm

    Oh Renee, you are definitely in my prayers! I sincerely hope the Lord blesses you with another little one. I’m glad, also to see your sweet spirit in this whole thing. You’re very encouraging to me. We love you!

A Mother’s Day Grand Event

This morning I’m off to another round of acupuncture… I’m not as nervous this time, but still a bit uneasy to be sure. It really doesn’t hurt, so I know I’ll be fine.

Chris asked why we are doing both sets of treatments… ie, the Fertility Clinic and Acupuncture. I guess I feel like the more I’m doing, the better my chances. Plus, a bonus to the acupuncture is ideally an overall increase in my health and well being. It would be completely wondrous if somehow this could eliminate my numerous headaches. I have a prescription for medication for it, and I’ve been to two different chiropractors and haven’t been able to eliminate them. Even with our insurance, the meds are $30 for 9 pills. This is crazy especially when I seem to be needing them more and more often.

I’m also back to the feeling of using strong meds and only hoping that in a few years I won’t be growing stomach tumors from it.

Last time, I got a needle right between my eyes. It was the only one that bled a bit after the needle removal. At least I have hope for the headaches.

Aside from the acupuncture, I do have some other BIG procedures coming up this weekend. Something about which I am so excited.

I went to the Fertility Clinic Friday morning for an ultrasound. It showed I have at least two viable eggs ready to be released. They instructed me to inject myself with a shot last night that will aid in the ovulation and then return to their office bright and early Sunday morning at 7 am! IUI is what they call it. Artificial insemination is another term as well. It seems simple enough to me. They will insert a small tube in me and give the sperm a boost to where they need to go.

I knew I would NOT be able to give myself a shot. In fact, when the nurse was first explaining it to me, my reaction was shock and horror. She then suggested that Chris administer the torture. Chris was all too happy to agree.

Somehow, I think that evil gleam in his eye was very telling.

He didn’t get the chance, however, since I went to a friend’s (Amber McPherson) High School graduation, and Chris did not attend. The shot had to be given from 6 to 8 pm which was tricky with us leaving the house before 6 and the graduation starting at 7 but not over before 8. Neither Mom or Bette Anne were up for the challenge. I guess they don’t have the same sadistic feelings as my hubster.

Mom’s great suggestion was asking Amber’s mom to do it. She’s a nurse… although on the night of her baby daughter’s graduation, you would think she should be able to relax and not have to administer shots to random people.

She was quite willing to help however, for which I was thankful. We snuck away to the concession stand entrance, and she fired away. It was a relief to have it over, for sure, and I told her to send me the bill in the mail for her services.

It may seem strange, but I have had this sense that God was leading us to try the Fertility Clinic and go through something similar…perhaps AI or IVF. I don’t know His purpose, maybe it would be a chance to minister and sympathize with others going through this experience.

In my heart, I feel that we may be at the end of our journey down the road of infertility. I know maybe I shouldn’t get my hopes up… but we shall see.

Wouldn’t it be grand and special to conceive on Mother’s Day?

3 Responses to A Mother’s Day Grand Event
  1. Bette Anne
    May 12, 2007 | 3:04 pm

    You almost made me cry like I was watching Lorilea sing to Luke! Truly hope that this will be the end of your long journey!

    Will be praying for everything tomorrow!

    Love ya,

  2. Ellen
    May 12, 2007 | 6:26 pm

    PLEASE know that you are in my prayers!! I will be thinking of you all day. May you have a blessed Mother’s Day!

  3. Rachel
    May 15, 2007 | 12:56 pm

    Oh Renee, you are definitely in my prayers! I sincerely hope the Lord blesses you with another little one. I’m glad, also to see your sweet spirit in this whole thing. You’re very encouraging to me. We love you!