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Yay for Baby!

I am so happy to report that the Baby is already showing at least ONE sign of being well behaved… he has turned head down again for me!  So far I have avoided the dreaded c-section once again!  
If you’re keeping track, that’s head down and “I-don’t-think-he’ll-move” by the u/s tech at 34 weeks“Is-that-a-foot-I-feel?Oh-no-he’s-breech” at 36 weeks… and “Hallelujah-he-actually-turned” at 37 weeks.  
{According to the tech, the baby is measuring 6 lbs 15 oz… but once again… u/s measurements can be off by up to 2 lbs, so we’ll see…}
Dr. Peach walked out of the exam room with me on my way out and told the nurses… “She has the craziest baby…”   Maybe now people will believe me when I try to tell them how MUCH this baby moves!!!!
Let’s just hope the crazy baby has finally run out of room in there. Can he stay in the same position for 18 more days??
3 Responses to Yay for Baby!
  1. Rachel
    September 2, 2010 | 3:03 pm

    So glad you're doing well, and you're in my prayers!

  2. Rachel
    September 2, 2010 | 10:10 pm

    That's awesome!! Hope things stay the way they're supposed to for 3 more weeks…

  3. Ellen
    September 3, 2010 | 9:54 am

    Praying Baby Davis stays the way he's supposed to til delivery! ;)

Yay for Baby!

I am so happy to report that the Baby is already showing at least ONE sign of being well behaved… he has turned head down again for me!  So far I have avoided the dreaded c-section once again!  
If you’re keeping track, that’s head down and “I-don’t-think-he’ll-move” by the u/s tech at 34 weeks“Is-that-a-foot-I-feel?Oh-no-he’s-breech” at 36 weeks… and “Hallelujah-he-actually-turned” at 37 weeks.  
{According to the tech, the baby is measuring 6 lbs 15 oz… but once again… u/s measurements can be off by up to 2 lbs, so we’ll see…}
Dr. Peach walked out of the exam room with me on my way out and told the nurses… “She has the craziest baby…”   Maybe now people will believe me when I try to tell them how MUCH this baby moves!!!!
Let’s just hope the crazy baby has finally run out of room in there. Can he stay in the same position for 18 more days??
3 Responses to Yay for Baby!
  1. Rachel
    September 2, 2010 | 3:03 pm

    So glad you're doing well, and you're in my prayers!

  2. Rachel
    September 2, 2010 | 10:10 pm

    That's awesome!! Hope things stay the way they're supposed to for 3 more weeks…

  3. Ellen
    September 3, 2010 | 9:54 am

    Praying Baby Davis stays the way he's supposed to til delivery! ;)