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Two Time’s the Charm?

We rose at the crack of dawn this morning and headed out to REACH for my blood work and ultrasound. I do believe every time I have stepped foot in that office they have stuck me with a needle and taken my blood. Quite obsessive of them, I think.

My ultrasound showed two mature eggs again… both on my left ovary. Last month, I think they sized them 15 and 18. This month they are significantly (imo) larger sizing at 21 and 24. I’m guessing the measurement scale is millimeters? I don’t think I remember them referring to anything except the numbers themselves.

So we’re going to try this all again. This time Chris is thrilled that he will get to administer my ovidrel shot this evening. Sadistic of him, isn’t it? I’m not looking forward to letting him use the excuse of relieving any possible frustrations he has built up over these seven years… He may relish taking them out on me. I guess I need to be extra nice to him, at least until tonight. ;)

We will then have to report back Tuesday morning bright and early for our lab work, and come back later in the morning for the insemination. I know they say the third time’s the charm, but we’re hoping twice is all we need.

It is “funny”, though, because I was so hopeful last month. Now, I don’t really feel much, if any, excitement about the IUI. It almost felt like a sure thing before… like how could it not possibly work for us? After last month, I am back to the wonderful world of pessimism. That’s not to say I’m not hopeful, but I’m definitely not ecstatic about it like I was.

The whirlwind of up and down emotions is something hard to handle in this whole process, but maybe something you eventually get more accustomed to. I think it comes standard with the world of infertility…

2 Responses to Two Time’s the Charm?
  1. Rachel
    June 11, 2007 | 4:21 am

    You’re in my prayers, girl! (Oh, tell Chris that if he doesn’t play nice, you’ll poison his dinner :)

  2. Ellen
    June 11, 2007 | 10:18 am

    You’re in my prayers as well. God’s grace is sufficient for our every need… Look to Him for your encouragement.

Two Time’s the Charm?

We rose at the crack of dawn this morning and headed out to REACH for my blood work and ultrasound. I do believe every time I have stepped foot in that office they have stuck me with a needle and taken my blood. Quite obsessive of them, I think.

My ultrasound showed two mature eggs again… both on my left ovary. Last month, I think they sized them 15 and 18. This month they are significantly (imo) larger sizing at 21 and 24. I’m guessing the measurement scale is millimeters? I don’t think I remember them referring to anything except the numbers themselves.

So we’re going to try this all again. This time Chris is thrilled that he will get to administer my ovidrel shot this evening. Sadistic of him, isn’t it? I’m not looking forward to letting him use the excuse of relieving any possible frustrations he has built up over these seven years… He may relish taking them out on me. I guess I need to be extra nice to him, at least until tonight. ;)

We will then have to report back Tuesday morning bright and early for our lab work, and come back later in the morning for the insemination. I know they say the third time’s the charm, but we’re hoping twice is all we need.

It is “funny”, though, because I was so hopeful last month. Now, I don’t really feel much, if any, excitement about the IUI. It almost felt like a sure thing before… like how could it not possibly work for us? After last month, I am back to the wonderful world of pessimism. That’s not to say I’m not hopeful, but I’m definitely not ecstatic about it like I was.

The whirlwind of up and down emotions is something hard to handle in this whole process, but maybe something you eventually get more accustomed to. I think it comes standard with the world of infertility…

2 Responses to Two Time’s the Charm?
  1. Rachel
    June 11, 2007 | 4:21 am

    You’re in my prayers, girl! (Oh, tell Chris that if he doesn’t play nice, you’ll poison his dinner :)

  2. Ellen
    June 11, 2007 | 10:18 am

    You’re in my prayers as well. God’s grace is sufficient for our every need… Look to Him for your encouragement.