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Thoughts on Forgiveness

forgiveness enlarge{source}

I’ve had my share of the technical blog talk of late… as I’m sure all of you have too!  Thank you for indulging me in my last post.  You all are the best!   :) 

I’m focusing on the fact that whatever will be, will be on the little blog o’ mine.  :)

So instead of the Beautify your Blog post, I want to get a teensy personal today {gulp} and share a great big flaw of mine.

Who knows.  Maybe some of you can relate. 

We all want to BE forgiven for our many many wrongs, don’t we? But sometimes we tend to hoard that same forgiveness from others. 

Okay, is that just me??

I’m what you could call a sensitive person.  I can’t watch terribly disturbing shows or movies without dwelling on them for hours or sometimes days later.

I’ll never forget when my hubby and I were newly dating, and he was so excited to show me his favorite movie… Seven.  After the credits rolled, I was so seriously freaked, I cried. 

That was one of those most disturbing movies I think I’ve ever seen. It’s about a serial killer who killed people based on the seven deadly sins from Proverbs, just in case you were wondering.

After Chris watches or hears something horridly awful on Dateline or 20/20 or even the regular old news nowadays, he has this magical ability to just turn it off in his brain and sleep like a baby. 

I’m a muser and a dweller.  I just can’t get stuff outta my head for some unknown reason.

worried woman{source}

This has proved interesting in our marriage too.  A statement made by Chris and promptly forgotten is ingested and analyzed and stewed over by me. 


I was gripped recently with some liberating thoughts on forgiveness

Forgiveness is not a magical feeling that suddenly comes over you and allows you to let things go and move on.  As hard as it is, Forgiveness is just a choice

True Forgiveness is a choice to release the person who hurt us from the pain they have caused.  — M. Southerland, GiG

That was a powerful thought to me.  Sometimes when I’m hurt, I want to hang onto those melancholy feelings and feel sad and dramatic just a little bit longer.  Almost as if I need to let the hurt FULLY mature and run its course.  Or something else equally bizarre and irrational.

What I’m saying is how I feel about the hurt is more important than forgiving the hurt. –M.Southerland

It’s important to recognize that while we can’t control when hurts come, it is completely within our control HOW we respond.  Even when the hurt is overwhelming, and we can’t understand why or how something happened, we can make a choice to forgive… just as we have received full and abundant forgiveness.


This last quote from Southerland really hit me hard…

Forgiveness is not limited to those who deserve it,  those who apologize, or those who change! 

Say what?

I think I sometimes operate under the assumption that my forgiveness should only be awarded to those whose apologies and contriteness meet my criteria and approval. 

But that isn’t grace.  That isn’t Christ

In our moment of pain, we may want to hang onto the hurt and feel sorry for ourselves a while longer, but letting go is the best choice we can make… for ourselves AND for the health of our relationships. 


Please do not get me wrong… I definitely have not mastered this concept… by any means. 

Just ask my long suffering hubby.   :)

Any fellow worrier, muser, dwellers out there? What do YOU do to turn off your brain?



Linking up at  Weekend Bloggy Link up, Bowl Full of Lemons, the 36th Avenue, Five Days Five Ways, and Someday Crafts.

20 Responses to Thoughts on Forgiveness
  1. Leah
    February 17, 2012 | 1:01 pm

    I’m def. a muser/dweller. I’m the same way with movies- can’t watch anything disturbing. It’s almost like I personalize it and it feels like it’s happened (or is going to happen) to me!

    As for forgiveness, there’s not a person on the planet that it comes easy for- it’s something we have to surrender to God and let Him do a beautiful work in our hearts.

    On my kitchen windowsill I have one of those wooden blocks that has a word on it. The word is “forgive.” On top of the block I keep a tiny package bow (a white one). It’s to remind me that forgiveness cleanses hearts and relationships. And it’s to remind me that forgiveness is a GIFT- to God, to ourselves, and to others!

    I’ll stop before my comment turns into a post….haha! :)

    • Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
      February 17, 2012 | 5:39 pm

      Love that, Leah! the gift package on top of the the forgive block – forgiveness really is a gift.

    • Renee
      February 18, 2012 | 8:52 pm

      Beautiful reminder! We do well to remind ourselves of the great gift WE have been given!

  2. Rachel
    February 17, 2012 | 2:23 pm

    I fall under the category of worrier :( I have to memorize and quote Scripture dealing w/this issue (and even then I fail quite often since I’m human!).

    As far as forgiveness I know that I struggle with forgiving based on MY qualifications for the person who wronged/hurt me (“they didn’t say/act sorry enough–or maybe didn’t apologize at all” etc.) However, there IS no prerequisite for someone to be forgiven by me…I must simply forgive. Period.

    Sometimes it’s easier to say then put into practice, but
    the Lord’s been working in my heart in this area and I appreciate you sharing your heart in this post! You’re right; forgiveness is a choice and God’s grace can enable me do it time and time again.

  3. Molly Swaffer
    February 17, 2012 | 2:36 pm

    Wonderful post, friend!!!!

  4. Amy
    February 17, 2012 | 3:26 pm

    I so understand what you are saying. I have been reading Hosea. Oh my! What a true lesson on ultimate forgiveness, and it is the picture of God to Israel. Wow! It is never easy, but I find for me that Godly love and forgiveness go hand in hand. The greater of His love we possess the greater we can forgive.

    • Renee
      February 18, 2012 | 8:59 pm

      Great point, Amy! Wow! Love that… ‘the greater of His love we possess, the greater we can forgive!’ So true!

  5. Carla
    February 17, 2012 | 3:44 pm

    I am all of the above: worrier, muser/dweller. Like another commenter, I personalize things, and that greatly limits criminal or scary shows…and even news reports/stories! The forgiveness things is really tough too…well esp. the letting go of it. Good post – very thought provoking!

  6. Ashley
    February 17, 2012 | 4:28 pm

    When I logged in to fb this morning this quote was right before your post. I thought it was fitting. “When you forgive, you set two people free, and one of them is yourself.” This is something that I’ve personally been struggling with lately. Thanks for the thought provoking post :)

    • Renee
      February 18, 2012 | 9:00 pm

      That is so true! Love that! Thanks for sharing it!

  7. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
    February 17, 2012 | 5:43 pm

    I am the same with not being able to turn my mind off. When we were first married, I couldn’t watch a crime drama show or even listen to the news (hearing news of murders, attacks, etc.) right before bed. I would go to sleep and end of having nightmares and wake David up in the middle of the night almost in tears from fright. Don’t know why. Don’t do that anymore – maybe it was just the change of a new place we were living, being married, new house, etc.

    And forgiveness… loved this quote you referenced “Forgiveness is not limited to those who deserve it, those who apologize, or those who change! ” I too wrestle with not wanting to forgive when the person doesn’t deserve it (in MY eyes). BUT, I didn’t and still don’t deserve Christ’s forgiveness – have to remind myself of that.

    • Renee
      February 17, 2012 | 6:25 pm

      It’s so funny/neat to see so many other people with the same issues as me! Not sure if it’s a guy/girl thing or just a creative type personality or what.
      Yes, it is life altering when we remember how much we have been forgiven!

  8. Erin @ His & Hers
    February 18, 2012 | 2:20 pm

    So many of your points ring true for me, especially recently. “Forgiveness is not limited to those who deserve it, those who apologize, or those who change!”–absolutely. SO hard to fathom, but that’s what Christ did for us. It’s amazing the peace I feel when I forgive someone who hasn’t asked for forgiveness but is causing me a lot of grief.

  9. Jasanna
    February 18, 2012 | 4:28 pm

    Hey! I hear you! That darn forgiveness. :) Sometimes I *think* I have forgiven only to find out in a couple days I am still thinking on it. . oops! But you’re right. It’s not because the people “deserve” to be forgiven. I mean, none of us deserve any of that really. :) Thank goodness for Jesus!

    I can’t watch scary movies either. It doesn’t have to do with forgiveness but it seems to real to me a lot of times. I don’t like to think on serial killers or demons or possessed people. Just not my cup o’ tea. I used to love getting scared, but I’ve come to realize it almost glorifies that sort of thing and I’m just not into it. :)

  10. Deidre~
    February 18, 2012 | 9:00 pm

    WOW!! How could you know that Ive been struggeling with this very issue? God always amazes me by putting the right person in my path at just the right time.Thank you for being that person today:)You’ve definately made me stop and think about it in a new light.Deidre~ Please stop by and chat with me sometime? :)

  11. Jennie Mae
    February 18, 2012 | 9:37 pm

    WOW! That was awesome and needful. I so enjoyed the quotes. This is my first attempt at a comment, but I love your blog!

  12. Jelli
    February 19, 2012 | 3:09 am

    Reneee, thanks so much for the help with my siggy. I got the border off, thanks to you, and I’m so happy you visited!

  13. momto8blog
    February 19, 2012 | 4:19 am

    or we can pray for the grace to want to be able to start to forgive….
    I am your newest follower…pls follow back if you can.

  14. Rachel @ Grasping for Objectivity
    February 20, 2012 | 7:57 pm

    Beautiful thoughts. Yes, I am absolutely a stewer, and I have a major problem with feeling entitled to a proper apology. Thanks for the encouragement!

  15. Laine
    February 27, 2012 | 9:37 pm

    Great post Renee! I struggle just like you with being a “stewer” and having a hard time letting things go. I always have to remind myself that while I have never done anything to deserve Christ’s forgiveness, He freely gave it anyway. And to top it off, when I come to Him and ask forgiveness for the same thing, over and over again, it’s as if I’d only asked Him once because once He forgives, He forgets. Truly an amazing thought!

    Thanks again for sharing your heart. It encouraged me!

Thoughts on Forgiveness

forgiveness enlarge{source}

I’ve had my share of the technical blog talk of late… as I’m sure all of you have too!  Thank you for indulging me in my last post.  You all are the best!   :) 

I’m focusing on the fact that whatever will be, will be on the little blog o’ mine.  :)

So instead of the Beautify your Blog post, I want to get a teensy personal today {gulp} and share a great big flaw of mine.

Who knows.  Maybe some of you can relate. 

We all want to BE forgiven for our many many wrongs, don’t we? But sometimes we tend to hoard that same forgiveness from others. 

Okay, is that just me??

I’m what you could call a sensitive person.  I can’t watch terribly disturbing shows or movies without dwelling on them for hours or sometimes days later.

I’ll never forget when my hubby and I were newly dating, and he was so excited to show me his favorite movie… Seven.  After the credits rolled, I was so seriously freaked, I cried. 

That was one of those most disturbing movies I think I’ve ever seen. It’s about a serial killer who killed people based on the seven deadly sins from Proverbs, just in case you were wondering.

After Chris watches or hears something horridly awful on Dateline or 20/20 or even the regular old news nowadays, he has this magical ability to just turn it off in his brain and sleep like a baby. 

I’m a muser and a dweller.  I just can’t get stuff outta my head for some unknown reason.

worried woman{source}

This has proved interesting in our marriage too.  A statement made by Chris and promptly forgotten is ingested and analyzed and stewed over by me. 


I was gripped recently with some liberating thoughts on forgiveness

Forgiveness is not a magical feeling that suddenly comes over you and allows you to let things go and move on.  As hard as it is, Forgiveness is just a choice

True Forgiveness is a choice to release the person who hurt us from the pain they have caused.  — M. Southerland, GiG

That was a powerful thought to me.  Sometimes when I’m hurt, I want to hang onto those melancholy feelings and feel sad and dramatic just a little bit longer.  Almost as if I need to let the hurt FULLY mature and run its course.  Or something else equally bizarre and irrational.

What I’m saying is how I feel about the hurt is more important than forgiving the hurt. –M.Southerland

It’s important to recognize that while we can’t control when hurts come, it is completely within our control HOW we respond.  Even when the hurt is overwhelming, and we can’t understand why or how something happened, we can make a choice to forgive… just as we have received full and abundant forgiveness.


This last quote from Southerland really hit me hard…

Forgiveness is not limited to those who deserve it,  those who apologize, or those who change! 

Say what?

I think I sometimes operate under the assumption that my forgiveness should only be awarded to those whose apologies and contriteness meet my criteria and approval. 

But that isn’t grace.  That isn’t Christ

In our moment of pain, we may want to hang onto the hurt and feel sorry for ourselves a while longer, but letting go is the best choice we can make… for ourselves AND for the health of our relationships. 


Please do not get me wrong… I definitely have not mastered this concept… by any means. 

Just ask my long suffering hubby.   :)

Any fellow worrier, muser, dwellers out there? What do YOU do to turn off your brain?



Linking up at  Weekend Bloggy Link up, Bowl Full of Lemons, the 36th Avenue, Five Days Five Ways, and Someday Crafts.

20 Responses to Thoughts on Forgiveness
  1. Leah
    February 17, 2012 | 1:01 pm

    I’m def. a muser/dweller. I’m the same way with movies- can’t watch anything disturbing. It’s almost like I personalize it and it feels like it’s happened (or is going to happen) to me!

    As for forgiveness, there’s not a person on the planet that it comes easy for- it’s something we have to surrender to God and let Him do a beautiful work in our hearts.

    On my kitchen windowsill I have one of those wooden blocks that has a word on it. The word is “forgive.” On top of the block I keep a tiny package bow (a white one). It’s to remind me that forgiveness cleanses hearts and relationships. And it’s to remind me that forgiveness is a GIFT- to God, to ourselves, and to others!

    I’ll stop before my comment turns into a post….haha! :)

    • Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
      February 17, 2012 | 5:39 pm

      Love that, Leah! the gift package on top of the the forgive block – forgiveness really is a gift.

    • Renee
      February 18, 2012 | 8:52 pm

      Beautiful reminder! We do well to remind ourselves of the great gift WE have been given!

  2. Rachel
    February 17, 2012 | 2:23 pm

    I fall under the category of worrier :( I have to memorize and quote Scripture dealing w/this issue (and even then I fail quite often since I’m human!).

    As far as forgiveness I know that I struggle with forgiving based on MY qualifications for the person who wronged/hurt me (“they didn’t say/act sorry enough–or maybe didn’t apologize at all” etc.) However, there IS no prerequisite for someone to be forgiven by me…I must simply forgive. Period.

    Sometimes it’s easier to say then put into practice, but
    the Lord’s been working in my heart in this area and I appreciate you sharing your heart in this post! You’re right; forgiveness is a choice and God’s grace can enable me do it time and time again.

  3. Molly Swaffer
    February 17, 2012 | 2:36 pm

    Wonderful post, friend!!!!

  4. Amy
    February 17, 2012 | 3:26 pm

    I so understand what you are saying. I have been reading Hosea. Oh my! What a true lesson on ultimate forgiveness, and it is the picture of God to Israel. Wow! It is never easy, but I find for me that Godly love and forgiveness go hand in hand. The greater of His love we possess the greater we can forgive.

    • Renee
      February 18, 2012 | 8:59 pm

      Great point, Amy! Wow! Love that… ‘the greater of His love we possess, the greater we can forgive!’ So true!

  5. Carla
    February 17, 2012 | 3:44 pm

    I am all of the above: worrier, muser/dweller. Like another commenter, I personalize things, and that greatly limits criminal or scary shows…and even news reports/stories! The forgiveness things is really tough too…well esp. the letting go of it. Good post – very thought provoking!

  6. Ashley
    February 17, 2012 | 4:28 pm

    When I logged in to fb this morning this quote was right before your post. I thought it was fitting. “When you forgive, you set two people free, and one of them is yourself.” This is something that I’ve personally been struggling with lately. Thanks for the thought provoking post :)

    • Renee
      February 18, 2012 | 9:00 pm

      That is so true! Love that! Thanks for sharing it!

  7. Christina @ The Frugal Homemaker
    February 17, 2012 | 5:43 pm

    I am the same with not being able to turn my mind off. When we were first married, I couldn’t watch a crime drama show or even listen to the news (hearing news of murders, attacks, etc.) right before bed. I would go to sleep and end of having nightmares and wake David up in the middle of the night almost in tears from fright. Don’t know why. Don’t do that anymore – maybe it was just the change of a new place we were living, being married, new house, etc.

    And forgiveness… loved this quote you referenced “Forgiveness is not limited to those who deserve it, those who apologize, or those who change! ” I too wrestle with not wanting to forgive when the person doesn’t deserve it (in MY eyes). BUT, I didn’t and still don’t deserve Christ’s forgiveness – have to remind myself of that.

    • Renee
      February 17, 2012 | 6:25 pm

      It’s so funny/neat to see so many other people with the same issues as me! Not sure if it’s a guy/girl thing or just a creative type personality or what.
      Yes, it is life altering when we remember how much we have been forgiven!

  8. Erin @ His & Hers
    February 18, 2012 | 2:20 pm

    So many of your points ring true for me, especially recently. “Forgiveness is not limited to those who deserve it, those who apologize, or those who change!”–absolutely. SO hard to fathom, but that’s what Christ did for us. It’s amazing the peace I feel when I forgive someone who hasn’t asked for forgiveness but is causing me a lot of grief.

  9. Jasanna
    February 18, 2012 | 4:28 pm

    Hey! I hear you! That darn forgiveness. :) Sometimes I *think* I have forgiven only to find out in a couple days I am still thinking on it. . oops! But you’re right. It’s not because the people “deserve” to be forgiven. I mean, none of us deserve any of that really. :) Thank goodness for Jesus!

    I can’t watch scary movies either. It doesn’t have to do with forgiveness but it seems to real to me a lot of times. I don’t like to think on serial killers or demons or possessed people. Just not my cup o’ tea. I used to love getting scared, but I’ve come to realize it almost glorifies that sort of thing and I’m just not into it. :)

  10. Deidre~
    February 18, 2012 | 9:00 pm

    WOW!! How could you know that Ive been struggeling with this very issue? God always amazes me by putting the right person in my path at just the right time.Thank you for being that person today:)You’ve definately made me stop and think about it in a new light.Deidre~ Please stop by and chat with me sometime? :)

  11. Jennie Mae
    February 18, 2012 | 9:37 pm

    WOW! That was awesome and needful. I so enjoyed the quotes. This is my first attempt at a comment, but I love your blog!

  12. Jelli
    February 19, 2012 | 3:09 am

    Reneee, thanks so much for the help with my siggy. I got the border off, thanks to you, and I’m so happy you visited!

  13. momto8blog
    February 19, 2012 | 4:19 am

    or we can pray for the grace to want to be able to start to forgive….
    I am your newest follower…pls follow back if you can.

  14. Rachel @ Grasping for Objectivity
    February 20, 2012 | 7:57 pm

    Beautiful thoughts. Yes, I am absolutely a stewer, and I have a major problem with feeling entitled to a proper apology. Thanks for the encouragement!

  15. Laine
    February 27, 2012 | 9:37 pm

    Great post Renee! I struggle just like you with being a “stewer” and having a hard time letting things go. I always have to remind myself that while I have never done anything to deserve Christ’s forgiveness, He freely gave it anyway. And to top it off, when I come to Him and ask forgiveness for the same thing, over and over again, it’s as if I’d only asked Him once because once He forgives, He forgets. Truly an amazing thought!

    Thanks again for sharing your heart. It encouraged me!