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The Last Update??

40 wks (2)

I think this might just be the very last pregnancy update given by me on this little ole blog!  That is, if things go as planned and there are no more little ones joining us after #3 makes his appearance.  :)

This has been a long few days, as I have never experienced these final excruciating days of pregnancy.  Lemme just say they are not fun!  I really was feeling very melodramatic and even depressed as the days dragged on and on and on.  I don’t know how some go a week or two past their due date, really I don’t.  I don’t know if you can truly understand it unless you’ve been there.  It begins to affect your sanity. 

I found comfort in distraction whenever that was possible which did help as long as it was a good distraction like Babies R Us shopping. :) We went this weekend and Chris {as patiently as is humanly possible for him to be in BRU} let me peruse through the baby aisles for all the new and cool things out for babies. 

The most ridiculous thing I saw was a container of "Pacifier Wipes."  Yes, I said PACIFIER WIPES. 

paci wipes

Now there is a lot wrong with this product.  The obsession with cleaning the fallen pacifier usually ends after the first baby and sometimes after a few months with the first baby.  After that most of us "good" mommies are satisfied with blowing it as a sufficient cleaning method. BESIDES THAT… what in the world is wrong with REGULAR wipes if you find that it must be cleaned?  The craziest thing about this though is the price. 90 wipes for $10!  I guess the allure of this product is that they are supposed to be an all natural, food grade product with no chemical or soapy smell, but I hardly think that it is worth $10 for only 90 wipes.

Another funny, but kinda cool in a I-may-wanna-try-it-way was the Popsicle Drip Catcher

drip catcher

This is especially so cool for Wade’s age since he is incapable of eating a popsicle fast enough to avoid a colossal mess.

But, anyway… back to my shopping trip…  I ended up getting a pack and play polka dot sheet that was so cute and a new bassinet sheet that ended up not fitting.  I didn’t realize that I needed to actually get one that said "cradle sheet." So…. I went online and bought some super cute ones.  My thinking is that since the baby is going to be in the cradle for as long as possible I needed wanted it to be something I would actually enjoying seeing everyday in our room for a few months. 

A new facet of our sleeping arrangement plan is to set up the pack and play in the living room for night sleeping once he is a month or so old, but leave the cradle in our room for his daytime naps.  With our wild, stomping, yelling, singing, banging Wadester, the poor baby at least has a better chance of napping if he’s in our room.  At least that’s my theory anyway. 

My next doctor’s appointment was set for Wednesday, but I got a call Monday saying they needed  to reschedule.  They ended up working me in Monday afternoon, and I was so excited.  I was still 2 cm dilated and am 50% effaced.  Dr. Peach’s next day on call is Wednesday, so I made the big decision to just go ahead and induce if I don’t go before then.   I know induction is not the most ideal, but I felt like it was the right choice at this point.  I’m glad I waited until at least past 40 weeks, which makes me feel better about it…

So… induction is set for Wednesday morning at 8 am…. Hopefully, we’ll have a baby before too long!

In other fabulous news, Mom is scheduled to fly in late Friday night and will stay until late Monday night!!  She only has 2 personal days to take {one of the "perks" of being a Christian school teacher} so I am being thankful for a short visit as opposed to not at all.  They only moved to Florida last July so her not being here for one of my births just does not seem right.  :(  Unfortunately, the flight we found has her going through Houston on her way here with a 3 hour layover.  Of course, her son in law pointed out it just might take her the 3 hours to be able to find the connecting gate.  :)  {Just kidding! You know we love you, mom!}  At least her return flight is direct.

Today is going to be spent doing a list of last minute things including last minute packing, finishing up the laundry, mowing the grass {Chris}, and taking the kiddos over to Nana and Pop’s tonight before our big morning! 

With our iPhones I expect we’ll be providing more updates via facebook, so stay tuned!  If we’re feeling really ambitious we may even throw in a video update.  :)

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The Last Update??

40 wks (2)

I think this might just be the very last pregnancy update given by me on this little ole blog!  That is, if things go as planned and there are no more little ones joining us after #3 makes his appearance.  :)

This has been a long few days, as I have never experienced these final excruciating days of pregnancy.  Lemme just say they are not fun!  I really was feeling very melodramatic and even depressed as the days dragged on and on and on.  I don’t know how some go a week or two past their due date, really I don’t.  I don’t know if you can truly understand it unless you’ve been there.  It begins to affect your sanity. 

I found comfort in distraction whenever that was possible which did help as long as it was a good distraction like Babies R Us shopping. :) We went this weekend and Chris {as patiently as is humanly possible for him to be in BRU} let me peruse through the baby aisles for all the new and cool things out for babies. 

The most ridiculous thing I saw was a container of "Pacifier Wipes."  Yes, I said PACIFIER WIPES. 

paci wipes

Now there is a lot wrong with this product.  The obsession with cleaning the fallen pacifier usually ends after the first baby and sometimes after a few months with the first baby.  After that most of us "good" mommies are satisfied with blowing it as a sufficient cleaning method. BESIDES THAT… what in the world is wrong with REGULAR wipes if you find that it must be cleaned?  The craziest thing about this though is the price. 90 wipes for $10!  I guess the allure of this product is that they are supposed to be an all natural, food grade product with no chemical or soapy smell, but I hardly think that it is worth $10 for only 90 wipes.

Another funny, but kinda cool in a I-may-wanna-try-it-way was the Popsicle Drip Catcher

drip catcher

This is especially so cool for Wade’s age since he is incapable of eating a popsicle fast enough to avoid a colossal mess.

But, anyway… back to my shopping trip…  I ended up getting a pack and play polka dot sheet that was so cute and a new bassinet sheet that ended up not fitting.  I didn’t realize that I needed to actually get one that said "cradle sheet." So…. I went online and bought some super cute ones.  My thinking is that since the baby is going to be in the cradle for as long as possible I needed wanted it to be something I would actually enjoying seeing everyday in our room for a few months. 

A new facet of our sleeping arrangement plan is to set up the pack and play in the living room for night sleeping once he is a month or so old, but leave the cradle in our room for his daytime naps.  With our wild, stomping, yelling, singing, banging Wadester, the poor baby at least has a better chance of napping if he’s in our room.  At least that’s my theory anyway. 

My next doctor’s appointment was set for Wednesday, but I got a call Monday saying they needed  to reschedule.  They ended up working me in Monday afternoon, and I was so excited.  I was still 2 cm dilated and am 50% effaced.  Dr. Peach’s next day on call is Wednesday, so I made the big decision to just go ahead and induce if I don’t go before then.   I know induction is not the most ideal, but I felt like it was the right choice at this point.  I’m glad I waited until at least past 40 weeks, which makes me feel better about it…

So… induction is set for Wednesday morning at 8 am…. Hopefully, we’ll have a baby before too long!

In other fabulous news, Mom is scheduled to fly in late Friday night and will stay until late Monday night!!  She only has 2 personal days to take {one of the "perks" of being a Christian school teacher} so I am being thankful for a short visit as opposed to not at all.  They only moved to Florida last July so her not being here for one of my births just does not seem right.  :(  Unfortunately, the flight we found has her going through Houston on her way here with a 3 hour layover.  Of course, her son in law pointed out it just might take her the 3 hours to be able to find the connecting gate.  :)  {Just kidding! You know we love you, mom!}  At least her return flight is direct.

Today is going to be spent doing a list of last minute things including last minute packing, finishing up the laundry, mowing the grass {Chris}, and taking the kiddos over to Nana and Pop’s tonight before our big morning! 

With our iPhones I expect we’ll be providing more updates via facebook, so stay tuned!  If we’re feeling really ambitious we may even throw in a video update.  :)

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