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The Davis Dealio…


The Davis Man is now EIGHT MONTHS OLD people.  How can this be? :) 

8 mo Picnik collage

He continues to amaze us with his fun new achievements that are so very remarkable to us… his adoring fans.


He is still scooting up a storm with no actual real crawling on his knees so far.  I can usually tell when he is headed for some type of contraband by the speed of the scooting. 


The faster, more desperate the scooting… the more desirable the contraband.  :)

He is on the verge of mastering the art of pulling himself completely up.  As of now, he’s managed to kind of do it halfway here and there.  He was very proud of himself the other day when he pulled himself up on his knees at the edge of the recliner.  I looked down to see his big baby grin showing off this great feat. 


His biggest accomplishment this month was probably becoming an absolute PRO at sitting all the way up from the belly position BY HIMSELF! 

sitting upcollage

This has greatly improved the longevity of his ‘happy on the floor with my toys’ time.


We all love it when he does his mad and furious arm flapping as if he is about to take flight.  It sometimes seems as if he’s just so excited he can’t stand it. 


He has started waving a bit too, but not really in a  ‘mean to’ kind of way.  More like in  ‘Cool, my hand can go back and forth. That’s rad.’ That’s not to say that the rest of us don’t respond to his waving with our own wild antics in an attempt to coax a response wave back!  :) 

He has taken some steps while holding onto us {of course} and loves to roam all over Pop & Nana’s house in the walker. 


He is eating up a storm and seriously LOVING the cereal.  He is still just eating it plain which I really can’t believe since the other two could only handle it with fruit.  He gets extremely annoyed with me when the bowl is empty and makes sure I know it.  I hate that I have to add insult to injury with the wet towel to wipe his face.  His angry wail seems to be saying, “Seriously?  You cut off the food and then do this to me?”

I was also greatly amused when I fed him his peas the other day.  He was eagerly straining forward hungrily anticipating the first bite.  Then it came, and he gave me the funniest, most disgusted slightly befuddled face…  “I’m sooo hungry, but am I hungry enough for this?”


A week shy of turning the BIG eight months, we made the monumental and fairly sudden transition from almost exclusively nursing to… bottles. 

I have to say I am most definitely so happy and even proud that we made it this far in the nursing battle. {Yes, it IS a battle… an almost constant daily one.} My biggest goal early on I think had been to make it to six months. So yes, I am happy to have almost made it to eight months.

Especially considering my track record with the other two… Haylee… 6 week-ish and Wade… uh, about 3 seconds.


He just wasn’t seeming to be content or satisfied before and was doing a lot of unhappy fussing. 

He has done really well on the bottle… seeming to be much happier which is always good in the baby world.

So far, we’re still nursing once in the morning which I hope we can keep up with, but if that fizzles out too, it’s okay


Can’t believe that our Davis Man is already EIGHT MONTHS old!  I know I will just blink my eyes and this will happen…

big babiescollage


Time is definitely FLYING by on us…







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…yes, definitely f l y i n g by…

1to8 month collage


PS… yes, I had hardly taken any pics of the little man this month and had to try to catch it all up in one day… hence the forty-eleven pics in the same onesie.   #itscalledneglectedbabynumber3   #sueme

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The Davis Dealio…


The Davis Man is now EIGHT MONTHS OLD people.  How can this be? :) 

8 mo Picnik collage

He continues to amaze us with his fun new achievements that are so very remarkable to us… his adoring fans.


He is still scooting up a storm with no actual real crawling on his knees so far.  I can usually tell when he is headed for some type of contraband by the speed of the scooting. 


The faster, more desperate the scooting… the more desirable the contraband.  :)

He is on the verge of mastering the art of pulling himself completely up.  As of now, he’s managed to kind of do it halfway here and there.  He was very proud of himself the other day when he pulled himself up on his knees at the edge of the recliner.  I looked down to see his big baby grin showing off this great feat. 


His biggest accomplishment this month was probably becoming an absolute PRO at sitting all the way up from the belly position BY HIMSELF! 

sitting upcollage

This has greatly improved the longevity of his ‘happy on the floor with my toys’ time.


We all love it when he does his mad and furious arm flapping as if he is about to take flight.  It sometimes seems as if he’s just so excited he can’t stand it. 


He has started waving a bit too, but not really in a  ‘mean to’ kind of way.  More like in  ‘Cool, my hand can go back and forth. That’s rad.’ That’s not to say that the rest of us don’t respond to his waving with our own wild antics in an attempt to coax a response wave back!  :) 

He has taken some steps while holding onto us {of course} and loves to roam all over Pop & Nana’s house in the walker. 


He is eating up a storm and seriously LOVING the cereal.  He is still just eating it plain which I really can’t believe since the other two could only handle it with fruit.  He gets extremely annoyed with me when the bowl is empty and makes sure I know it.  I hate that I have to add insult to injury with the wet towel to wipe his face.  His angry wail seems to be saying, “Seriously?  You cut off the food and then do this to me?”

I was also greatly amused when I fed him his peas the other day.  He was eagerly straining forward hungrily anticipating the first bite.  Then it came, and he gave me the funniest, most disgusted slightly befuddled face…  “I’m sooo hungry, but am I hungry enough for this?”


A week shy of turning the BIG eight months, we made the monumental and fairly sudden transition from almost exclusively nursing to… bottles. 

I have to say I am most definitely so happy and even proud that we made it this far in the nursing battle. {Yes, it IS a battle… an almost constant daily one.} My biggest goal early on I think had been to make it to six months. So yes, I am happy to have almost made it to eight months.

Especially considering my track record with the other two… Haylee… 6 week-ish and Wade… uh, about 3 seconds.


He just wasn’t seeming to be content or satisfied before and was doing a lot of unhappy fussing. 

He has done really well on the bottle… seeming to be much happier which is always good in the baby world.

So far, we’re still nursing once in the morning which I hope we can keep up with, but if that fizzles out too, it’s okay


Can’t believe that our Davis Man is already EIGHT MONTHS old!  I know I will just blink my eyes and this will happen…

big babiescollage


Time is definitely FLYING by on us…







IMG_2246 2




…yes, definitely f l y i n g by…

1to8 month collage


PS… yes, I had hardly taken any pics of the little man this month and had to try to catch it all up in one day… hence the forty-eleven pics in the same onesie.   #itscalledneglectedbabynumber3   #sueme

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