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Spooky Nights Where We Get Lots of Candy… yes, please.

I never did Trick or Treating when I was growing up.

Except for ONE time I was allowed to go with my friend at her grandparents’ mobile home retirement community.

Yes, you read that right.

I dressed up like a clown.

My mom was always afraid there would be razor blades hiding in the candy. Apparently she thought little old people living in mobile homes didn’t have access to razor blades.

My sister informed me this year that she read somewhere that there has NEVER been one reported case of razor blade candy. That is was all some sort of wildly travelling urban legend. I don’t know if that is true or not, but we didn’t have back then to find out if something is wild speculation or indeed fact.

I love seeing my kiddos in their costumes. All of their bad habits and behavior somehow melt away when they look so darn cute! This year we dressed up as a Dragon, a Pirate, and the ever popular Minnie Mouse!


It seemed very fitting for Wade to be a pirate this year, with the whole bum leg and all.  He, of course, would have been happier going as Spiderman again, I’m sure.

He was extremely GUNG-HO doing his arrrr-matey with a big dramatic hand motion which made a lot of the pictures turn out blurry!

He rode around trick or treating in style in his wheelchair…  getting lots of sympathy and attention, though it was exhausting for Chris to maneuver his ride up and down the crowded sidewalks and walkways.

Davis was the bravest little dragon you ever did see. He would walk right up to the houses in the midst of 15 or so kids and parents determined to get this candy. He did NOT want to hold my hand or be carried and he did NOT want to let his candy out of his hand.  :)

It’s hard to believe another Halloween has come and gone, and now we have to try not to gain 5 lbs eating all the candy!

It was a very interesting and memorable trick or treating. Hopefully our last one in a wheelchair. :)

One Response to Spooky Nights Where We Get Lots of Candy… yes, please.
  1. Heather Collins
    November 8, 2012 | 9:09 am

    Ok, all the kids looks great, but Davis is just TOO cute in his dragon costume! LOL Good luck on all the candy. Only Matthew went this year and he had to empty his huge pumpkin bucket into Michael’s jacket pockets so he could continue to get candy. It weighed several pounds by the end of the night and we are just doling out the candy a few pieces a day. At this rate, we’ll have candy all the way through tne New Year! LOL

Spooky Nights Where We Get Lots of Candy… yes, please.

I never did Trick or Treating when I was growing up.

Except for ONE time I was allowed to go with my friend at her grandparents’ mobile home retirement community.

Yes, you read that right.

I dressed up like a clown.

My mom was always afraid there would be razor blades hiding in the candy. Apparently she thought little old people living in mobile homes didn’t have access to razor blades.

My sister informed me this year that she read somewhere that there has NEVER been one reported case of razor blade candy. That is was all some sort of wildly travelling urban legend. I don’t know if that is true or not, but we didn’t have back then to find out if something is wild speculation or indeed fact.

I love seeing my kiddos in their costumes. All of their bad habits and behavior somehow melt away when they look so darn cute! This year we dressed up as a Dragon, a Pirate, and the ever popular Minnie Mouse!


It seemed very fitting for Wade to be a pirate this year, with the whole bum leg and all.  He, of course, would have been happier going as Spiderman again, I’m sure.

He was extremely GUNG-HO doing his arrrr-matey with a big dramatic hand motion which made a lot of the pictures turn out blurry!

He rode around trick or treating in style in his wheelchair…  getting lots of sympathy and attention, though it was exhausting for Chris to maneuver his ride up and down the crowded sidewalks and walkways.

Davis was the bravest little dragon you ever did see. He would walk right up to the houses in the midst of 15 or so kids and parents determined to get this candy. He did NOT want to hold my hand or be carried and he did NOT want to let his candy out of his hand.  :)

It’s hard to believe another Halloween has come and gone, and now we have to try not to gain 5 lbs eating all the candy!

It was a very interesting and memorable trick or treating. Hopefully our last one in a wheelchair. :)

One Response to Spooky Nights Where We Get Lots of Candy… yes, please.
  1. Heather Collins
    November 8, 2012 | 9:09 am

    Ok, all the kids looks great, but Davis is just TOO cute in his dragon costume! LOL Good luck on all the candy. Only Matthew went this year and he had to empty his huge pumpkin bucket into Michael’s jacket pockets so he could continue to get candy. It weighed several pounds by the end of the night and we are just doling out the candy a few pieces a day. At this rate, we’ll have candy all the way through tne New Year! LOL