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Some Sparks-A-Rama…

The morning after a short night on the town celebrating our anniversary at the cheesecake factory …

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…we loaded up the family and journeyed to watch Haylee compete athletically for the first time!

She has never done any team sports like softball or soccer or anything, so this was a big day.  :)

It was the Amazing  and Riveting Awana Sparks-a-rama!

{The Sparkies from our church were competing against other Sparkies from neighboring churches.} 

Big Stuff, I know.

It was cute how excited and nervous Haylee was.  It was definitely big stuff to her!

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She didn’t even want to wave at us or look our way for more than a milli-second!  Apparently, we are already quite the embarrassment!


IMG_2020 2{The keeptheballoonup game…}


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Wade was fascinated with the excitement as you can tell, although he did manage a “Go Haylee” which is better than Davis Man.

He decided {much to my delight} to snooze most of the time!


IMG_2026{Look at em go! The grabontothenoodle game…}



This is her new Sparks-a-rama patch that will probably join the pile of other patches yet to be sewn ironed on to her vest! Yes, I am that mom.



Davis decided to awaken so he could tell Haylee he was so proud of her.  I think she liked having him as a “show and tell” of sorts. :)


IMG_2033{The WINNING team!  Whoohoo!}


IMG_2035{Silly faces…}


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Great job, Haylee! We’re so proud of you on your first athletic event! 

Just for fun, here’s her journal assignment about the Big Day…

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Some Sparks-A-Rama…

The morning after a short night on the town celebrating our anniversary at the cheesecake factory …

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…we loaded up the family and journeyed to watch Haylee compete athletically for the first time!

She has never done any team sports like softball or soccer or anything, so this was a big day.  :)

It was the Amazing  and Riveting Awana Sparks-a-rama!

{The Sparkies from our church were competing against other Sparkies from neighboring churches.} 

Big Stuff, I know.

It was cute how excited and nervous Haylee was.  It was definitely big stuff to her!

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She didn’t even want to wave at us or look our way for more than a milli-second!  Apparently, we are already quite the embarrassment!


IMG_2020 2{The keeptheballoonup game…}


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Wade was fascinated with the excitement as you can tell, although he did manage a “Go Haylee” which is better than Davis Man.

He decided {much to my delight} to snooze most of the time!


IMG_2026{Look at em go! The grabontothenoodle game…}



This is her new Sparks-a-rama patch that will probably join the pile of other patches yet to be sewn ironed on to her vest! Yes, I am that mom.



Davis decided to awaken so he could tell Haylee he was so proud of her.  I think she liked having him as a “show and tell” of sorts. :)


IMG_2033{The WINNING team!  Whoohoo!}


IMG_2035{Silly faces…}


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Great job, Haylee! We’re so proud of you on your first athletic event! 

Just for fun, here’s her journal assignment about the Big Day…

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