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Seven Sensational Months

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Today the Davis Man is {somehow} SEVEN months old.  I have mixed emotions about the fact that he is definitely past the infant stage.  Probably because I know that he is our last wee one, and while it is exhausting, it is also quite fulfilling getting lots and lots of baby cuddles

Getting snuggles from little boys gets progressively harder the older they get. 

This older stage is bringing with it lots of new things.  I think that’s one of the neat-o things about babies. They seem to always be learning something new, and for some reason that is fascinating to the rest of us.

We are easily amused.

I am literally amazed that we have managed to keep nursing this long. I don’t exactly have the best track record if you consider 6 weeks-ish for Haylee {complete with a  hospital stay} and about 2 days seconds for Wade. In light of that, SEVEN months nursing is a HUGE accomplishment for me.  We did have a rough start with lots of weight checks and even about a month of supplementing with formula after each feeding, which makes the seven months even more of a victory.

At this point, he is nursing 5 to 6 times a day for around 20 minutes.  Thankfully the hour long marathon feeding sessions are a thing of the past!  We usually end up cluster feeding in the evening and then a bottle to knock him out before beddie-by.

Speaking of which he is usually napping 3-4 times a day and sleeping at night from around 8:00 to 8:30 pm until around 6:00 to 6:30 am.  Once in a while he’ll throw in a seven or even closer to eight, but that’s only a very rare occasion.  :) I always lay him on his back, but 9 times out of 10 he flips to his belly to sleep.

He is LOVING solids, and will seriously gobble up his bowl of cereal in just a few minutes.  I should time it because it’s ridiculously fast. It’s never enough too.  He’s always looking around when it’s over like what’s up with this?  No more food? 

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It makes me laugh too when he zones in on anyone in his sight who happens to be carrying a bowl… any bowl.

He has done well with other baby foods too… his first was peas, then green beans and then we rocked his taste buds with bananas!  He did give me some very interesting looks with the peas, which we, of course, found entertaining.  :)


I’ve gotta share too about a rad and fabulous baby snack called Mum-Mums.  Have you heard of them? Another mom in the nursery mentioned them, and I gave it a try.  They are an all natural teething biscuit similar to the dreaded biter biscuit that causes despair and destruction to all in its path.  You know, those biter biscuits? I learned to only offer those after baby was sufficiently stripped to the diaper.

These are sort of like rice cakes and since they are a few inches long they are much easier for little fingers to hold onto than cheerios or puffs.

Davis loves them!

He is sitting up better and better, though after a minute he does do a slow leeeean and plop down on his side, as well as the more dramatic and quick falling straight on his back and konking his head too.  Most of the time he doesn’t even seem phased by falling {even by means of the dramatic method} though the loud konk is quite disturbing to the rest of us.

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He is still a mad and furious roller and amazingly has just added scooting to his repertoire.  


I am much afraid that full on crawling is coming ALL TOO SOON!  I am soo not ready for the new chapter that is going to open.

We visited a different park the other day, and Davis got his first  try on the swings!

Picnik collage
He was definitely a fan.  :)  I loved seeing his big grin with his two little teethers poking out.

Happy SEVEN months to our Sweet Little Man!

1to7 months

3 Responses to Seven Sensational Months
  1. Susana C.
    April 22, 2011 | 8:16 pm

    Wow. 7 mos! time flies. he's so caute! enjoyed it!

  2. Ellen
    April 23, 2011 | 1:08 am

    Where does the time go?! ;) I love the pics at the end, showing how he's changed. He is SUCH a cutie. I love his bright smiling eyes. Congrats on the breast-feeding success, too. Definitely longer than I made it with both girls…

    It is most certainly harder when you know they are your last. You seem to become even more sentimental about every little thing,… ;) Enjoy it all! ;)

  3. The Lockhart Family
    April 23, 2011 | 3:36 am

    He's adorable. It's amazing how much he seems to have changed in just one month!

Seven Sensational Months

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Today the Davis Man is {somehow} SEVEN months old.  I have mixed emotions about the fact that he is definitely past the infant stage.  Probably because I know that he is our last wee one, and while it is exhausting, it is also quite fulfilling getting lots and lots of baby cuddles

Getting snuggles from little boys gets progressively harder the older they get. 

This older stage is bringing with it lots of new things.  I think that’s one of the neat-o things about babies. They seem to always be learning something new, and for some reason that is fascinating to the rest of us.

We are easily amused.

I am literally amazed that we have managed to keep nursing this long. I don’t exactly have the best track record if you consider 6 weeks-ish for Haylee {complete with a  hospital stay} and about 2 days seconds for Wade. In light of that, SEVEN months nursing is a HUGE accomplishment for me.  We did have a rough start with lots of weight checks and even about a month of supplementing with formula after each feeding, which makes the seven months even more of a victory.

At this point, he is nursing 5 to 6 times a day for around 20 minutes.  Thankfully the hour long marathon feeding sessions are a thing of the past!  We usually end up cluster feeding in the evening and then a bottle to knock him out before beddie-by.

Speaking of which he is usually napping 3-4 times a day and sleeping at night from around 8:00 to 8:30 pm until around 6:00 to 6:30 am.  Once in a while he’ll throw in a seven or even closer to eight, but that’s only a very rare occasion.  :) I always lay him on his back, but 9 times out of 10 he flips to his belly to sleep.

He is LOVING solids, and will seriously gobble up his bowl of cereal in just a few minutes.  I should time it because it’s ridiculously fast. It’s never enough too.  He’s always looking around when it’s over like what’s up with this?  No more food? 

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It makes me laugh too when he zones in on anyone in his sight who happens to be carrying a bowl… any bowl.

He has done well with other baby foods too… his first was peas, then green beans and then we rocked his taste buds with bananas!  He did give me some very interesting looks with the peas, which we, of course, found entertaining.  :)


I’ve gotta share too about a rad and fabulous baby snack called Mum-Mums.  Have you heard of them? Another mom in the nursery mentioned them, and I gave it a try.  They are an all natural teething biscuit similar to the dreaded biter biscuit that causes despair and destruction to all in its path.  You know, those biter biscuits? I learned to only offer those after baby was sufficiently stripped to the diaper.

These are sort of like rice cakes and since they are a few inches long they are much easier for little fingers to hold onto than cheerios or puffs.

Davis loves them!

He is sitting up better and better, though after a minute he does do a slow leeeean and plop down on his side, as well as the more dramatic and quick falling straight on his back and konking his head too.  Most of the time he doesn’t even seem phased by falling {even by means of the dramatic method} though the loud konk is quite disturbing to the rest of us.

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He is still a mad and furious roller and amazingly has just added scooting to his repertoire.  


I am much afraid that full on crawling is coming ALL TOO SOON!  I am soo not ready for the new chapter that is going to open.

We visited a different park the other day, and Davis got his first  try on the swings!

Picnik collage
He was definitely a fan.  :)  I loved seeing his big grin with his two little teethers poking out.

Happy SEVEN months to our Sweet Little Man!

1to7 months

3 Responses to Seven Sensational Months
  1. Susana C.
    April 22, 2011 | 8:16 pm

    Wow. 7 mos! time flies. he's so caute! enjoyed it!

  2. Ellen
    April 23, 2011 | 1:08 am

    Where does the time go?! ;) I love the pics at the end, showing how he's changed. He is SUCH a cutie. I love his bright smiling eyes. Congrats on the breast-feeding success, too. Definitely longer than I made it with both girls…

    It is most certainly harder when you know they are your last. You seem to become even more sentimental about every little thing,… ;) Enjoy it all! ;)

  3. The Lockhart Family
    April 23, 2011 | 3:36 am

    He's adorable. It's amazing how much he seems to have changed in just one month!