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Pigeon Forge Pics

I’ve uploaded some vacation pics *please click me* for your perusal… I may try to editorialize more later. Thought this would be a short way of doing it.

We did have fun at Wonder Works which is basically a hands on science museum though we did think it was a bit overpriced once we got in there. But please notice who’s higher in the above pic!! :) This was the view off our balcony! Very beautiful!

One Response to Pigeon Forge Pics
  1. Rachel
    March 29, 2007 | 10:49 pm

    Looks like you had a great vacation. I just loved visiting Pigeon Forge when I was a girl. I miss mountains.

    “I want to see mountains again, Gandalf; Mountains!” (LOTR).

    It’s too flat here, with not enough trees!

Pigeon Forge Pics

I’ve uploaded some vacation pics *please click me* for your perusal… I may try to editorialize more later. Thought this would be a short way of doing it.

We did have fun at Wonder Works which is basically a hands on science museum though we did think it was a bit overpriced once we got in there. But please notice who’s higher in the above pic!! :) This was the view off our balcony! Very beautiful!

One Response to Pigeon Forge Pics
  1. Rachel
    March 29, 2007 | 10:49 pm

    Looks like you had a great vacation. I just loved visiting Pigeon Forge when I was a girl. I miss mountains.

    “I want to see mountains again, Gandalf; Mountains!” (LOTR).

    It’s too flat here, with not enough trees!