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Mommy is Lost.

First of all… a giant, BIG, fat W-E-L-C-O-M-E to all the new peeps following along now!  Yesterday was quite the whirlwind, and I must say, I was pleasantly shocked surprised at all the LOVE via the HOH guest post

Here’s some of my fave posts to check out… Our Journey through Pain, What’s Lurking under your Sink?, My Confessions on Coupons, Our Family’s Big Detour, and My Top 5 Big Blogger Pet Peeves.

I was beyond giddy to see that I FINALLY went TRIPLE digits on GFC baby… WAHOO!!!!!!!!! A very, very big day at this little old blog, for sure. :)


The other day I decided to join Haylee and Wade’s game of hide and seek for a minute.  It was an epic round of the Three Kids vs. Mommy.  I should do it more often since it completely thrills their souls.  :)

I went to hide while they counted.  I only had the 100 seconds of Haylee counting to FIND a spot big enough & good enough AND get myself hidden.  There are only so many places to hide in our cozy little house, you know.  So this was no easy task.

As the seconds were ticking away, I finally decided on a spot.  I wedged all 5’8” of me under the crib!

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Unfortunately I ended up right over the air vent, with my legs tucked up underneath me so it didn’t take long for my feet to fall asleep!  I couldn’t move the toys over since that would give my spot away! 

I did enjoy the peace and quiet for those few moments alone in my little hideaway, though if I had known how long it was going to take them I could’ve found a more comfy hiding place.  :)

As I lay there scrunched I tried not to giggle as I listened to them try to find me. 

They started out with…

Wade: She’s a good hider.

Haylee: Where is she? We can’t find her.


And then after a few minutes of them looking and calling, it turned into…

Wade: {mournful voice} We looooost her!

Haylee: {serious voice} Mommy, call back to us!

Wade: {sadly} I miss her.


I guess I have to admit that I was hardcore and did not tell them where I was!  Number one, I was enjoying the peace, okay?? And number two, that is NOT how you play H&S!  No giving up!!  :)

Somehow, they managed to FINALLY find me all on their own, and everyone was overjoyed!

Wade greeted me with,  “You were lost!”  :)

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By the way, you might be a blogger, if you’re wedged under a crib making mental notes of the hilarious things your kids are saying to include in a future post.

smiley_face_bw free

4 Responses to Mommy is Lost.
  1. Kathy C.
    July 21, 2011 | 3:01 pm

    Hahaha… That's too cute!! How dare you get "lost" all on your own like that!
    Kids are so fun!

  2. Chris
    July 21, 2011 | 3:51 pm

    Read this at work silently laughing myself to tears. I had to stop twice and look away and think about something else then pick up where I left off. If u can visualize Wade and his facial expressions, this story is priceless!

  3. Ellen
    July 21, 2011 | 5:47 pm

    You are hysterical. So funny to read what the kiddos were saying when you were hiding. Loved the "You know you're a blogger when…" comment too. ;)

  4. Alicia
    July 21, 2011 | 8:20 pm

    So cute! My kids like to play hide and seek in the dark with their dad and to tell you the truth, I never play because I don't like the dark!!!=) You are a good mommy, and BTW, Congrats on triples!

Mommy is Lost.

First of all… a giant, BIG, fat W-E-L-C-O-M-E to all the new peeps following along now!  Yesterday was quite the whirlwind, and I must say, I was pleasantly shocked surprised at all the LOVE via the HOH guest post

Here’s some of my fave posts to check out… Our Journey through Pain, What’s Lurking under your Sink?, My Confessions on Coupons, Our Family’s Big Detour, and My Top 5 Big Blogger Pet Peeves.

I was beyond giddy to see that I FINALLY went TRIPLE digits on GFC baby… WAHOO!!!!!!!!! A very, very big day at this little old blog, for sure. :)


The other day I decided to join Haylee and Wade’s game of hide and seek for a minute.  It was an epic round of the Three Kids vs. Mommy.  I should do it more often since it completely thrills their souls.  :)

I went to hide while they counted.  I only had the 100 seconds of Haylee counting to FIND a spot big enough & good enough AND get myself hidden.  There are only so many places to hide in our cozy little house, you know.  So this was no easy task.

As the seconds were ticking away, I finally decided on a spot.  I wedged all 5’8” of me under the crib!

photo (23) 2


Unfortunately I ended up right over the air vent, with my legs tucked up underneath me so it didn’t take long for my feet to fall asleep!  I couldn’t move the toys over since that would give my spot away! 

I did enjoy the peace and quiet for those few moments alone in my little hideaway, though if I had known how long it was going to take them I could’ve found a more comfy hiding place.  :)

As I lay there scrunched I tried not to giggle as I listened to them try to find me. 

They started out with…

Wade: She’s a good hider.

Haylee: Where is she? We can’t find her.


And then after a few minutes of them looking and calling, it turned into…

Wade: {mournful voice} We looooost her!

Haylee: {serious voice} Mommy, call back to us!

Wade: {sadly} I miss her.


I guess I have to admit that I was hardcore and did not tell them where I was!  Number one, I was enjoying the peace, okay?? And number two, that is NOT how you play H&S!  No giving up!!  :)

Somehow, they managed to FINALLY find me all on their own, and everyone was overjoyed!

Wade greeted me with,  “You were lost!”  :)

photo (21) 2


By the way, you might be a blogger, if you’re wedged under a crib making mental notes of the hilarious things your kids are saying to include in a future post.

smiley_face_bw free

4 Responses to Mommy is Lost.
  1. Kathy C.
    July 21, 2011 | 3:01 pm

    Hahaha… That's too cute!! How dare you get "lost" all on your own like that!
    Kids are so fun!

  2. Chris
    July 21, 2011 | 3:51 pm

    Read this at work silently laughing myself to tears. I had to stop twice and look away and think about something else then pick up where I left off. If u can visualize Wade and his facial expressions, this story is priceless!

  3. Ellen
    July 21, 2011 | 5:47 pm

    You are hysterical. So funny to read what the kiddos were saying when you were hiding. Loved the "You know you're a blogger when…" comment too. ;)

  4. Alicia
    July 21, 2011 | 8:20 pm

    So cute! My kids like to play hide and seek in the dark with their dad and to tell you the truth, I never play because I don't like the dark!!!=) You are a good mommy, and BTW, Congrats on triples!