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Menu Monday… Moving & Lasik!






 From the Freezer… Crockpot Cubed Steak via The Post it Place




asian chicken legs

From the Freezer… Asian Chicken Legs via 5 Dinners in 1 Hour

wednesdaysandwich supper



thursdayFavorites Buffet




 Pizza Night!

Our year is winding down with only about a little over a month to go.  This particular end of the year is going to give hectic a whole new meaning for me.

In less than 2 weeks, I have somehow agree to undergo Lasik. I still can’t believe I’m going through with it. I watched Chris’s surgery when I was pregnant with my almost 10 year old Haylee, and I have been traumatized ever since. The only reason I’m finally jumping on board is the horrid things about Chris’s surgery have completely changed with new and improved technology. Here’s hoping for an uneventful experience.

Then… one week after the simple and hopefully uncomplicated Lasik is our goal date to move.

So if you are keeping up with the math here, that means we are moving in less than 3 weeks.

And uh, things are not looking ready for a move around here.  I did the math yesterday morning and had a moment of silent panic over the state of our lack of packing.

attic before

{This was the attic a few weeks ago before I got started on it. I know. It’s alarming.}

I HAVE been going through lots and lots and purging ruthlessly. That to me is the hardest part… the endless going through of piles and deciding which items will make the cut to move, which are donated, which are trash, and what I think I could pass on to someone specific. I am almost completely finished purging in the kids’ room and don’t have much more in our room. The problem is that there isn’t much free time to do it except for weekends and those always seem to be full!


To top it all off, I also am moving classrooms at the end of the year. So yeah, if you see me twitching in the hall somewhere in late May, just know that it is because I have no place of calm and order… only chaos at school and home!


If your recipe was featured today, feel free to grab a button!

featured at lll button

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What are you eating this week?  Any Lasik or moving tips for me?

2 Responses to Menu Monday… Moving & Lasik!
  1. Leah
    April 22, 2013 | 7:57 am

    We moved 4 times in 4 years in our married life…the best advice I can give is to purge, purge, PURGE!! (and you are already doing that):) Right away AND over time you really see the benefits of having less to transport.
    Happy packing. :)

  2. Ginger
    April 22, 2013 | 8:44 pm

    Bless. you. May is crazy enough all by itself. Hope everything goes well for you and your family.

Menu Monday… Moving & Lasik!






 From the Freezer… Crockpot Cubed Steak via The Post it Place




asian chicken legs

From the Freezer… Asian Chicken Legs via 5 Dinners in 1 Hour

wednesdaysandwich supper



thursdayFavorites Buffet




 Pizza Night!

Our year is winding down with only about a little over a month to go.  This particular end of the year is going to give hectic a whole new meaning for me.

In less than 2 weeks, I have somehow agree to undergo Lasik. I still can’t believe I’m going through with it. I watched Chris’s surgery when I was pregnant with my almost 10 year old Haylee, and I have been traumatized ever since. The only reason I’m finally jumping on board is the horrid things about Chris’s surgery have completely changed with new and improved technology. Here’s hoping for an uneventful experience.

Then… one week after the simple and hopefully uncomplicated Lasik is our goal date to move.

So if you are keeping up with the math here, that means we are moving in less than 3 weeks.

And uh, things are not looking ready for a move around here.  I did the math yesterday morning and had a moment of silent panic over the state of our lack of packing.

attic before

{This was the attic a few weeks ago before I got started on it. I know. It’s alarming.}

I HAVE been going through lots and lots and purging ruthlessly. That to me is the hardest part… the endless going through of piles and deciding which items will make the cut to move, which are donated, which are trash, and what I think I could pass on to someone specific. I am almost completely finished purging in the kids’ room and don’t have much more in our room. The problem is that there isn’t much free time to do it except for weekends and those always seem to be full!


To top it all off, I also am moving classrooms at the end of the year. So yeah, if you see me twitching in the hall somewhere in late May, just know that it is because I have no place of calm and order… only chaos at school and home!


If your recipe was featured today, feel free to grab a button!

featured at lll button

tree post divider

What are you eating this week?  Any Lasik or moving tips for me?

2 Responses to Menu Monday… Moving & Lasik!
  1. Leah
    April 22, 2013 | 7:57 am

    We moved 4 times in 4 years in our married life…the best advice I can give is to purge, purge, PURGE!! (and you are already doing that):) Right away AND over time you really see the benefits of having less to transport.
    Happy packing. :)

  2. Ginger
    April 22, 2013 | 8:44 pm

    Bless. you. May is crazy enough all by itself. Hope everything goes well for you and your family.