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Menu Monday


Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Orange Chicken

Tuesday… Paula Deen’s Shrimp & Wild Rice

Wednesday… Southwestern Chicken & Salsa

Thursday… Favorites Buffet

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… Dinner w/friends!

Sunday… Ranch Pork Chops

This is a big week, folks.  This week the world is righted, and my parents finally arrive back in good old North Carolina!

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I have never thought it was right that a girl’s parents would move away from her and not the other way around! 

They have a lot of things to handle and take care of getting the house back up to speed after being vacant all this time, but in the meantime we are all so happy they are back.

Only three meals to prep this week plus browning some meat for later…



My “first” for this week… sautéing peppers & onions for the Paula Deen Shrimp & Rice.  NEVER done that before, and it really made me feel like an authentic cook, ha ha!   Is that sad?  :)

The hubs actually helped me this week which was awesome!  The Ranch Pork Chops were ALL HIM! 

You go, hunny!  That definitely scored you some hubby of the year points.   ♥


Click for more info on my meal prep plan if you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime.  {Did I mention I ♥ it?}

…. and here for more Monday Menu Inspiration from orgjunkie!


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Menu Monday


Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Orange Chicken

Tuesday… Paula Deen’s Shrimp & Wild Rice

Wednesday… Southwestern Chicken & Salsa

Thursday… Favorites Buffet

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… Dinner w/friends!

Sunday… Ranch Pork Chops

This is a big week, folks.  This week the world is righted, and my parents finally arrive back in good old North Carolina!

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I have never thought it was right that a girl’s parents would move away from her and not the other way around! 

They have a lot of things to handle and take care of getting the house back up to speed after being vacant all this time, but in the meantime we are all so happy they are back.

Only three meals to prep this week plus browning some meat for later…



My “first” for this week… sautéing peppers & onions for the Paula Deen Shrimp & Rice.  NEVER done that before, and it really made me feel like an authentic cook, ha ha!   Is that sad?  :)

The hubs actually helped me this week which was awesome!  The Ranch Pork Chops were ALL HIM! 

You go, hunny!  That definitely scored you some hubby of the year points.   ♥


Click for more info on my meal prep plan if you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime.  {Did I mention I ♥ it?}

…. and here for more Monday Menu Inspiration from orgjunkie!


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