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Menu Monday

menu monday 2

Last week’s menu was a BIG HIT!  Haylee loves to “rate” my meals each night, and I think most of the week’s meals got 3 stars or more!  She has been doing better at being less picky {knock on wood} but our Wild Wade loves to make dinnertime a challenge.

I know he’s only 3, but it is so *enjoyable* to hear the word “Yucky” after all the work that I put into it. :(  That’s why it was nice to have a few meals this week that even WADE ate up!!

The biggest shock of all without a doubt was the Salmon.  It was the meal I was most worried about since I have NEVER in my life made real fish, let alone Salmon. {Fish Sticks don’t count as “real” right??} The recipe I started with was for Grilled Salmon, but I made the choice to switch it to Baked Salmon.  I googled it and ended up baking it with the marinade wrapped up in foil! 

I actually steeled myself before Wade saw it because I just KNEW I was going to hear the dreaded word

Instead of “Yuck” I heard “Yummy!”  And he started shoveling it in his mouth. 

Jaw on the floor.

Haylee was a big fan too, and together we ate it all!

In other news, we had quite the interesting beginning to our week when we woke up to NO power on Tuesday!  Let’s just say we are very spoiled. I had heard that it might be several hours before it came back on and started to worry about the food in my fridge and freezer.  Specifically… my week’s worth of MEALS!  I couldn’t bear the thought of losing those!!

Following a suggestion from my brilliant sister (I taught her everything she knows} I stacked my meals in as small of a pile as I could and squished all of our ice packs all around them in the hopes that they could be saved! 

That afternoon, I decided to not let the entire half gallon of ice cream I had JUST BOUGHT go to waste, so we had a yummy snack of melted ice cream with chocolate syrup!  It was melted just enough to have the consistency of McDonald’s soft serve.  :)

The power FINALLY came back on around 5:30 that night, and as far as I could determine my meals were safe!  One of the small bowls had a sauce in it that was actually even icy somehow.  I think it is worthy of mentioning that despite already agreeing on take out prior to the return of the power, I decided instead to follow the original menu plan of eating in!

Are you proud of me? 

Let’s just say after an entire day home with no power, we were so very thankful to have the lights actually come on when we flipped the switch!

Here’s the menu this week…

Monday… Cheeseburger Sliders

Tuesday… Chicken Rolls

Wednesday… Porcupine Meatballs

Thursday… Favorites Night

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… Turkey Bacon Cheddar Croissants

Sunday… Ranch Pork Chops


This was a crazy week for Meal Prep.  I didn’t make it shopping until Sunday afternoon which meant that my Meal Prep was pushed to Sunday night after church after our late dinner. 

I made the mistake of trying to psych myself up for it by telling myself it wouldn’t take very long this week. 

Way to jinx it.

All of that led to me looking at the clock in shock around TEN PM and realizing I still had one meal to go.  My sad, sad time this week was 1 hour and 10 minutes for only THREE meals! I’m not really sure what happened except two of the three recipes were brand new which means they always take longer with the learning curve.  Not to mention that the Chicken Rolls took FOREVER and a day.  Ohmyword the fifty bazillion steps. 

I am reeeeally hoping its saving grace will be that it is amazingly delicious!

The other two meals literally were about 10 minutes to prep, not kidding. 

Thanks to all of you awesome peeps who actually clicked the button to follow me last week!  It was thrilling to see the magic number climb.  :)  {Am still waiting on dear old mum… ahem, uh, justsayin. I thought I was your favorite??}

As always, you can click for much more Menu Monday Madness!


4 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. ~Joan
    April 11, 2011 | 2:19 pm

    Hope you don't feel like I'm stalking you with my frequent comments. I made Porcupine Meatballs to take for lunch one Sunday when we stayed all day. A friend's 5-year-old daughter ate with us. Too many details to recount. Anyway, I asked her if she wanted some porcupine meatballs. She said no. She also declined my home made mac & cheese saying "I'm not doing cheese right now." I didn't know what to offer her…we weren't at home. Eventually she asked for a meat ball after seeing that everyone else was really enjoying them. She picked at it slowly, then asked if she could have a couple more. She even broke down and had some M & Ch. Later she asked me, "did you kill that porcupine yourself?" Without missing a beat, I answered, "Oh no–it was dead when I found it." Moral of the story is DON'T CALL THEM PORCUPINE MEAT BALLS IF YOU WANT YOUR KIDS TO EAT THEM!!

  2. Jolene
    April 12, 2011 | 1:53 am

    My kids LOVE Chicken Rolls (Bundles). I make a huge batch and freeze them separately on a cookie sheet. Then I store them in a Ziploc bag for later. They are yummy with mashed potatoes and a veggie.

  3. Ms
    April 12, 2011 | 4:39 am

    Hi There,

    I have a linky on my blog Ask Ms Recipe
    for any food related posts available on Tuesdays for any food related posts. Be sure to add you link so I can visit you back.


  4. Renee
    April 12, 2011 | 11:01 am

    Haha! Thanks for the tips on the meatballs. I will keep that in mind! :)
    I'm hoping the Chicken Rolls are a hit with my kids too… freezing them may be a good idea, though if you're freezing them I bet you are much faster than me at making them! :)

Menu Monday

menu monday 2

Last week’s menu was a BIG HIT!  Haylee loves to “rate” my meals each night, and I think most of the week’s meals got 3 stars or more!  She has been doing better at being less picky {knock on wood} but our Wild Wade loves to make dinnertime a challenge.

I know he’s only 3, but it is so *enjoyable* to hear the word “Yucky” after all the work that I put into it. :(  That’s why it was nice to have a few meals this week that even WADE ate up!!

The biggest shock of all without a doubt was the Salmon.  It was the meal I was most worried about since I have NEVER in my life made real fish, let alone Salmon. {Fish Sticks don’t count as “real” right??} The recipe I started with was for Grilled Salmon, but I made the choice to switch it to Baked Salmon.  I googled it and ended up baking it with the marinade wrapped up in foil! 

I actually steeled myself before Wade saw it because I just KNEW I was going to hear the dreaded word

Instead of “Yuck” I heard “Yummy!”  And he started shoveling it in his mouth. 

Jaw on the floor.

Haylee was a big fan too, and together we ate it all!

In other news, we had quite the interesting beginning to our week when we woke up to NO power on Tuesday!  Let’s just say we are very spoiled. I had heard that it might be several hours before it came back on and started to worry about the food in my fridge and freezer.  Specifically… my week’s worth of MEALS!  I couldn’t bear the thought of losing those!!

Following a suggestion from my brilliant sister (I taught her everything she knows} I stacked my meals in as small of a pile as I could and squished all of our ice packs all around them in the hopes that they could be saved! 

That afternoon, I decided to not let the entire half gallon of ice cream I had JUST BOUGHT go to waste, so we had a yummy snack of melted ice cream with chocolate syrup!  It was melted just enough to have the consistency of McDonald’s soft serve.  :)

The power FINALLY came back on around 5:30 that night, and as far as I could determine my meals were safe!  One of the small bowls had a sauce in it that was actually even icy somehow.  I think it is worthy of mentioning that despite already agreeing on take out prior to the return of the power, I decided instead to follow the original menu plan of eating in!

Are you proud of me? 

Let’s just say after an entire day home with no power, we were so very thankful to have the lights actually come on when we flipped the switch!

Here’s the menu this week…

Monday… Cheeseburger Sliders

Tuesday… Chicken Rolls

Wednesday… Porcupine Meatballs

Thursday… Favorites Night

Friday… Pizza Night

Saturday… Turkey Bacon Cheddar Croissants

Sunday… Ranch Pork Chops


This was a crazy week for Meal Prep.  I didn’t make it shopping until Sunday afternoon which meant that my Meal Prep was pushed to Sunday night after church after our late dinner. 

I made the mistake of trying to psych myself up for it by telling myself it wouldn’t take very long this week. 

Way to jinx it.

All of that led to me looking at the clock in shock around TEN PM and realizing I still had one meal to go.  My sad, sad time this week was 1 hour and 10 minutes for only THREE meals! I’m not really sure what happened except two of the three recipes were brand new which means they always take longer with the learning curve.  Not to mention that the Chicken Rolls took FOREVER and a day.  Ohmyword the fifty bazillion steps. 

I am reeeeally hoping its saving grace will be that it is amazingly delicious!

The other two meals literally were about 10 minutes to prep, not kidding. 

Thanks to all of you awesome peeps who actually clicked the button to follow me last week!  It was thrilling to see the magic number climb.  :)  {Am still waiting on dear old mum… ahem, uh, justsayin. I thought I was your favorite??}

As always, you can click for much more Menu Monday Madness!


4 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. ~Joan
    April 11, 2011 | 2:19 pm

    Hope you don't feel like I'm stalking you with my frequent comments. I made Porcupine Meatballs to take for lunch one Sunday when we stayed all day. A friend's 5-year-old daughter ate with us. Too many details to recount. Anyway, I asked her if she wanted some porcupine meatballs. She said no. She also declined my home made mac & cheese saying "I'm not doing cheese right now." I didn't know what to offer her…we weren't at home. Eventually she asked for a meat ball after seeing that everyone else was really enjoying them. She picked at it slowly, then asked if she could have a couple more. She even broke down and had some M & Ch. Later she asked me, "did you kill that porcupine yourself?" Without missing a beat, I answered, "Oh no–it was dead when I found it." Moral of the story is DON'T CALL THEM PORCUPINE MEAT BALLS IF YOU WANT YOUR KIDS TO EAT THEM!!

  2. Jolene
    April 12, 2011 | 1:53 am

    My kids LOVE Chicken Rolls (Bundles). I make a huge batch and freeze them separately on a cookie sheet. Then I store them in a Ziploc bag for later. They are yummy with mashed potatoes and a veggie.

  3. Ms
    April 12, 2011 | 4:39 am

    Hi There,

    I have a linky on my blog Ask Ms Recipe
    for any food related posts available on Tuesdays for any food related posts. Be sure to add you link so I can visit you back.


  4. Renee
    April 12, 2011 | 11:01 am

    Haha! Thanks for the tips on the meatballs. I will keep that in mind! :)
    I'm hoping the Chicken Rolls are a hit with my kids too… freezing them may be a good idea, though if you're freezing them I bet you are much faster than me at making them! :)