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Christmas Card Cheer!

I LOVE checking the mail at Christmas time!  I don’t know why it is so thrilling to me to anticipate whose card I may be getting, but I do enjoy the sighting of non-junk mail in our box.

I love the photo cards that are getting more and more popular these days… It seems that everyone is doing them!  The photo cards are the absolute best, because usually they are just so cute, and sometimes even have several pics on them for me to enjoy. 

This is actually the first year that I have done the photo cards.  (That is, if you don’t count the 6 free cards that Portrait Innovations gives you with their holiday portrait deal.) The photo cards are great, but they aren’t cheap! But…. you know what they say… “It’s not what you know.  It’s who you know.”  :)

B came into town around Halloween, and we started the Christmas card extravaganza.  It begins, of course, with the stress and search for matching, or coordinating, or at-least-we-don’t-clash outfits for the fam.  Since it was so early, I hadn’t had much time for the perfect outfit search of ‘09, so I decided to opt for the ever popular white shirt choice.  Only I didn’t realize how hard it would be to find a white shirt for the Wadester on short notice.  Since my shopping for the white shirt consisted of rushing in Walmart after school the day of, he managed to end up with a *mostly* white shirt, and I was proud of myself for being very zen about it!  :)

The ground was wet, and Wade decided to scowl horribly whenever he heard the word, “Smile!” but other than that, it was quick and mostly painless.

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Regardless of Wade’s attempt to thwart the picture taking success (He takes after his father with his love for photo shoots.) we were able to come out with this…


B not only took these pics, but she actually designed this card too! Isn’t she ahhh-mazing??!!!
The picture of Wade on the bottom right was the best smile of the night… achieved only by B chasing Wade all around the yard.  He thought it was great.

Mack has some kind of deal with, so we ended up getting a VERY cool double-sided card thing that turned out so cute!

Back of Card for Nay copybw

So basically, this year, my family “hooked me up” for a great deal… Wonder if me bragging on them publicly gets me locked in for next year too?? ;)

3 Responses to Christmas Card Cheer!
  1. Sherri
    December 21, 2009 | 4:06 am

    (Sorry about that… posting went haywire on me…)
    I just LOVED your's & B's cards this year! They were fantabulous! :-)

    BUT, photo cards do NOT have to be expensive. I ordered mine through, which Target will print in 1 hr. (the 4×8 sized ones anyway) for $11.00/25 cards! And they are offering more & more layouts that use more than 1 photo… It really is great to have/know a photog though… they just get the BEST shots.

  2. Renee
    December 21, 2009 | 4:14 am

    Wow, I didn't know that about shutterfly/Target… that's definitely a great price esp for 1 hour!

  3. Heather
    December 21, 2009 | 2:44 pm

    Whoo hooo!!! I LOVE your Christmas card!!! It is so very cute! I wish we had opted for the "sturdier" gotprints cards…but there is always next year…

Christmas Card Cheer!

I LOVE checking the mail at Christmas time!  I don’t know why it is so thrilling to me to anticipate whose card I may be getting, but I do enjoy the sighting of non-junk mail in our box.

I love the photo cards that are getting more and more popular these days… It seems that everyone is doing them!  The photo cards are the absolute best, because usually they are just so cute, and sometimes even have several pics on them for me to enjoy. 

This is actually the first year that I have done the photo cards.  (That is, if you don’t count the 6 free cards that Portrait Innovations gives you with their holiday portrait deal.) The photo cards are great, but they aren’t cheap! But…. you know what they say… “It’s not what you know.  It’s who you know.”  :)

B came into town around Halloween, and we started the Christmas card extravaganza.  It begins, of course, with the stress and search for matching, or coordinating, or at-least-we-don’t-clash outfits for the fam.  Since it was so early, I hadn’t had much time for the perfect outfit search of ‘09, so I decided to opt for the ever popular white shirt choice.  Only I didn’t realize how hard it would be to find a white shirt for the Wadester on short notice.  Since my shopping for the white shirt consisted of rushing in Walmart after school the day of, he managed to end up with a *mostly* white shirt, and I was proud of myself for being very zen about it!  :)

The ground was wet, and Wade decided to scowl horribly whenever he heard the word, “Smile!” but other than that, it was quick and mostly painless.

DSC_0374 DSC_0390

Regardless of Wade’s attempt to thwart the picture taking success (He takes after his father with his love for photo shoots.) we were able to come out with this…


B not only took these pics, but she actually designed this card too! Isn’t she ahhh-mazing??!!!
The picture of Wade on the bottom right was the best smile of the night… achieved only by B chasing Wade all around the yard.  He thought it was great.

Mack has some kind of deal with, so we ended up getting a VERY cool double-sided card thing that turned out so cute!

Back of Card for Nay copybw

So basically, this year, my family “hooked me up” for a great deal… Wonder if me bragging on them publicly gets me locked in for next year too?? ;)

3 Responses to Christmas Card Cheer!
  1. Sherri
    December 21, 2009 | 4:06 am

    (Sorry about that… posting went haywire on me…)
    I just LOVED your's & B's cards this year! They were fantabulous! :-)

    BUT, photo cards do NOT have to be expensive. I ordered mine through, which Target will print in 1 hr. (the 4×8 sized ones anyway) for $11.00/25 cards! And they are offering more & more layouts that use more than 1 photo… It really is great to have/know a photog though… they just get the BEST shots.

  2. Renee
    December 21, 2009 | 4:14 am

    Wow, I didn't know that about shutterfly/Target… that's definitely a great price esp for 1 hour!

  3. Heather
    December 21, 2009 | 2:44 pm

    Whoo hooo!!! I LOVE your Christmas card!!! It is so very cute! I wish we had opted for the "sturdier" gotprints cards…but there is always next year…