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Category Archives: Pregnancy

Good News, Good News!

After TEN long weeks of waiting for my follow up ultrasound to recheck my issues… ie.. Complete Placenta Previa and Fluid on the baby’s kidney,  I FINALLY got to go yesterday and get some answers.   My appointment was at ten and despite my hope that they would be less “backed up” earlier in the morning,…

Ten Weeks to go…

  As of yesterday, I am now shockingly THIRTY weeks preggo.  Somehow the days have passed quickly and I now only have 10 weeks left before Baby #3 arrives on the scene.  It seems as though we were just getting the big news, and now we are getting so close to the big day itself. …

Believe it or not, Baby!

Had to share these crazy baby stories…  Having a baby “traditionally” is pretty amazing in and of itself, but sometimes things that aren’t so traditional can turn into something utterly unbelievable.  Stories like these leave me hoping for the most traditional and uneventful birth as possible. This Minnesota woman (Midwestern women just seem tougher than…

Shopping Fun!

I have been “perusing” online for things on my wishlist… Mostly for the baby, but I’ve been looking for twin size bedding for Wade too since he’ll be “moving on up” out of the crib and into a big bed once the baby arrives… I made a nice bundle selling some bulletin boards and my…

More Showers!

This time, I was helping with the shower!  I had lots of fun helping with things for a Baby Shower for my good friend, Kristi. She has a little girl, Aubrey that is just a month older than Wade.  Now we’re both adding to the family again… her with another girl and me with another…

A Baby Shower!!

I was excited to have a Baby Shower Lunch given by my fellow teachers and staff.  It was scheduled the last day of school on a week that was… shall we say… less than happy.  But despite all that, several of us gathered at a nearby Mexican restaurant to celebrate. We enjoyed time to eat…

24 Weeks already?

I can’t believe that I am already at 24 weeks. So that means I’m 6 months preggo!  I calculate the months by dividing the weeks by 4, but I’ve recently learned that they are apparently lots of different ways people figure months. School is out, and I am looking forward to a few months of…


  So another change coming up in the horizon that I alluded to earlier is a housing one.  When we received our BFP (That means big fat positive, Mom…) we were stunned, of course, but one of our early worries was where to put this third little person.  It is a good thing they are…

My OB said What??

I am now 22 weeks!  Over halfway there!  I am doing my best to hold off on the maternity clothes and have managed to elude them thus far. It helps, I think, that I was 12 lbs  down when I started down the road of unavoidable weight gain.  My mom is currently losing weight big…

Pregnant Chicken

♥♥♥Thanks so very much to everyone for their congratulations and words of concern and comfort!  It means A LOT!!! I know my situation pales in comparison to so many mommies and babies out there, and I’m trying to count my blessings and remember that God has us in His hand.♥♥♥ If you’re preggo now, or…

Category Archives: Pregnancy

Good News, Good News!

After TEN long weeks of waiting for my follow up ultrasound to recheck my issues… ie.. Complete Placenta Previa and Fluid on the baby’s kidney,  I FINALLY got to go yesterday and get some answers.   My appointment was at ten and despite my hope that they would be less “backed up” earlier in the morning,…

Ten Weeks to go…

  As of yesterday, I am now shockingly THIRTY weeks preggo.  Somehow the days have passed quickly and I now only have 10 weeks left before Baby #3 arrives on the scene.  It seems as though we were just getting the big news, and now we are getting so close to the big day itself. …

Believe it or not, Baby!

Had to share these crazy baby stories…  Having a baby “traditionally” is pretty amazing in and of itself, but sometimes things that aren’t so traditional can turn into something utterly unbelievable.  Stories like these leave me hoping for the most traditional and uneventful birth as possible. This Minnesota woman (Midwestern women just seem tougher than…

Shopping Fun!

I have been “perusing” online for things on my wishlist… Mostly for the baby, but I’ve been looking for twin size bedding for Wade too since he’ll be “moving on up” out of the crib and into a big bed once the baby arrives… I made a nice bundle selling some bulletin boards and my…

More Showers!

This time, I was helping with the shower!  I had lots of fun helping with things for a Baby Shower for my good friend, Kristi. She has a little girl, Aubrey that is just a month older than Wade.  Now we’re both adding to the family again… her with another girl and me with another…

A Baby Shower!!

I was excited to have a Baby Shower Lunch given by my fellow teachers and staff.  It was scheduled the last day of school on a week that was… shall we say… less than happy.  But despite all that, several of us gathered at a nearby Mexican restaurant to celebrate. We enjoyed time to eat…

24 Weeks already?

I can’t believe that I am already at 24 weeks. So that means I’m 6 months preggo!  I calculate the months by dividing the weeks by 4, but I’ve recently learned that they are apparently lots of different ways people figure months. School is out, and I am looking forward to a few months of…


  So another change coming up in the horizon that I alluded to earlier is a housing one.  When we received our BFP (That means big fat positive, Mom…) we were stunned, of course, but one of our early worries was where to put this third little person.  It is a good thing they are…

My OB said What??

I am now 22 weeks!  Over halfway there!  I am doing my best to hold off on the maternity clothes and have managed to elude them thus far. It helps, I think, that I was 12 lbs  down when I started down the road of unavoidable weight gain.  My mom is currently losing weight big…

Pregnant Chicken

♥♥♥Thanks so very much to everyone for their congratulations and words of concern and comfort!  It means A LOT!!! I know my situation pales in comparison to so many mommies and babies out there, and I’m trying to count my blessings and remember that God has us in His hand.♥♥♥ If you’re preggo now, or…