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Bitten by the Christmas BUG!

holly You know that I am on a decorating kick, right? The result of said “kick” is that I’m in the Christmas decorating frenzy. There ARE a few roadblocks hindering me, however…

1) Wade… my 21 month old, one-man-destruction-crew.
2) Not enough “flat surfaces” (Chris lovingly told me soon after we were married that I had ‘doileys’ on every ‘flat surface!’) that are out of the little man’s destruction path.
3) Wade.

Buuuuut, regardless of my roadblocks, I am forging ahead while this burst of Christmas inspiration is upon me. I love decorating for Christmas, but it is so hard not to think about the soooooo short time that all these lovely things will be up. Before you can even blink, Christmas is over, and all those beautiful things mock you until you take them down!

I have some things that I’ve had for several years and some things I got new this year!! Whoohoo!

This is my Snowman Cookie Jar from Beau and Nicole about a million years ago… okay, maybe 8 or 9 or so. Chris still likes to refer to it as a South Park character as opposed to the adorable snowman that it is…


My poor, cute, little snowman has survived all these years, and three moves, but he finally met his match… Thankfully, it’s in the back so all is not lost. I am, however, very sad about it! :( Boo hoo.

I love this mitten too! The bright colors go so well in the kitchen…

This was a new purchase this year… I love these colors… bright and fun. We’ll see how many times I get to put this back on the oven. One of Wade’s favorite games is whipping down my dishtowels as fast as he can and immediately flashing his wicked smile at me.


My candle with ribbon accents… This is one of the ideas from thrifty decor chick… No brainer really… Take a candle. Take some ribbon. Wrap the ribbon around the candle. Use hot glue to attach… Well, unless you don’t own a hot glue gun, and all you had to use was duct tape. I’m sure that would be fine too. Especially if you live in the south. :)

Okay, now we’re getting to the good stuff! Isn’t this spuh-lendid??


I am literally in love with lighted garland. Why have I not been using this for the past 10 years?? I took my ribbon and bow that I had used on our tree and used it here. I also got these beautiful stockings at Walmart marked down after Christmas last year! Beautiful and cheap!026
I have wanted to 1) Have some sort of outdoor Christmas decor since forever! 2) Have garland on my door! I am seriously doing the happy dance that I have a lighted snowman and matching wreath and garland on my door!! It’s only taken 10 years, folks!


**Now I just need to add some lights to my wreath and garland!** Hee hee, I am addicted now, for real!


Don’t you just love seeing your Christmas tree lit through the window when you pull into your driveway… Ahhh… just makes me feel warm and gooey inside, and all… Christmasy!

And, last but not least folks is the TREE! We have a small living room, so we opted for a skinny tree last year to save on space. Our other tree is ginormous in diameter… seriously. So this one fits our room much better.CIMG4618

It’s up… pre-lit is so nice… No fighting with tangled lights!!!

CIMG4619Haylee getting in the pic… Is is just me, or do her wide leg jeans make her look SOOOO old??

Stage, um… 3 or so in the decorating process. CIMG4620

Haylee did all the balls but 2 or so. I hardly had to change much. I mainly had to move some to the top. I was very surprised at how well she did at spreading the different sizes and colors out…


Here is her “re-enactment” of putting the ornaments on. Her idea.


Take one with the silver bow, which is now on the lighted garland… and Take two with the mah-velous red bow!


Take three and four trying to capture the glowing allure of the Christmas lights… Somehow it’s just so hard to do with my camera. Or maybe it’s just me.

So, that’s it. All my Christmas inspiration thus far. I do have a feeling I am not done yet. :0

Merry Christmas!!!

2 Responses to Bitten by the Christmas BUG!
  1. Ellen
    December 3, 2009 | 1:33 pm

    Love it all! Looks so nice. I am lacking flat surfaces out of Lil's reach…. lol…. so I feel your "pain." ;) Cannot get over how fast Haylee's growing up!

  2. Rachel
    December 3, 2009 | 4:09 pm

    Very pretty!

Bitten by the Christmas BUG!

holly You know that I am on a decorating kick, right? The result of said “kick” is that I’m in the Christmas decorating frenzy. There ARE a few roadblocks hindering me, however…

1) Wade… my 21 month old, one-man-destruction-crew.
2) Not enough “flat surfaces” (Chris lovingly told me soon after we were married that I had ‘doileys’ on every ‘flat surface!’) that are out of the little man’s destruction path.
3) Wade.

Buuuuut, regardless of my roadblocks, I am forging ahead while this burst of Christmas inspiration is upon me. I love decorating for Christmas, but it is so hard not to think about the soooooo short time that all these lovely things will be up. Before you can even blink, Christmas is over, and all those beautiful things mock you until you take them down!

I have some things that I’ve had for several years and some things I got new this year!! Whoohoo!

This is my Snowman Cookie Jar from Beau and Nicole about a million years ago… okay, maybe 8 or 9 or so. Chris still likes to refer to it as a South Park character as opposed to the adorable snowman that it is…


My poor, cute, little snowman has survived all these years, and three moves, but he finally met his match… Thankfully, it’s in the back so all is not lost. I am, however, very sad about it! :( Boo hoo.

I love this mitten too! The bright colors go so well in the kitchen…

This was a new purchase this year… I love these colors… bright and fun. We’ll see how many times I get to put this back on the oven. One of Wade’s favorite games is whipping down my dishtowels as fast as he can and immediately flashing his wicked smile at me.


My candle with ribbon accents… This is one of the ideas from thrifty decor chick… No brainer really… Take a candle. Take some ribbon. Wrap the ribbon around the candle. Use hot glue to attach… Well, unless you don’t own a hot glue gun, and all you had to use was duct tape. I’m sure that would be fine too. Especially if you live in the south. :)

Okay, now we’re getting to the good stuff! Isn’t this spuh-lendid??


I am literally in love with lighted garland. Why have I not been using this for the past 10 years?? I took my ribbon and bow that I had used on our tree and used it here. I also got these beautiful stockings at Walmart marked down after Christmas last year! Beautiful and cheap!026
I have wanted to 1) Have some sort of outdoor Christmas decor since forever! 2) Have garland on my door! I am seriously doing the happy dance that I have a lighted snowman and matching wreath and garland on my door!! It’s only taken 10 years, folks!


**Now I just need to add some lights to my wreath and garland!** Hee hee, I am addicted now, for real!


Don’t you just love seeing your Christmas tree lit through the window when you pull into your driveway… Ahhh… just makes me feel warm and gooey inside, and all… Christmasy!

And, last but not least folks is the TREE! We have a small living room, so we opted for a skinny tree last year to save on space. Our other tree is ginormous in diameter… seriously. So this one fits our room much better.CIMG4618

It’s up… pre-lit is so nice… No fighting with tangled lights!!!

CIMG4619Haylee getting in the pic… Is is just me, or do her wide leg jeans make her look SOOOO old??

Stage, um… 3 or so in the decorating process. CIMG4620

Haylee did all the balls but 2 or so. I hardly had to change much. I mainly had to move some to the top. I was very surprised at how well she did at spreading the different sizes and colors out…


Here is her “re-enactment” of putting the ornaments on. Her idea.


Take one with the silver bow, which is now on the lighted garland… and Take two with the mah-velous red bow!


Take three and four trying to capture the glowing allure of the Christmas lights… Somehow it’s just so hard to do with my camera. Or maybe it’s just me.

So, that’s it. All my Christmas inspiration thus far. I do have a feeling I am not done yet. :0

Merry Christmas!!!

2 Responses to Bitten by the Christmas BUG!
  1. Ellen
    December 3, 2009 | 1:33 pm

    Love it all! Looks so nice. I am lacking flat surfaces out of Lil's reach…. lol…. so I feel your "pain." ;) Cannot get over how fast Haylee's growing up!

  2. Rachel
    December 3, 2009 | 4:09 pm

    Very pretty!