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AI… Say what??

I just watched the American Idol episodes from this week last night (we’re avid dvr users, especially with shows like AI or Deal or No Deal where the whole show is filled with nonsense time wasters). I was in utter shock to see that Melinda was voted off. She is without a doubt the finalist with the BEST VOCALS. Jordin and Blake do not even come close to touching her talent. Not that I’m a huge Melinda fan, though. I really didn’t think she would make it, b/c quite simply she doesn’t have the “look” a pop icon must have to make it big. Jordin and Blake, however, have that iconic spark to go along with their less than stellar pipes.
I did find it rather annoying hearing the judges seem to push Melinda every single, solitary chance they got. There might have been one time recently where they didn’t LOVE her performance. It’s supposed to be America who decides, right? But it does seem that the producers can contrive some things… like who the judges praise and criticize or who gets the most and favorable air time.
In my opinion, Jordin does a decent job, but in every song it appears that she has to make an effort to mask her somewhat fast vibrato.
Blake is, well… he’s boring. I get bored just listening to him sing, although Chris says that his rendition of “You Give Love a Bad Name” by BonJovi complete with his famous beat-boxing was the best AI performance ever. Blake has the look that the teen fans go far, but his contrived and repetitive dance “moves” are a bit much for me. Although, in his favor, he was a friend to my fav, Chris Sligh. So he does have that going for him.
I think as they announced that Melinda was going home, the thought running through Jordin’s head was, “I just won American Idol.”
I just looked up on vote for the worst and saw that they have picked up Blake to support. I guess that would explain him being in the finals, but I still am shocked that he’ll be competing against Jordin and not Melinda…
What do you think? Should Melinda have gone home? Do you find Vote for the Worst’s philosophy annoying or amusing?
We shall see…

2 Responses to AI… Say what??
  1. The Barth Family
    May 18, 2007 | 9:39 pm

    I’m totally with you girl. It seems to me that AI has really gone downhill since the 1st season & has become nothing more than a popularity contest. Blake or Jordin… eh, it’s about tit for tat. I do have to agree with Chris though, Blake’s beatboxing “You Give Love…” was AWESOME! :-)

  2. Rachel
    May 18, 2007 | 10:52 pm

    I agree absolutely. As a voice teacher, I was in awe of Melinda’s voice, and if she records a CD, will definitely buy it (which I’ve never come even CLOSE to feeling about any other AI winner or loser). Although, I have to say I’m not surprised she was voted off, due to your already mentioned reasons of looks and judge favoritism. Oh well, perhaps she’ll just cut an album and then I can hear her sing again . . .

AI… Say what??

I just watched the American Idol episodes from this week last night (we’re avid dvr users, especially with shows like AI or Deal or No Deal where the whole show is filled with nonsense time wasters). I was in utter shock to see that Melinda was voted off. She is without a doubt the finalist with the BEST VOCALS. Jordin and Blake do not even come close to touching her talent. Not that I’m a huge Melinda fan, though. I really didn’t think she would make it, b/c quite simply she doesn’t have the “look” a pop icon must have to make it big. Jordin and Blake, however, have that iconic spark to go along with their less than stellar pipes.
I did find it rather annoying hearing the judges seem to push Melinda every single, solitary chance they got. There might have been one time recently where they didn’t LOVE her performance. It’s supposed to be America who decides, right? But it does seem that the producers can contrive some things… like who the judges praise and criticize or who gets the most and favorable air time.
In my opinion, Jordin does a decent job, but in every song it appears that she has to make an effort to mask her somewhat fast vibrato.
Blake is, well… he’s boring. I get bored just listening to him sing, although Chris says that his rendition of “You Give Love a Bad Name” by BonJovi complete with his famous beat-boxing was the best AI performance ever. Blake has the look that the teen fans go far, but his contrived and repetitive dance “moves” are a bit much for me. Although, in his favor, he was a friend to my fav, Chris Sligh. So he does have that going for him.
I think as they announced that Melinda was going home, the thought running through Jordin’s head was, “I just won American Idol.”
I just looked up on vote for the worst and saw that they have picked up Blake to support. I guess that would explain him being in the finals, but I still am shocked that he’ll be competing against Jordin and not Melinda…
What do you think? Should Melinda have gone home? Do you find Vote for the Worst’s philosophy annoying or amusing?
We shall see…

2 Responses to AI… Say what??
  1. The Barth Family
    May 18, 2007 | 9:39 pm

    I’m totally with you girl. It seems to me that AI has really gone downhill since the 1st season & has become nothing more than a popularity contest. Blake or Jordin… eh, it’s about tit for tat. I do have to agree with Chris though, Blake’s beatboxing “You Give Love…” was AWESOME! :-)

  2. Rachel
    May 18, 2007 | 10:52 pm

    I agree absolutely. As a voice teacher, I was in awe of Melinda’s voice, and if she records a CD, will definitely buy it (which I’ve never come even CLOSE to feeling about any other AI winner or loser). Although, I have to say I’m not surprised she was voted off, due to your already mentioned reasons of looks and judge favoritism. Oh well, perhaps she’ll just cut an album and then I can hear her sing again . . .