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A Few Faves…

Don’t you love passing on something great you’ve tried that is really working for you?  And don’t you love getting a totally honest rave from someone and knowing they have no ulterior motives, so it really must be good? Well, I’ve been hanging onto a fun list of some of MY FAVORITE things for a while now, and I’m so excited to share them!  :)

These are ALL strictly my personal opinion and I got NADA from anyone for saying so.  :)

Warning… some, er, most of these are COMPLETELY random. 

fave things

#1… Jergens Natural Glow Lotion


If you are whitey like me and don’t have time, money, or desire to gain skin cancer from the tanning bed, then you just might LOVE this one.  The really great thing about this one is that it really is pretty natural looking.  No orangey fake tan here.  It does take several days to really do anything for you, so don’t wait till the last minute, and don’t give up before you’ve really given it a try.  Your beautiful but fake tan will only last as long as you are applying the lotion, so the daily upkeep is a bit of drag.  I don’t use it ALL the time, but it is nice when you want an extra glow!

#2… Dr. Scholl’s Heel Eraser


Okay, this confession is embarrassing but just in case there are some more peeps out there like me with the inherited saga of less then beautiful heels, you gotta try this one.  I’ve used heel lotions simply FOREVER, and this one takes the cake.  The bottle says something like “amazing results,” and they ain’t lying. 

Now, it IS a bit different than any other heel lotion.  You rub it on VIGOROUSLY until it begins to dry and flake off.  I didn’t realize this was coming and was a bit Shocked and Appalled when it happened the first time, ha ha! You’re just essentially rubbing the dead skin off, though, so no need to panic.   Afterwards, I use another lotion, Dr. Scholl’s Heel Repair Cream and rub it in smooth. 

scholls cream{via}

This is another one that takes consistent use, but it doesn’t have to be every day.   

#3… Frizz Ease Hairspray


I have a great addiction and need for hairspray.  I can’t seem to pry my fingers off the can most days, much to my hubby’s dismay.  :) In all my years of “research,” the BEST hairspray I’ve found {not counting the salon ones… haven’t tried those and I’m sure there are some awesome albeit pricey ones} is John Frieda Frizz Ease with the Moisture Barrier.  If you are a curly girl, you should definitely give it a try!  I love it because it has great hold but my hair doesn’t end up stiff or crunchy.  :)  It’s not exactly cheap, but I find myself forking over the $5 a can over and over cuz it’s just that good.

#4… The Great White Watch…


Ah, my white watch! I love it so!  One of my friends from church had a beautimous white watch that I was crushing on, so I was stoked to actually get one of my own for a belated birthday gift.  :)  The band is actually made of a rubbery silicone type material that it is so comfy, and I love how it looks!!!

DSC_0008 (2) 2

There are TONS of price ranges on these watches… from a few hundred for the name brand ones down to about $20 for a no name, and they come in lots of other colors too!

#6… Spectacular Soapy Rag Trick…

DSC_0009 2

Now, this is where the COMPLETELY off the wall RANDOM comes in.  Feel free to skim and stroke your chin in puzzlement.  BUT, just maybe I’m not the only one with this issue.  :)

I read a blog post forever ago {have no idea which one or when} about having a health department person come RATE your kitchen for sanitization.  Ah, how scary! One of the things they took off for her kitchen was that her rag wasn’t soaking in a sanitized solution.

I find it annoying that my rags will get a funky odor after a bit, and I decided to try my own little soapy solution for them to soak in.  It worked perfect!

I just put my rag in a little bowl filled with soapy water… that’s it.  :)

DSC_0024 2

It actually sits in a nifty little vintage Pyrex bowl right in my sink and keeps my rag smelling soapy fresh ready for its next assault on the Davis Man’s face full of jelly.  :)  I know I could just fill up the sink with soapy water and let it soak in that all the time, BUT I love that this way I still have access to my whole sink for piling rinsing dirty dishes. 

You just have to dump your little bowl and refill with fresh hot water and soap occasionally to keep things fresh and sanitized!

neato sites

It goes without saying that I <heart> Facebook, Google Reader & Calendar, Picnik and my bff Pinterest!  But here are a few more of my lesser known faves…

#6… Girlfriends in God & Proverbs 31












These two sites have pretty great devotionals for women both with the super convenient feature to have them emailed right to your inbox.  They are both good, but my first pick is Girlfriends in God.   They ARE both only emailed to you Monday to Friday for some reason.  Is it just me or is that weird?  Maybe they expect you to pick your own study on the weekends.  :)

I love that it is online and FREE with NEW content CONSTANTLY coming!  If you fork out $$ for a devotional it only lasts SO long, and then you are back at square one.  Either buy another one, or come up with your own thing.  This way, you never run out.  Super cool. 

What’s kinda crazy about these two is that they are both local!  What are the chances that the two devotionals I come across online are both local to the Charlotte area?  Weird, huh?

#7… My Listy


Are you an igoogle user?  Is that so yesterday?  I really hope not. I’m a total LIST lover.  I make lists ALL the time.  It’s how I function and survive.   Plus the feeling of checking something off the list is really indescribable. :)  My Listy is an igoogle app that is seriously awesome.  Here are some of the reasons I love it and use it lots!

  • I SUPER love that I can click the checkmark and it lines through the item and turns the checkmark from red to green!
  • I also LOVE that you can add tabs for different categories of lists!

I don’t think it has iphone functionality though that would be awesome.  But I really prefer lists on the computer, honestly.  I can type things in so much faster on the computer than I can on the phone.  It would be perfect if I could type things in on the computer, and then it would sync up with an app so I could view and check things off on my phone.  :)

And, yes.  I DO put shower on my to do list! Every little bit of accomplishment helps, you know!

#8… Wishpot


Wishpot is another super cool site that is totally rad especially for Christmas time.  Especially when you’ve got peeps in your gift giving circle that want MORE information on WHAT in the WORLD you REALLY want.   Basically, it’s perfect for most hubbys out there.  :) 

It’s kind of like Pinterest where you install the little button to your toolbar. Then from whatever site you’re on, you can add something to your wish list with the click of a button!  It includes a picture and detailed description of the item including the url of the site where you can buy it!

You also have lots of ways to share your list, AND there are privacy settings too if you only want a specific person to be able to view the list.  One other pretty cool feature?  It will email you with a notification when the price drops! 

Pop and Nana were thrilled last year when I made a wishpot list with ideas on what to get everyone for Christmas!  We were actually supposed to go out shopping with them to pick it out, but one of the chilluns was sick, so this was the next best thing.  :) 

I make one for Chris each year, and he’ll usually pick a few things from the list since he likes to keep me guessing as to what I’ll be opening under the tree.  :)  He’s a sneaky one. 

Well, there you have it!  A few of my faves!

Do you agree with any on my list?  Any you think you’ll give a try? 

:: Sometimes I Link to Weekend Bloggy Link up, Tatertots & Jello, House of Hepworths, Delightful Order, Bowl Full of Lemons, Organize & Decorate Everything, Funky Junk Interiors, Craft Envy, Somewhat Simple, Shabby Creek Cottage, No Minimalist Here, Skip to my Lou, Fingerprints on the Fridge, CRAFT, Today’s Creative Blog, Someday Crafts::

smiley_face_bw free


11 Responses to A Few Faves…
  1. Rachel
    October 19, 2011 | 2:34 pm

    Wow, this is some really great stuff! I'm definitely checking out that Girlfriends site. Lol, I'm the SAME WAY with lists. I LOVE lists. I put things like, "wake up" and "brush teeth" on my list so that I can feel like I've done at least something I meant to do, ha ha!

  2. Kimberly
    October 19, 2011 | 2:52 pm

    I have been wanting a devotional but didn't know what to get, so the Girlfriends site will be great! Im going to it right now! :)
    And wishpot, awesome!!
    Thanks for sharing your favs I love finding new things that I know are an actual recommendation, not an ad :)

  3. Liberty
    October 19, 2011 | 4:43 pm

    My droid calendar automatically synced with my gmail (my work account)calendar– I'm not even sure how–it is neat to see my calendar and my boss's all at a glance. But if I have a weekly occurrence of something and delete one event on my phone, That doesn't sync…. so there's a glitch.
    Have you ever tried a Sea Salt Scrub with essential oils for your feet? I bet you would like that. How often do you do the treatment/lotion? The second lotion you gave has 2 petroleum-derived ingredients which can't be absorbed by the skin…so you could get better moisture with a different product : )
    The restaurants I worked at kept their cloths in bleach water– and I always thought that was so gross even though it's what is required– because usually the water isn't changed often enough and there's a bunch of food floating…. but maybe I should try it at home– But I thought leaving a dishrag in the dishwater would let it stink– but I suppose that is if it is dirty dishwater? Hanging mine out to dry on the faucet doesn't keep the stink away either…
    Proverbs 31 comes up on my fb page so if it interests me I click on it…
    David made a wish list for ongoing for birthday, Christmas– nothing fancy, just on paper. But his sister thought that was juvenile and got him something else. Glad you do it too!!! How else are you supposed to get what you actually want!
    oh, one more thing. Awhile back I had to free myself of watches so that I wouldn't be so uptight about the time, being on time, etc. But now cell phones let me check the time all day anyway.
    Love all the pictures!

  4. Renee@LivingLaughingLoving
    October 19, 2011 | 8:59 pm

    Rachel… you should definitely try the Girlfriends site. I think you would like it! And glad there is another list fanatic like me!

    Liberty…If you keep changing the water and adding soap the rag will keep smelling fresh… otherwise stinky city!
    Maybe I will try the sea salt. You really only need the scrub one every few days and the other one every day.

  5. Renee@LivingLaughingLoving
    October 19, 2011 | 9:05 pm

    Kimberly, I know what you mean about feeling like a rec is really just a veiled ad.
    Hope you like the Girlfriends site! I love that it is emailed right to me!

  6. Kelli @ RTSM
    October 21, 2011 | 2:31 pm

    I love Jergen's lotion…especially in the winter. It's the only reason I can wear dresses to church:) I love your soapy rag tip! I need to give it a try because my dish rag always end up smelling bad after a little while of sitting on the side of the sink! Stopping by from Serenity Now.

  7. Deborah March
    October 21, 2011 | 7:23 pm

    I use Frizz Ease curl conditioner ALL the time!! Don't use the hairspray, but LOVE the leave-in conditioner!

  8. Emily
    October 22, 2011 | 3:57 am

    I don't know why I've never thought of the soapy rag trick, but I've totally been doing it ever since I read your blog post! I *LOVE* it!!! My weird smelling dish rag always bothered me…no more! Thanks for the awesome tip. :)

  9. Mom in High Heels
    October 22, 2011 | 6:53 pm

    Stopped by from Amanda's.

    Being quite possibly the palest woman on the planet (I make copy paper look tan), Jergens Natural Glow is my friend. I think I keep them in business.
    I'm also one of those super lucky girls who has frizzy hair. Pale and frizzy haired? I am a CATCH! Frizz Ease is my go to hair spray. even James Bond uses it (which means I have to buy more and more-he's a hairspray hog).
    I hope igoogle isn't yesterday because I use it all the time. I haven't put a check list on mine though. How neat is that? Must add!

    BTW, doing a week of giveaways on my blog. Stop over and enter!

  10. Laura
    May 2, 2012 | 8:01 pm

    Just found this post from the link in today’s post. Dumb question but…how often do you chance the water in the rag bowl? How often do you change the rag? Just curious…

  11. hcg weight loss info
    August 18, 2014 | 9:47 pm

    Make sure to buy your h – CG injections, drops, or sublingual pills
    from a certified doctor. Each year multiple ideas of what will work in helping us lose weight fast, is tossed around the radio
    dial, internet, and television about as often as Nicolas Cage makes movies.

    When you are doing caloric cycling you will have burn days
    and feed days.

A Few Faves…

Don’t you love passing on something great you’ve tried that is really working for you?  And don’t you love getting a totally honest rave from someone and knowing they have no ulterior motives, so it really must be good? Well, I’ve been hanging onto a fun list of some of MY FAVORITE things for a while now, and I’m so excited to share them!  :)

These are ALL strictly my personal opinion and I got NADA from anyone for saying so.  :)

Warning… some, er, most of these are COMPLETELY random. 

fave things

#1… Jergens Natural Glow Lotion


If you are whitey like me and don’t have time, money, or desire to gain skin cancer from the tanning bed, then you just might LOVE this one.  The really great thing about this one is that it really is pretty natural looking.  No orangey fake tan here.  It does take several days to really do anything for you, so don’t wait till the last minute, and don’t give up before you’ve really given it a try.  Your beautiful but fake tan will only last as long as you are applying the lotion, so the daily upkeep is a bit of drag.  I don’t use it ALL the time, but it is nice when you want an extra glow!

#2… Dr. Scholl’s Heel Eraser


Okay, this confession is embarrassing but just in case there are some more peeps out there like me with the inherited saga of less then beautiful heels, you gotta try this one.  I’ve used heel lotions simply FOREVER, and this one takes the cake.  The bottle says something like “amazing results,” and they ain’t lying. 

Now, it IS a bit different than any other heel lotion.  You rub it on VIGOROUSLY until it begins to dry and flake off.  I didn’t realize this was coming and was a bit Shocked and Appalled when it happened the first time, ha ha! You’re just essentially rubbing the dead skin off, though, so no need to panic.   Afterwards, I use another lotion, Dr. Scholl’s Heel Repair Cream and rub it in smooth. 

scholls cream{via}

This is another one that takes consistent use, but it doesn’t have to be every day.   

#3… Frizz Ease Hairspray


I have a great addiction and need for hairspray.  I can’t seem to pry my fingers off the can most days, much to my hubby’s dismay.  :) In all my years of “research,” the BEST hairspray I’ve found {not counting the salon ones… haven’t tried those and I’m sure there are some awesome albeit pricey ones} is John Frieda Frizz Ease with the Moisture Barrier.  If you are a curly girl, you should definitely give it a try!  I love it because it has great hold but my hair doesn’t end up stiff or crunchy.  :)  It’s not exactly cheap, but I find myself forking over the $5 a can over and over cuz it’s just that good.

#4… The Great White Watch…


Ah, my white watch! I love it so!  One of my friends from church had a beautimous white watch that I was crushing on, so I was stoked to actually get one of my own for a belated birthday gift.  :)  The band is actually made of a rubbery silicone type material that it is so comfy, and I love how it looks!!!

DSC_0008 (2) 2

There are TONS of price ranges on these watches… from a few hundred for the name brand ones down to about $20 for a no name, and they come in lots of other colors too!

#6… Spectacular Soapy Rag Trick…

DSC_0009 2

Now, this is where the COMPLETELY off the wall RANDOM comes in.  Feel free to skim and stroke your chin in puzzlement.  BUT, just maybe I’m not the only one with this issue.  :)

I read a blog post forever ago {have no idea which one or when} about having a health department person come RATE your kitchen for sanitization.  Ah, how scary! One of the things they took off for her kitchen was that her rag wasn’t soaking in a sanitized solution.

I find it annoying that my rags will get a funky odor after a bit, and I decided to try my own little soapy solution for them to soak in.  It worked perfect!

I just put my rag in a little bowl filled with soapy water… that’s it.  :)

DSC_0024 2

It actually sits in a nifty little vintage Pyrex bowl right in my sink and keeps my rag smelling soapy fresh ready for its next assault on the Davis Man’s face full of jelly.  :)  I know I could just fill up the sink with soapy water and let it soak in that all the time, BUT I love that this way I still have access to my whole sink for piling rinsing dirty dishes. 

You just have to dump your little bowl and refill with fresh hot water and soap occasionally to keep things fresh and sanitized!

neato sites

It goes without saying that I <heart> Facebook, Google Reader & Calendar, Picnik and my bff Pinterest!  But here are a few more of my lesser known faves…

#6… Girlfriends in God & Proverbs 31












These two sites have pretty great devotionals for women both with the super convenient feature to have them emailed right to your inbox.  They are both good, but my first pick is Girlfriends in God.   They ARE both only emailed to you Monday to Friday for some reason.  Is it just me or is that weird?  Maybe they expect you to pick your own study on the weekends.  :)

I love that it is online and FREE with NEW content CONSTANTLY coming!  If you fork out $$ for a devotional it only lasts SO long, and then you are back at square one.  Either buy another one, or come up with your own thing.  This way, you never run out.  Super cool. 

What’s kinda crazy about these two is that they are both local!  What are the chances that the two devotionals I come across online are both local to the Charlotte area?  Weird, huh?

#7… My Listy


Are you an igoogle user?  Is that so yesterday?  I really hope not. I’m a total LIST lover.  I make lists ALL the time.  It’s how I function and survive.   Plus the feeling of checking something off the list is really indescribable. :)  My Listy is an igoogle app that is seriously awesome.  Here are some of the reasons I love it and use it lots!

  • I SUPER love that I can click the checkmark and it lines through the item and turns the checkmark from red to green!
  • I also LOVE that you can add tabs for different categories of lists!

I don’t think it has iphone functionality though that would be awesome.  But I really prefer lists on the computer, honestly.  I can type things in so much faster on the computer than I can on the phone.  It would be perfect if I could type things in on the computer, and then it would sync up with an app so I could view and check things off on my phone.  :)

And, yes.  I DO put shower on my to do list! Every little bit of accomplishment helps, you know!

#8… Wishpot


Wishpot is another super cool site that is totally rad especially for Christmas time.  Especially when you’ve got peeps in your gift giving circle that want MORE information on WHAT in the WORLD you REALLY want.   Basically, it’s perfect for most hubbys out there.  :) 

It’s kind of like Pinterest where you install the little button to your toolbar. Then from whatever site you’re on, you can add something to your wish list with the click of a button!  It includes a picture and detailed description of the item including the url of the site where you can buy it!

You also have lots of ways to share your list, AND there are privacy settings too if you only want a specific person to be able to view the list.  One other pretty cool feature?  It will email you with a notification when the price drops! 

Pop and Nana were thrilled last year when I made a wishpot list with ideas on what to get everyone for Christmas!  We were actually supposed to go out shopping with them to pick it out, but one of the chilluns was sick, so this was the next best thing.  :) 

I make one for Chris each year, and he’ll usually pick a few things from the list since he likes to keep me guessing as to what I’ll be opening under the tree.  :)  He’s a sneaky one. 

Well, there you have it!  A few of my faves!

Do you agree with any on my list?  Any you think you’ll give a try? 

:: Sometimes I Link to Weekend Bloggy Link up, Tatertots & Jello, House of Hepworths, Delightful Order, Bowl Full of Lemons, Organize & Decorate Everything, Funky Junk Interiors, Craft Envy, Somewhat Simple, Shabby Creek Cottage, No Minimalist Here, Skip to my Lou, Fingerprints on the Fridge, CRAFT, Today’s Creative Blog, Someday Crafts::

smiley_face_bw free


11 Responses to A Few Faves…
  1. Rachel
    October 19, 2011 | 2:34 pm

    Wow, this is some really great stuff! I'm definitely checking out that Girlfriends site. Lol, I'm the SAME WAY with lists. I LOVE lists. I put things like, "wake up" and "brush teeth" on my list so that I can feel like I've done at least something I meant to do, ha ha!

  2. Kimberly
    October 19, 2011 | 2:52 pm

    I have been wanting a devotional but didn't know what to get, so the Girlfriends site will be great! Im going to it right now! :)
    And wishpot, awesome!!
    Thanks for sharing your favs I love finding new things that I know are an actual recommendation, not an ad :)

  3. Liberty
    October 19, 2011 | 4:43 pm

    My droid calendar automatically synced with my gmail (my work account)calendar– I'm not even sure how–it is neat to see my calendar and my boss's all at a glance. But if I have a weekly occurrence of something and delete one event on my phone, That doesn't sync…. so there's a glitch.
    Have you ever tried a Sea Salt Scrub with essential oils for your feet? I bet you would like that. How often do you do the treatment/lotion? The second lotion you gave has 2 petroleum-derived ingredients which can't be absorbed by the skin…so you could get better moisture with a different product : )
    The restaurants I worked at kept their cloths in bleach water– and I always thought that was so gross even though it's what is required– because usually the water isn't changed often enough and there's a bunch of food floating…. but maybe I should try it at home– But I thought leaving a dishrag in the dishwater would let it stink– but I suppose that is if it is dirty dishwater? Hanging mine out to dry on the faucet doesn't keep the stink away either…
    Proverbs 31 comes up on my fb page so if it interests me I click on it…
    David made a wish list for ongoing for birthday, Christmas– nothing fancy, just on paper. But his sister thought that was juvenile and got him something else. Glad you do it too!!! How else are you supposed to get what you actually want!
    oh, one more thing. Awhile back I had to free myself of watches so that I wouldn't be so uptight about the time, being on time, etc. But now cell phones let me check the time all day anyway.
    Love all the pictures!

  4. Renee@LivingLaughingLoving
    October 19, 2011 | 8:59 pm

    Rachel… you should definitely try the Girlfriends site. I think you would like it! And glad there is another list fanatic like me!

    Liberty…If you keep changing the water and adding soap the rag will keep smelling fresh… otherwise stinky city!
    Maybe I will try the sea salt. You really only need the scrub one every few days and the other one every day.

  5. Renee@LivingLaughingLoving
    October 19, 2011 | 9:05 pm

    Kimberly, I know what you mean about feeling like a rec is really just a veiled ad.
    Hope you like the Girlfriends site! I love that it is emailed right to me!

  6. Kelli @ RTSM
    October 21, 2011 | 2:31 pm

    I love Jergen's lotion…especially in the winter. It's the only reason I can wear dresses to church:) I love your soapy rag tip! I need to give it a try because my dish rag always end up smelling bad after a little while of sitting on the side of the sink! Stopping by from Serenity Now.

  7. Deborah March
    October 21, 2011 | 7:23 pm

    I use Frizz Ease curl conditioner ALL the time!! Don't use the hairspray, but LOVE the leave-in conditioner!

  8. Emily
    October 22, 2011 | 3:57 am

    I don't know why I've never thought of the soapy rag trick, but I've totally been doing it ever since I read your blog post! I *LOVE* it!!! My weird smelling dish rag always bothered me…no more! Thanks for the awesome tip. :)

  9. Mom in High Heels
    October 22, 2011 | 6:53 pm

    Stopped by from Amanda's.

    Being quite possibly the palest woman on the planet (I make copy paper look tan), Jergens Natural Glow is my friend. I think I keep them in business.
    I'm also one of those super lucky girls who has frizzy hair. Pale and frizzy haired? I am a CATCH! Frizz Ease is my go to hair spray. even James Bond uses it (which means I have to buy more and more-he's a hairspray hog).
    I hope igoogle isn't yesterday because I use it all the time. I haven't put a check list on mine though. How neat is that? Must add!

    BTW, doing a week of giveaways on my blog. Stop over and enter!

  10. Laura
    May 2, 2012 | 8:01 pm

    Just found this post from the link in today’s post. Dumb question but…how often do you chance the water in the rag bowl? How often do you change the rag? Just curious…

  11. hcg weight loss info
    August 18, 2014 | 9:47 pm

    Make sure to buy your h – CG injections, drops, or sublingual pills
    from a certified doctor. Each year multiple ideas of what will work in helping us lose weight fast, is tossed around the radio
    dial, internet, and television about as often as Nicolas Cage makes movies.

    When you are doing caloric cycling you will have burn days
    and feed days.